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Kendall managed to get out and onto the street. She couldn't remember what had happened it was a blur and all that she wanted was Simon. She wanted him to hold her and tell her it was okay.

She knew he had raped her, she knew that she had tried to defend herself. She knew it was a blur. Kendall sat on the edge of the road as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She was covered in cuts and bruises and she hated it. She sat on the path and wrapped her arms around herself as she started to cry.

She wanted to call for help but she didn't have her phone and she felt powerless. Kendall wrapped her arms around herself as she looked to see a car pull up. She looked as a woman walked over to her and smiled

"are you okay love?" Shea skews as Kendall shock her head. Kendall couldn't find her voice, she didn't trust it

"come on let's get you to a hospital, it will all be okay" she said as Kendall looked to her and nodded. Kendall stood from the oath as she was lead to the car.

Kendall was in a lot of pain, all that she could think about was what had happened to her and how she just wanted Simon to hug her and tell her it was all going to be okay

Kendall sat in the hospital as she looked to see Simon as he walked into the room. He asked over to her and hugged her as she sobbed into his chest. He held her close and smiled as he kissed the top of her head and smiled

"it's okay, I have you. Your okay" he said as he said as he sat on the bed and held her close as she sobbed into his chest.

Simon hated to see Kendall like that. He hated knowing he wasn't there and that he wasn't able to look after her. He felt as if he had let her down and it broke his heart

"it was awful. What he did to me, I..I think I killed him" Kendall sobbed as Simon looked to her and frowned


"There was a struggle, he was going to kill me. I pushed him and he hit his head. I didn't mean to Simon, I'd never hurt anyone" she sobbed as he pulled her close and smiled

"I know, I know you wouldn't but it is going to be okay. I am here and I am going to look after you, if he is dead or not I won't let him hurt you again I promise. Lily misses you and it will be okay as I love you" Simon said as he wiped the tears from her eyes. He knew he'd do anything for her

Kendall lay asleep in the hospital as she shot awake from a bad dream

"hey it's okay I am here" Simon said as she looked to him

"where's lily?" "She's with Lacey and your mum she's okay" Simon said as Kendall nodded. Simon looked to her and smiled. He could see how much she was struggling and he hated it.

Simon knew it was going to be hard for Kendall but he knew he wasn't going anywhere but he had no idea how they're life was about to change

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now