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Kendall sighed as she got to school. She stood from the car and saw that hector was looking at her. She rolled her eyes as she turned to look to her boyfriend, Simon. He looked to her and smiled "ignore him ken, hes just trying to get to you" Simon said as Kendall sighed as she grabbed the bags for the resilience camp from the trunk of the car. "well, its working" Kendall said as she went to walk off. Simon looked to Kendall and sighed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled to her "look at me" he said as she looked to him and smiled to her "hes not worth it, he just wants to bed you" Simon siad as Kendall rolled her eyes "not going to happen" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and kissed him. Hector stood across the yard and glared at the two of them. He wanted Kendall and hated seeing her with Simon. Kendall pulled away and saw Christine who gestured for her to follow. Kendall sighed as Simon frowned "what's that about?" he asked as she sighed "no idea, sort the bags out?" she asked as he nodded as she walked into the school.

Kendall walked into the office and looked to Christine "i just wanted to talk to you before the resilience camp" Christine siad as Kendall nodded "i just want you to make sure that you keep an eye on everything, i know that Simon is your boyfriend and i also know that he gets carried away with things" Christine said as Kendall smiled "it will be fine mum, trust me" Kendall said as Christine nodded.


Kendall got to the resilience camp and stood by the bus. She watched as Simon stood in horse poo and placed a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh at him. He noticed and shot her a glare before he set the pupils off in pairs. Simon grabbed Kendall's arm and pulled her against him "you were laughing at me" he said as she chuckled "don't laugh at me and behave or i will give you something to laugh about" he siad as she looked to him and looked over her shoulder and smirked.

Kendall and Simon walked through the woods together. She slipped slighlty and the mud and he grabbed her and pulled her close. She looked to him and placed a hand on his cheek as he pushed her to a tree and kissed her. She ran her hands through his hair and deepened the kiss and moaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her as she undid his belt. Her hand slipped into his boxers and he moaned. As he pulled her close and undid the jeans that she was wearing before he pushed into her and she groaned as he head hit against the tree. She dug her nails into his shoulders as he moved in and out of her.


Kendall and Simon walked into the camp. They were the last ones. They smiled as they walked in. Kendall sighed as she made eye contact with hector. She pulled away and sighed as she took a seat around the camp. Simon sat next to her and rested an arm around her shoulder. She looked around and frowned. She felt as if there was something missing "where Gabriella?" Kendall asked as she noticed she couldnt see the blonde anywhere. Simon frowned and looked around. He walked out of the camo where he saw her in a boat in the river "oh boy" Kendall said.


Kendall and Simon got back to school. She stood at the side of the bus and sighed "what a day" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and chuckled. He looked over as hector stood from the bus and glared to him "he could of risked it all, all of this" Simon said as she looked to him and smiled to him.

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now