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Kendall looked at Simon in shock. She couldn't believe what he had asked her. She didn't think their relationship meant so much to him. She knew that they had a child together and they both loved her to death. But she didn't think he would want to make things official.

Simon smiled. "Well? Will you marry me?" He asked again. He could see she was apprehensive but he wanted her forever.

"I need to think about it Simon. Too much has happened and I don't entirely trust that we won't hurt each other. I'm sorry," she said.

Simon nodded. He walked over to her and kissed her passionately. "I'll ask you in a week. Is that enough time?" He asked.

Kendall nodded. She knew he wanted them to work which is why he was giving her so much time to think it over. They kissed again and Simon walked out. Kendall sighed knowing everything was a huge mess.


Kendall found Lacey sitting under a tree. She walked over and sat with her. She took Lacey's hand. "You know you can be honest with me. Are you okay?" She asked.

Lacey shook her head. "No I'm not. I don't know if I'm going to be okay again. I'm broken Kendall."

Kendall sighed and held her little sister close. She could see how much she was struggling with everything. "Don't shut me out Lace. I love you so much. You are my perfect baby sister and nothing is going to change that. Please talk to me."

Lacey looked at her and nodded. "I-I didn't want to do it. They made me. It was so scary."

"What happened? I want to know. Now."

"The man who kept me hidden away. He made me have sex with all his friends. He got money for it and he kept hurting me. I was scared Kendall. He said my dad told them to do it. But I don't know my dad."

Kendall knew Lacey's father. He was a vile man who took delight in hurting those weaker than him. Kendall kissed the top of her sister's head and sighed. "You did the right thing by telling me. No one will hurt you again."


Kendall walked into the office. Christine was there. "We have a huge problem."


Kendall started crying. "Lacey told me what happened to her. She was forced to have sex with random men. The guy who did it. He said that her dad said."

Christine frowned. "No. He's locked up. He can't have gotten near her. Not after what he did to you."

Kendall shrugged. "He's clearly out mother. He didn't do it to Lacey but he's the reason she's so broken!"


Simon saw Kendall and saw just how anxious she looked. He walked over to her. "What's happened?"

Kendall sighed and shook her head. "I can't tell you. I really can't."

"Yes you can. Ken, I love you so much and I don't want you hurting. You can trust me with anything," Simon said.

Kendall looked at him and sighed. She sat down and motioned for him to do the same. "You know how my mum was a drunk? Well when she met Lacey's father, she was completely off her head all the time. He was horrid. He beat Connor and hurt him. He changed when Lacey was born. He softened up. But he changed again. He almost killed Lacey. Mum took her to A&E. I stayed to look after Connor. I was 12. Lacey was four and Connor was 8. I was in my room alone."

Simon frowned. "What happened?"

Kendall was crying. "He came in. He said that I'd been asking for it. For some time. He got me on the bed and..."

Simon could feel the anger overcoming him. He took her hand and kissed it. "And what?"

"H-He raped me..."

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now