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Simon stood in the doorway of Kendall's hospitality room as he stood on the phone to Christine. He stood watching Kendall as she slept

"she's okay, she is asleep and I am going to stay here until I know that she is okay. Is lily okay? Tell her we will see her soon" Simon. Said as he hung up the phone.

Simon walked into the room and sat next to her and smiled as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"your going to be okay Ken. He can't hurt you anymore and w are going to go home and it is going to be okay. We have been through so much and he is gone. You didn't kill him the police have him and he is going to go away for a long time and I promise he won't hurt you again" Simon said as Kendall looked to him as she woke up

"I'm a mess Simon" Kendall said as Simon looked to her and smiled

"no, your not, your still the frosty, hot headed beautiful Kendall who I met and kept me on my toes and I feel in love with. Lily needs you and so do I and it is all going to be okay, I promise" Simon said as he looked to her and smiled

"I don't want to loose you" she said

"I promise I am going no where" he said

Kendall sighed to herself as she sat in the car with Simon as he drove her home. Kendall was glad that she was going home but she also knew that she was scared and she didn't know what to do.

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed as they pulled up to their flat. He placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"lily misses you. So does Lacey and your mum. They just want to see if your okay and so do I and I know it's not going to be easy to get over what you have been through but I promise you that I will be here with you every step of the way" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

"I love you" she said

"I love you too" Simon said as they stood from the car. She winced in pain slightly as he wrapped an arm around her and smiled as he kissed her forehead and smiled as they walked inside.

Kendall felt the tears in her eyes as she saw lily. She picked her up and smiled as she held her close

"mummy missed you so much" Kendall said as she held her little girl close. Lacey stood with Christine across the room and smiled

"I'm sorry" she said as Kendall smiled

"you don't need to be sorry, none of it is your fault I promise" Kendall said

Kendall sighed to herself as she sat in bed with Simon. She rested her head into his chest and smiled

"I thought I was going to die down there, after all he did to me and I thought I'd never see you and tell you how much you mean to me" she said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"you don't need to tell me I know and I love you too" he said as she smiled

"I was thinking over lily and the future I want with her and you and how I want more, so I thought soon. Not yet as I'm not ready we could try for another baby" she said as Simon smiled

"I'll have a full football team with you but not yet, you need to get better first" Simon said as he leant in and kissed her but could Kendall get past all that had happened?

Loving him hating him *waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now