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"salt and sugar look the same, and you're asking me why I have trust issues?" 

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"salt and sugar look the same, and you're asking me why I have trust issues?" 

Sirius laced his fingers together with hers and they went back inside. Hardly anyone from the Order had left, and Alice had brought baby Neville out to sit in the living room as they spoke. Sirius asked someone walking by where Dumbledore was, and he directed them to the kitchen. They walked through and found the man sitting by himself at the table, his head in his hands. When he heard the door squeak open, he looked up.

"Ah yes, I'd nearly forgotten," he said, his voice monotonous.

"Is everything alright?" Sirius asked as he and Cleo both sat down.

"As alright as things can be I suppose," Dumbledore tightly smiled. "Tell me, have either of you seen Mr. Lupin or Mr. Pettigrew lately?"

Cleo and Sirius looked at each other. "We saw Remus a few weeks ago, he came by for some tea," Cleo replied, "But Peter we haven't seen since New Year's."

"That's what I was afraid of," Dumbledore muttered as he stood up and began to pace the floor.

"Sir?" Cleo replied. Sirius looked down at the table with furrowed eyebrows. When Dumbledore didn't answer, she asked another question. "Sir, have you heard from James or Lily at all?" He stopped and turned to look at her, and for a moment, her heart turned ice cold with fear.

"I contacted James last week. He said they are doing fine." Cleo let out a sigh of relief, and she could see Sirius' shoulders drop ever so slightly as well. "I am worried though, because the signs of someone working with the Dark Lord are still present, although I now believe it to be someone within the Order and not just someone within your group. I'm sure you can agree that it seems highly unlikely that it is one of you," Dumbledore said, fixing his gaze upon Cleo, causing her to shiver slightly.

He eyed the two of them strangely, before turning back around and pacing once more. "Have either of you noticed anything strange in either Mr. Pettigrew or Mr. Lupin?"

"It is strange for Remus to be away from us for so long," Sirius mumbled. He saw her whip her head around to look at him out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't turn to her. Dumbledore hummed, pondering, his back to them. Cleo felt her chest ache.

"I don't think it's Remus, sir," she stated quickly. Dumbledore stopped again and turned to them. The kitchen felt stuffy all of a sudden.

"What about Peter?" Dumbledore asked quietly, sitting back down slowly.

"I have a hard time seeing any of my best friends betraying us," she replied, and then shifted in her seat, "but... we haven't seen him in four months. He hasn't contacted us since we last saw him, that doesn't seem right." Dumbledore nodded, bringing his hands to his lips as he sat, looking pensive.

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