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{what do you mean "why me"? you're a badass and I need you, that's why}

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{what do you mean "why me"? you're a badass and I need you, that's why}

The rumors were spreading wildly throughout the next few weeks. James could hardly go anywhere without someone shouting some kind of strange jokes at him, and someone even took the liberty of writing a chant that spread like a wildfire: "James and Snapey sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

There were a few different versions of this that all contained the same tune while just changing the pet names for both James and Severus. Of course, Snape was taking this as well as he could have. And by that, it meant that Snape was taking all of it awfully. He cursed everyone out who got within a 20 meter vicinity because he expected to be teased. He was even harsher and colder than his usual self, which was hard to believe.

Lily couldn't believe the story Ambrosia and Cleo had told her as they came in gasping for breath after class. When they had left again to let Lily get better while they went to Divination, Lily sunk down into her bed and thought long and hard about the information she now knew: that her and James Potter's patronuses were a pair. What it meant, she had no idea, but trying to think about it made her exhausted and so she fell asleep.

After Divination ended, Cleo was walking out of the classroom, noting how bright the halls were on this particular day.

"Cleo! Hey Queenie, wait up!" she turned at the nickname to find none other than James Potter running up to her, his hair blown back and his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose.

"What can I do for ya, James?" she smiled. He took a moment, as he was desperately trying to catch his breath. He gasped and wheezed and put his hands on his knees to breath. Cleo whistled.

"Bloody hell, aren't you supposed to be the Quidditch captain this year?" she laughed. "By the way, how's that going?" He glared at her but stood up again.

"That's what I need to talk to you about," he started, wrapping his hand around Cleo's bicep and pulling her with him to walk down the hall. "So as you know, re-tryouts are coming up this Saturday because we lost a couple of players due to some cheating," he began. Of course, she knew this. James, as captain, had put a few Gryffindors on the team that were wary to begin with, but after the first few matches, they had begun to tamper with some of the equipment in the Slytherin shed, and ended up getting caught. It was a miracle that McGonagall let James hold another tryout and Gryffindor wasn't just permanently banned from the Quidditch cup this year.

"I am aware," Cleo nodded. "I don't think it should be a thing, but I am aware." 

He ignored her opinion and continued. "Then you are aware that we as a team have lost a significant amount of good players this year, yes?" Cleo hummed, already seeing where this was going.

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