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The school year was coming to a close. The snow had all melted and the sun came out like a holy beam of brilliant light, causing all of the students to slowly exit the castle like beasts from a cave. N.E.W.T.S were coming up for the sixth years and that seemed to be all anyone could focus on.

All except Cleo. She was having a difficult time coming to terms that she would never again return to her home for summer break. It was hard to imagine summer without home, but now, she lived with the Potter's and would be forever grateful for their hospitality and kindness.

Other than studying, Cleo was working hard with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, becoming nearly a pro dueler and perfecting very difficult charms, hexes, and spells. It was tedious work, but it would all pay off in the end, she knew it.

Many students were beginning to plan their after Hogwarts career plans. Cleo was one of them, of course, but she had a different plan then the one she told the people who asked. Classmates and teachers who wondered about Cleo's plans knew that she wanted to become an auror, and she did plan to become one, eventually. But first, she felt a dreadful sensation that there was something much bigger that would happen, and she knew that it was only a matter of time.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" she gasped. Skander stood before her in the hall between classes, holding his head down. Her friends were waiting for her a little ways behind, watching the interaction with hushed whispers that she ignored.

"My mother and I are going to New York, in America," Skander nodded sadly. "She says we'll be safer there, away from my dad and all."

"But," she started, shaking her head, "the school year isn't finished. What'll you do?"

"Dumbledore let me finish a semester early," he said, smiling a little. "I've been done for some time now, actually."

Cleo didn't know what to say. She embraced him quickly, instead of saying anything, and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I'll miss you," she mumbled in his ear, and he leaned back and kissed her head.

"I'll miss you," he said, "but we can always owl each other, no matter how far apart we are." She nodded, a tear falling from her eye and onto her cheek. Skander wiped it away with his thumb and kissed her forehead once more.

"Thank you, Cleo," he said, smiling, "for your friendship, and for being as strong, funny, beautiful, and courageous as you are." She couldn't help but laugh, and she threw her arms around his neck once more. He walked away shortly after, and just like that, Skander Blishwick was nothing more than another ghost at Hogwarts; there, but not quite. Instead, he was helping his mother rebuild their lives, and Cleo felt oddly at peace with his goodbye.

Cleo hadn't seen Sirius in a few days, and she couldn't help but feel bothered by it. It was hard not to. She felt as though she hadn't seen any of her friends in quite some time. Between studying, quidditch, and meetings with Dumbledore, she hardly had time for anything else.

"Are you ready, Queenie?" James said when she came down the dormitory stairs long before the sun had risen. Cleo yawned.

"I guess," she sighed. "Bit nervous though."

"You'll be fine," James punched her shoulder lightly before slinging his arm around her, "and if you screw up, we lose the Quidditch championship title," he shrugged. Cleo glared up at him. "No pressure."

The day was perfect, as it wasn't too sunny as to be a distraction, but it wasn't raining either. Cleo could see her friends in the stands as she hovered above the ground waiting for the quaffle to be released. Indie and Peter, along with Remus, Lily, Sirius, and Luna, sent her very energetic waves, to which she replied with a shaky smile. She met the eyes of James Potter, and he gave her a solid nod that sent a load of confidence coursing through her veins. A rattling breath exited her lungs as the balls were released, and she quickly zoomed into action.

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