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"don't you think we deserve better than this?"

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"don't you think we deserve better than this?"

Nearly a month had gone by since their failed mission, and Cleo still couldn't shake the feeling of immense guilt and dread because of it. She and Sirius had attended the funeral of the witch that had died during the battle, and it had been just another hopeless reminder that they were so far from attaining any leverage in this war. And worse, something in her bones shook as they had stood in the rain in all black that day, telling her that they would be meeting the Lestrange brothers again, and she hoped and prayed the day never came.

A knock on the door shook their quiet morning in the flat, and Cleo yelled from the bedroom for Sirius to get the door. He put his book down slowly and stood from the couch, sauntering over to the door. When he opened it, he came face to face with one of his oldest friends.

Remus looked miserable. The scratches down his face looked jagged and raw, his cheeks were sunken, one eye was swollen shut, and his bottom lip was busted open and bleeding down his chin.. Nonetheless, he tried to give a smile, but it was more of a half-pained grimace. Sirius gave him a once over, his eyes wide.

"You look like shit, mate," Sirius gasped.

"Much better than you, though, I expect," Remus answered. For the moment, Sirius forgot all about his suspicions about his friend. He pulled Remus into the flat and hugged him tightly, walking him into the living room.

"You redecorated, it looks nice," he mumbled tiredly against Sirius' shoulder. His head began to loll back and forth and Sirius realized that Remus was slowly losing consciousness.

"Cleo!" Sirius shouted, stumbling to the couch and dropping the boy there.

"What?" she carelessly shouted. Sirius rolled his eyes, trying to get Remus onto the couch fully, out of breath.

"Come here," he shouted back, mocking her tone. He could hear her feet padding down the hall.

"What is it?" she asked softly, and then gasped. "Where'd he come from?"

"He was at the door," Sirius replied.

"Shit," she mumbled, and ran to the bathroom to grab bandages, saline, and antiseptic. When she came back, Remus was slowly waking up again, but only barely.

She gently pushed Sirius out of the way and sat on her coffee table in front of him. "Go get him a glass of water, and me a big bowl of water, will you?" He nodded in compliance and walked to the kitchen.

"Hi Remus," she whispered gently, taking his hand and rubbing her thumb against his skin softly.

"Hi Cleo," the boy mumbled. .

"This one was a bit rougher than usual, huh?"

"Definitely wasn't my favorite."

She stood and grabbed his arms, pulling him up so that she could gently take his jacket off. The front of his sweater had been all but torn to shreds, and it looked like he had raked his claws straight across his own chest.

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