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"i will always have your back. just trust me"

James Potter was a spoiled child. Being the only child of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, he usually always got what he wanted. From a young age, there was nothing he really couldn't get. Of course, he was always grateful, as his mother made sure that while they gave him whatever he wanted, he always had good manners. 

But as usual, James always thought he was hot stuff. Which, some could argue, he was (and by some, he really only meant Sirius). 

Their house was a quiet one, calm and serene. It was an adorable cottage in the countryside, far away from the nearest town. This being said, James was able to fly his broom in the backyard and practice for the upcoming Quidditch seasons over the summer without any muggles seeing him, unlike a lot of other players on the Gryffindor team. He supposed that was what made him so good at the game. 

He loved Quidditch. It quickly became something he felt utterly passionate about, besides Lily Evans. But Lily loved Quidditch too, which really only told him just how made for each other they really were. 

Lily did love Quidditch. She had read all kinds of books on the sport, and she loved going to the matches at Hogwarts. At one point in her life, she had tried to get on a broom for herself, but she was far too uncoordinated and so took up the permanent seat in the stands at the Quidditch Pitch as one of the game's biggest fans. Unfortunately for her, that also made for more options for James Potter to try and flirt with her, to no avail. 

On this particular evening, James was sat on his bed up in his room, trying to come up with things that rhymed with "Lily". His room was fairly large, with lots of moving Quidditch posters hanging on the walls of his favorite team, Puddlemere United. 

His poem wasn't going well, as the only words he was able to find that rhymed with Lily's name were shrilly, frilly, and dilly. With an exasperated and dramatic sigh, clutching his heart, he flopped down upon his bed and stared at the ceiling. 

"Oh you poor dear," he heard his mother coo downstairs. She usually never spoke to his father in that tone, and James' eyebrows furrowed as he leaned his head up somewhat to listen in. 

"Really, Mrs. Potter, I'm fine," a voice unmistakable to James replied. He jumped out of bed and threw open the door to his room, the boy with unruly hair and round glasses bounding down the stairs three at a time before landing in the living room with a loud thump that made his mother shriek, the cabinet of expensive dishes to rattle, and the ghoul in the attic cause a ruckus of his own. None of this he cared about though, because, upon his arrival, he came upon his mother pestering over Sirius Black, trying to place a cold towel on his left cheek.

"Bloody hell mate," James gasped.

"Language," Euphemia scolded but returned right back to Sirius. His cheek was swollen and he had a black bruise forming underneath his left eye, but he looked past Euphemia and gave James a wink and a cheeky smile. 

"You stay here, I'll be right back," Euphemia demanded, and Sirius nodded with a small smile before she stalked off to the kitchen. James sat in front of him.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Got into a bit of a fight with the old monster," Sirius cracked a smirk before letting it fall away. James was always one that made Sirius give up his tough guy charade, because he was one of the only ones who could always see right through it. "I uh... I ran away," he whispered.

"Ran away?"

"Yes James, that's what I said."

"As in..."

"Never returning," Sirius nodded. "If I can help it, at least."

"Damn," James breathed.

"Language!" his mother scolded again, and James jumped, not knowing she was right behind him.

"Never you mind about that family of yours dear," his mother shook her head. "You stay with us now." And for the first time in a long while, Sirius beamed a great, big, genuine smile that lit up his eyes.

"Now I won't have to play Quidditch all by myself," James smiled. Then, a loud crack was heard from right outside their back door. "Now what?" Euphemia mumbled. 

Happy monday here's another short chappie 

but we got to see a bit of the ole' adorable James Potter and his adorable parents


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