Akane x reader

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Requested by @eriaceyy

Sweet touches and longing gazes. The male was not afraid to hide his crush on the purple haired girl.
You had watched it for months now, having noticed his never ending crush from the very first day you had transferred into the school.
You didn't mind at first, finding his actions endearing as you even begun shipping the two. You and Teru would often encourage the male, knowing he would get no where with her but still enjoying the wide smile that would be painted on his lips when the girl was near.
Neither you nor the blonde meant any harm, you both enjoyed seeing him happy is all.

However with the incoming winter days begun to get colder. The trees would begin coating their leaves with a nostalgic orange paint, not long would they fall to the ground.
You looked forward to when they would, making plans to take Akane out to play in the piles of leaves you would make.

The days at school seemed to pass by quickly in the winter, the chilly world outside passing by as you spent your day in the warm classroom. Alas, you couldn't escape the cold when the dismissal bell rung.

you muttered, watching the wind fly past as it shook the trees. Students outside shivered in the cold, hiding their hands in their pockets as they'd stuff their faces in their scarves.

"What's the matter?"
Akane would often ask, seeing you hesitate leaving the warmth of the building. It didn't take long before he caught on, seeing you shuffle from foot to foot. The thin layer of the school uniform not doing you any justice against the nipping wind.

He'd sigh, shaking his head before pulling off his jumper, revealing a wind resistant jacket underneath.


You'd asses the puffy jumper. It was dark with a logo on the back.

"Why are you wearing two...?"
You asked, eyeing the jumper he wore, zipping it up as he huffed.

"I had a feeling you would forget to bring a jumper so I brought two just in case."
He hummed, turning to you as you slipped on his clothing. The size was big but you appreciated how warm he kept it for you.

"Thank you~"
You would sing, smiling brightly at the male as he laughed.

You would walk home with him and he'd always make sure you were at your best with your health. Noticing this, you'd purposely leave your jumped behind each morning, excited to wear the larger one of the male.
It was only when you'd arrive back home that you'd wonder, did you really only see Akane as a friend? After the few months youd known the male it would only be natural to question your friendship, right?
However he was in love with Aoi, you couldn't get in between him and the girl even if you wanted to.

Winter would creep in smoothly, following you and the male on your walks home. He'd talk to you about upcoming exams and the familiar purple haired companion as you'd listen. You'd soon notice the bitter feeling that would bubble at the bottom of your heart at the sound of her name.

As the eye of the storm in winter hit you'd find yourself distancing from the male. Despising the fact he was still so in love with the rejecting girl.
You'd often bring this up to the boy, wondering why he'd stick around to someone for so long despite knowing she wouldn't change.

He'd only shrug, his gaze hitting the ground.
He too was unsure on why he was chasing after the girl with no visible finish line. Shed only get further and further away the more he tried.
As the male would gaze at his crush he would always miss your eyes. The way you'd look at him with such a longing expression, now embracing the fact you wanted nothing else but to feel his fingers interlock with your own.

"Why don't you tell him?"
Teru would comment when you'd approach him for help.
You were laying on his bed, arms spread out as he finished his homework from his desk at the other end of the room.

"Hes totally in love with aoi.."
you groaned, pulling yourself up before crossing your legs. Pouting.
"I don't know why he's so set on her anyway, she just breaks his heart every time."

Teru would only chuckle, nodding his head. You both knew he was never too good at helping with your romance troubles, he always tried though, patiently listening to you and thinking of the most logical options.

Love was not logical.

Akane had noticed how you would distance yourself from him. He'd see you sitting with the other girls at lunch instead of him and on the walk home he'd only see you walking a couple of blocks away.
He would often worry, had he done something to upset you?
He would spend nights thinking of what he did, rereading the messages between you both to see if he had maybe said something insensitive.

As winter ended and the pink flowers in front of your house begun to bloom again you had almost completely pushed the boy away. Avoiding his gaze and only speaking to him when spoken to.
You often asked yourself if it was necessary to do this, he was still your friend after all.
Once realising this you quickly apologised to him, tears brimming your eyes as you met him under the tree outside the school gates. Away from peeping eyes.

"I'm sorry."
You cried softly, missing the way he'd hug you when you were sad. Missing the days youd both hang out after school at the mall or watch anime at your house.
"I didn't know how to react so I just pushed you away."

The male felt his heart crack. The person who had mattered so much to him was now apologising and nearly crying in front of him, he owed you an apology if anything.

"No! I'm sorry!"
He interrupted, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"I shouldn't talk so much about Aoi, you must have been so annoyed."
He pouted.

Your eyes widened. Did he know?

"Who told you..?"
You questioned him, watching him tilt his head.

"What do you mean? I just noticed how much I'd mention her with you."

You shook your head, running a hand through your hair. You dreaded this, thinking the male knew about your growing crush on him. But did he? You weren't sure but with the growing pit in your stomach you couldn't bite your tongue back any longer.

"I like you."

It was three simple words. He never thought he'd hear them, much less from you. He felt his heart skip a beat, whether in happiness or nervousness he wasn't sure. He only stood there.

Looking back at those thoughts, your high school years never sounded as bad as you had made them out to be in the moment. You could only smile now, thinking back to the butterflies you'd feel around the boy.
You were grateful for how you had grown as a person, turning to look at your study partner that had his head laid on the table, drool pooling out his mouth.
You snorted, patting his hair so his bangs were away from his face, carefully taking his glasses off his face and placing them next to him.

Smiling you leaned an elbow onto the table, your head resting on the palm of your hand. Your free hand stroked his hair, the soft locks making you hum.
Your love for the boy ever growing.

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