Amane x failing! Reader

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I'm gonna make a bunch of demon slayer x reader books and and all y'all kny fans better read them cause I'm crying about the ideas I got.

I'm gonna make a bunch of demon slayer x reader books and and all y'all kny fans better read them cause I'm crying about the ideas I got

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Requested by @flowerfieldx

Science. The one subject you absolutely hated.

And now you were late for it.


Rushing through the school, dodging the few students that were also trying to get to their classes, you hurried on to your science classroom.

Slamming the door open, you walked in. Sweat dropping at the looks you got from your peers and teacher.

"Mrs l/n."
The middle aged woman sighed, fixing the glasses that were sliding down her perfectly straight nose.
"Late again?"

You scratched your head while laughing bashfully, hating the attention you earned yourself.

"Sorry miss. Won't happen again."
You promised, a nervous smile on your face as she shook her head.

"That's what you said last lesson... take a seat."

Sighing, you walked towards your seat. Reading the stuff she was writing on the board with a raised brow.

When will you be able to understand any of this?

Sitting on your seat, you failed to understand the work that was on the board. Your eyes trailing around the classroom as your peers all wrote down everything in their notebooks while understanding perfectly.

All but one that is.

Amane Yugi. Your seat mate.

He was never quite the talker, usually keeping to himself unless talked to first.

His arms were crossed on the table as his head laid on them, soft breathing being heard from him. But you knew he wasn't asleep.

"Psst. Amane."
You poked his arm, smiling when he turned his head to look at you with tired eyes.
"Can you help me? I don't understand."

His eyes narrowed on you as he raised a brow.

"Why would you ask me?"
He groaned, lifting his body up so that his elbows rested on the table and his chin rested on his palm.

"Because you're a genius!"
You exclaimed happily, a little too loud for your liking as your teacher turned to give you a dirty.

"L/n. What is so important that you have to disrupt my class?"
She scolded, folding her arms over her chest as the class snickered at your shocked expression.

"Sorry, I was just asking for help."
You replied sheepishly.

The female sighed before turning back around to continue writing.
"Just be quiet, don't disrupt the others."

Turning back to Amane, you giggled softly at his flushed face.

"So will you help me?"

"I'm not a genius."
He frowned as you tilted your head.

"But you're top of the class in science. Look, only this once. I'll leave you alone after that."
You promised, watching how he thought for a second before shaking his head, reaching out to open his book to the newest page.

He sighed as you grinned, scooting your seat closer to him as he begun tutoring you.

He would've never admitted it.

But he promised himself to take you to the moon with him at that exact moment.

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