Sick! Hanako/amane x reader

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I thought I died but imma try getting back into writing for this fandom again 🤡
Personally don't even like tbhk that much anymore but y'all deserve the fan service so I'll provide ig
Also for now I'll skip the requests that already have stories similar to them (mostly hanako/tsukasa ones) only until I finish others since I have a shit ton 🥴

Requested by @sorryayamari

"I told you."

The dark haired boy let a groan escape his lips as he sat up on the bed, his white sheets crinkling beneath his weight as he looked at you with red and puffy eyes, sniffling ever so often as he watched you stir the hot bowl of chicken soup.

"I told you not to get near me when I got sick, but what did you do?"
You scolded, the boy only bashfully looking away before answering in a low and croaky voice.

"Went near you."

You aggressively nodded your head, placing the soup on his bedside table before reaching over to place a hand tenderly on his forehead, though that didn't stop you from scolding.

"And what did that get you?"

He asked bashfully, attempting to escape from your murder spree. Alas his smart ass answer only got his a slap to the head.

"Sick, Amane. It got you sick."

The boy hummed, rubbing the back of his head tenderly but almost immediately stopping once feeling your hands move down to cup his cheeks, an action to which he instantly responded by leaning into your touch, his hands going up to tiredly hold your wrists in place. Though flustered, you stayed.

"Your hands are so soft."
He commented absentmindedly, closing his eyes and letting a relieved sigh.
"Thank you for taking care of me."

Letting go of you, the male opened his eyes to send you a soft smile, the best one he could muster in his weak state. A smile to which you instantly softened to.

"Come on you big dummy, let's get you eating."
You smiled, placing the soup on his legs. Though, he only pouted.

"Arent you going to feed me?"

"No you pervert, now eat up so I can't take care of you."

And though your harsh words, he smiled. Happily eating away as he thanked whatever god put you in the position of taking care of him.

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