Hanako x sad! Reader / New years special

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Sorry I've been having like existential crisis and mental breakdowns these past few days so this one took longer than expected lmao

Sorry I've been having like existential crisis and mental breakdowns these past few days so this one took longer than expected lmao

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Requested by @justheretowrite

I made this to clash with the New Years special so I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted!

Warning: mentions of suicide and depression! These thoughts, feelings and experiences (things the character witnesses and has to deal with) are all based off of what I feel and deal with myself so I'm sorry if they don't match up with your own feelings, I just don't want to suggest anything.

"Fourty more minutes until New Years!"
Your mother exclaimed excitedly as the are around you buzzed with happily chatting people.

New Year's Eve. A time of hope and new beginnings. This though, only meant having to deal with your family for another year.

You stared off at the spot where the fireworks would soon be shooting out of, ignoring your mother that continued to insult you for not showing the same amount of excitement she was. Usually you would just ignore her nagging but it was starting to draw attention. The neighbouring families and groups sending weird looks your way as the older woman continued going on about how you didn't even deserve to be happy.

Your eyes trailed to her in a boring manner, already used to this reaction from her before letting your eyes trail back to the spot you were staring at. Your mind traveling elsewhere as the world around you didn't even matter anymore.

'I wish hanako-kun was real...'
You thought, imagining the warmth that his hand would give you if he were to have been holding it. His warm smile would ease your worries and anxiety that the states gave you. His happy voice would instantly chase away any trails of sadness and depression that you had in you and you would be safe.

Your mother called angrily as you snapped out of your daydreams and turned to her.
"Are you even listening to me?!"
She growled as you sighed before shaking your head tiredly.

She continued to scold you for who knows what reason, the stares continuing as you held back the tears that threatened to spill out.

'I wish I could just disappear...'
You thought, closing your eyes and tilting your head up.
'I wish everything could just end already...'
Tears trailed down your cheek, your mother ignoring the wet substance and instead raising her voice.
'I wish I could be with hanako-kun...'

And before you knew it, all light was knocked out of you as a striking jolt of pain shot through your head. Your body soon shivering at the coldness that you soon felt as you fell to the floor. Screams and cries being the last thing you heard as the blurry vision of your terrified mother running away bid you goodnight.

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