Kou x male! Reader

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Requested by @michaellauwu

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Requested by @michaellauwu

The large rainbow flags waved in the wind as the lively music filled the air, every colour in every shade you could think of flashing in your eyes as you and your best friend hayato walked around.

(Yes im going to be adding my gay sons into this story lmao)

"And then he asked me out!"
Hayato exclaimed excitedly, his story about how he and his boyfriend got together bringing a smile upon your face.

Pride month had just started and hayato hadn't wasted a second to invite you and his boyfriend to the pride party happening at your local beach. Normally, you would've declined the invite, not being too much of a party animal yourself. But this month was different. You had just come out to your parents as gay, of course the reaction wasn't what you had hoped for but at least you weren't homeless or being abused so for now, you could deal with it.

"That's great hayato!"
You smiled over the loud music.
"I cant wait to meet him!"

"He should be here any minute actually! He had to pick up a friend of his from his house before coming here so they shouldn't be too long."
He explained as you both walked towards a much quieter zone, away from the blasting music, to talk.
"His friend is also gay and may I add, absolutely adorable."
He laughed as you rolled your eyes.

The male wiggled his eyebrows, already knowing about your hunt for a boyfriend, as he nudged your side playfully.

"His name is Kou Minamoto. He's got blonde hair and blue eyes and the most adorable little fangs you'll ever see."
He gushed as you laughed before pushing his shoulder playfully.

"It almost sounds like you like him."
You laughed as the male scoffed.

"As if. I'm happy to be with-"

Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes looked to the right and widened upon the familiar figure of his boyfriend.

He exclaimed happily, running past you to pick up the smaller male and swing him around in a bone crushing hug.

You laughed at the sight, Alex hitting the males shoulder as he begged for air. Kou, you're guessing by the exact description your friend gave you, standing besides them with an adorable smile on his features.

Alex exclaimed happily before wrapping his arms around your torso, too short to actually hug you properly.
"It's so nice to finally meet you! Hayato talks about you all the time."
He smiled.

Holding yourself back from pinching his round cheeks, you smiled.
"It's nice to meet you too! Hayato wouldn't stop going on and on about you and was honestly getting me quite jealous."
You laughed as the male smiled.

"I hope you don't mind me asking and please don't take any offence to this."
He spoke cautiously as you shook your head.

"Ask ahead."

"You're gay, right?"

You chuckled at his unsure tone before nodding your head.
"Very much so. Sadly, girls just don't seem to catch my attention."

Alex smirked before turning to kou whom had a pink tint covering his cheeks the minute the male turned his attention on him.

"Y/n, meet Kou."
Alex said happily as he dragged the male closer to you by his arm.
"Kou, meet y/n. He's gonna be your date for tonight."
He smirked as your eyes widened.


"Oh, look at the time Alex!"
Hayato explained, pointing to an imaginary watch on his wrist before grabbing the males hand.
"We gotta go. See you later!"
He smiled before running off with his boyfriend, leaving you with the adorable flushed male who sighed before shaking his head.

"Those two..."
He groaned before turning to you, giving you the softest smile you had ever seen before extending his hand to you.
"Shall we get something to eat?"

You chuckled before resting your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together as you awed at how perfectly your hand fit in his.

"We shall."

If someone had told you that you would meet the person of your dreams at a beach, you would have said it would be too cliche to be true.

Yet here you were, hands interlocked and wide smiles on your faces as you happily celebrated your sexuality with the male that would soon share the rest of his life with you.

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