Tsuchigomori x sick! Reader

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Istg im going insane- HEADASS gonna publish the haikyuu stories too-
Like as if my kny, TBHK and identity v ones weren't enough???

Istg im going insane- HEADASS gonna publish the haikyuu stories too-Like as if my kny, TBHK and identity v ones weren't enough???

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Requested by @servamp1234

The heart monitor beeped loudly in the room, the light colours of the room making everything seem just a little bit lighter. Alas, you knew they weren't.

"Knock knock."
A voice sounded out, the beeping almost immediately becoming quicker as Tsuchigomori chuckled.
"Still sweep you off your feet?"

You smiled at the male, placing down your book to put your full attention on him.
"Of course."
You laughed.

The male shook his head before placing down the flowers he had gotten you on the vase just next to your bed, the pink and white beauties instantly making your mood brighten even more.

"How have you been?"
He asked softly, taking a seat on a chair next to your bed and intertwining his hand in yours.

A hum was heard from you as you shrugged your shoulders.
"Same as always I guess, nothing new really. At least not since you were here yesterday."
You laughed.

The male shook his head, his hand squeezing your smaller one.
"I'm gonna come everyday, you know that."
He sighed.

A pout appeared on your lips as you looked at him.
"But wouldn't it be better if you go out and look for someone else? I mean, it's not like I'll-"


Your e/c orbs widened at the male, his free hand going up to stroke your cheek.

"I'm not going to find anyone else."
He said softly, his eyes brimming with tears.

Cancer term 4, that's what you were diagnosed with just a couple of days ago. Your remaining time has still not being set in stone which is why it hurt you to know you'd be leaving the male sooner or later.

You leaned your face into his warm hand, tears slipping from your eyes as you bit back the sob that threatened to escape your lips.
"Im sorry."

"Dont be."
He muttered, standing to lean his forehead on yours.
"I'll always be with you."

"Im sorry tsuchigomori."
The nurse cried, her tears running down her cheeks. She too had grown close to you after the amount of time you had spent in the hospital.

The male shook his head, not wanting his tears to escape his eyes as he took a seat on the chair of the hallway.

Just a couple of minutes ago you had flatlined. You were young and sweet and had a heart made of gold but you died. No longer here for him to love or laugh with.

You were gone.

Years had passed since Tsuchigomori's and y/n's passing. Not long after your dead he had gotten involved in a car accident which only lead to his own death. So now here he is, haunting the hallways of the local school with crestfallen eyes and a broken heart.

He had thought that death would put him to rest but now he's here, stuck.

A soft voice called out in the hallways. His eyes instantly snapped up, his head frantically whipping around in search of you.

The voice giggled, this time from right behind him as he instantly whipped around.

His eyes widened, tears threatening to spill out as a sad smile rested on his lips as the sight of you.

"I'm right here tsu."

This one was horrible omg- I'm so sorry I'm unCREATIVE AND A HORRIBLE AUTHOR LMAOO

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