Dense! Hanako x dense! Gender neutral! Reader

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Im going to start using they/them and non-binary terms for stories if gender is not specified. I wanna start making everyone comfortable with a picture they can relate to from now on :) so unless you specifically request female/male/non binary reader then I'll just use they/them!!


Hanako had never truely been a jealous boy. Sure, he had been protective, never in his years of existence had he been the type to get jealous. Maybe it was the fact he never experienced true feelings for someone, maybe it was the fact he felt as if he had no right to get jealous. He wasn't necessarily someone who would be 100% loyal; caving in to erotic doings.

This all changed when you came along. Had he been honest he wasn't sure what made him so darn attracted to you, maybe it was your hair? He always liked that type of hairstyle. No, he wouldn't like someone based only on their hairstyle. Maybe it was the fact you were so sweet despite how sad you were, always sharing warm smiles as if hoping to put those around you at ease even if you were the one who needed comfort the most.

Heck, if hanako was being honest he loved everything about you. The way you talked, the distant look in your eyes when reminiscing something, the way you'd comfort everyone no matter what you're dealing with yourself, everything.

When you had first become a ghost in the school hanako had been the first to find you. You were huddled in a corner in the early hours of the morning—the dark lighting making it near impossible to see you if it weren't for the glint in your eyes. If he were human he would've jumped out of his skin at the sight of two beady eyes in the dark, however, in his passing days he couldn't help but be drawn to them—reaching out and offering comfort to your sobs and hiccups.

You had jumped in his arms that night. Now that he looked back on it, it was probably the best night of his life. He felt so light chested now that he thought about it—thought about patting your head and hugging you close to him, whispering comforting promises to you as slowly your cries subsided.

That sweet feeling of euphoria was a stark contrast to the heavy, burning fire that ignited in his chest right now.

"Y/n~" Tsukasa sung, throwing his arms around you—something that was not new from the male spirit.

"Hey tsukasa." You chuckled, hugging his arms around your shoulders. "What's up?"

The twin threw his brother a glance. Hanako wasn't looking but Tsukasa could feel the burning jealousy all the way from where you both were.

"Oh you know, just coming to see my favourite person." He shrugged cooly, keeping one arm over your shoulders.

Now, tsukasa didnt have a crush on you if that's what you're wondering. He also didn't technically see you both as buddies—a mutual understanding that you both were just acquaintances—but, what tsukasa did see was the annoyingly lovey dovey looks you would both throw at each other when the other wasn't looking. The way you'd sigh dreamily at hanako and the way his twin would let his hands linger after you whenever you walked away from him. Your love for each other was no secret—other than to the other.

"Is that so?" You asked quizzically, not entirely buying it. "Or are you just trying to get away from Sakura cause you did something bad?"

"Eh? How did you know~?"

The two of you broke out in a fit of giggles, seemingly completely ignoring the twin that had also been present in the room. With each passing second his jealousy only grew.

"Do you not have somewhere better to be annoying?" Hanako groaned—finally snapping. Tsukasa could only smirk.

"Well, well, what's this?" Tsukasa cooed, turning you both to face his twin whom only had his arms crossed over his chest. "Might my dear brother be jealous?" He added.

You looked between the two boys in a rapid manner, not wanting to upset hanako. "Sorry hanako, if you want to have time with only your brother then I'll leave." You spoke sadly, wiggling out of tsukasa's arm to leave, only for hanako to grab onto your wrist.

"No." He said sternly, keeping eye contact with his mischievous twin. "He Can leave. You stay."

Tsukasa didn't have to be told twice—his grin growing as he did a quick turn. Prancing out the door with a rushed goodbye.

Your eyes lingered on the door for a second before turning to hanako. Jealous? Of you?

"Don't you like Yashiro?"

The question had escaped your lips before you could stop yourself, not meaning to touch on a possibly sensitive topic. However, hanako replied before you could even apologise.

"Yashiro? No, no, It's not like that." He shook his head, his hand moving from your wrist to your hand. His eyes stuck on the floor. "I like... I think? I like you..." he muttered, not sure if he really wanted you to hear or not—you caught it regardless, eyes widening as a deep blush coated your cheeks.

"I think I like you too!" You exclaimed, a little too loud for your liking as you instantly cringed. Hanako could only laugh.

"I'm glad." He said simply (bending down/pulling you down) to rest your foreheads on each other. "I really am.."

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