Sakura x reader

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Requested by @flowerfieldx

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Requested by @flowerfieldx

Soft hands ran through her short, green hair, a furious blush finding its way onto her cheeks as you grinned.

"You have such pretty hair~"
You cooed, continuing to play with the precious locks all while being oblivious to the butterflies you cause to erupt in her belly.

Tsukasa watched from afar. His golden eyes studying the two interacting before a mischievous grin appeared on his lips. But he had to wait until you were gone to do anything.

"Wah~ I wish I had soft hair."
You complained, stopping your hand movements before walking around her chair to look at her face, her usually emotionless green eyes now becoming wide with surprise.
"You're so pretty Sakura."

The greenette his her face in her hands, not being able to handle the attention she got. Especially since it came from you.

Her childhood best friend and newly found crush.

"T-thank you y/n."
She stuttered, not being able to lift her face out of her hands as you chuckled, patting her head once more before standing straight.

"I should probably get going. My mom is gonna start getting mad if I don't get home soon."
You announced with a smile, waving to Tsukasa before walking out the room.

Waiting until the door closed, tsukasa jumped up, skipping around the greenette with a huge smile as he sang.


Before the male could continue, the flustered girl slapped a hand on his mouth harshly. Her eyebrows furrowed and her face red as a tomato.

"Shut up."
She growled, letting go off him to straighten up her dress.

The spirit chuckled, turning to look at her with teasing eyes.

"Confess to her."

"I cannot."

"How come?"

"Because we're childhood best friends."


"And what if she doesn't like girls?"

"But what if she does?"

By now Sakura was getting annoyed, her flustered heart still not calming down as she huffed.

"If she does then I wouldve known by now!"
She growled, missing the creaking of the opening door as you bashfully peeked your head in.

You called out bashfully, jumping slightly when the greenette shrieked as she turned to you with a furious blush.
"I do like girls."
You smiled, scratching the back of your neck as she stuttered.

"W-why are you h-here?!"

"I left one of my books..."
You muttered, pointing towards the table where your maths book laid.

Quickly, Sakura grabbed the book and handed it to you. Avoiding eye contact at all costs as you smiled.

You cheered, beginning to walk out.

The girl turned to look at you, a shy frown on her face as you grinned.

"How about I pick you up at 5 on Saturday? I'll take you to a movie and we can go get something to eat?"

The girl's eyes widened, her cheeks reddening even more, if possible, before nodding.

A huge smile etched onto your lips as you left. Leaving the girl to grin like a love struck high school girl, which she was, before squealing.

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