Shijima Mei x reader

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LMFAO honestly let's not even talk about how long I've been gone, I literally became an emo boy

LMFAO honestly let's not even talk about how long I've been gone, I literally became an emo boy

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She was like a distant memory. A girl you often found yourself scribbling in the corners of your school notebook or at the blank page on the back of your work sheets.

You always tended to blame it on your admiration for people with blue eyes, brushed it off saying you loved diving into the dreamy colour of the beautiful water they held.

It wasn't weird. At least you hoped it wasn't. It was just a little character you doodled from time to time, a friendly face, an escape from work and stress even if it were only a few mere seconds before the teacher chirped at you to focus on your work as your eyes would wander every now and then back to the error-scribbled doodle that sat smiling back at you.

"What a pretty girl."

Curious eyes studied the drawing, judging and admiring every pen mark that collectively made out the beautiful maiden.

"Thank you." You grumbled back, not being one for intrusive watchers. Flipping over your notebook to the next page despite only having used half a page as to hide the girl.

She was your precious secret, a friendly face you would make out from only the corner of your eyes while walking down the busy and cramped school hallways, the cheeky smile that you'd get a small glimpse of at the cafeteria but would disappear before you could look back.

Often you'd wonder if maybe you're just hallucinating, it wouldn't be impossible, having seen the familiar face around one too many times for it to be just the light getting in your eyes. But what else could it be?

Walks home would always be long and dreadful. No buses went the route you needed leaving you to return by foot, but maybe you didn't want to return. Home was cold and lonely, parents constantly busy and the chubby cat you had gotten for company on your tenth birthday was now old and lazy, spending most his days on the living room window sleeping. Walks home were always made long, taking in the views of the small town you lived in, stopping by stores to buy little treats or a drink, petting any friendly cats you may meet or taking detours to pay respect to shrines on the side of the road.

Today however, your walk would take a bit longer.

The rain poured down mercilessly as you stood underneath a small roof that a convenient shrine provided. The pitter patter of the rain on the tin roof mixed with the smell of rain calming you down as you tightly hugged yourself in the cold.

'The rain shouldn't last long' you thought, rubbing your legs together for a sense of warmth. 'It's been almost twenty minutes, soon enough I'll find an opening to run home'

Your plan wasn't ideal but waiting for the rain to halt to a slight drizzle seemed to be the best option. But yet again, your trip back home was soon changed.

"Hello." A sweet voice called out, the sight of neat scholar shows coming into your sight that was casted down to the floor.

E/c eyes snapped up, immediately diving into the soft dreamy blue that gleefully looked back at you, leaving you breathless.

"Sorry to bother you but I don't think it's best to wait here for the storm to die out, I heard it's only going to get worse. Would you like me to walk you home?"

A cold shiver ran down your spine, decorating your skin in goose bumps as you studied the all too familiar face.

The same enchanting blue eyes, the same soft blonde locks. It's her.

"Well?" She smiled, shifting her umbrella from one hand to another as to make space for you to stand with her. "Shall we get going?"

Barely being able to give a soft 'uh-huh' in return, you promptly walked with the girl, letting the soft music of the rain and passing cars wash over you both. The smell of rain mixed with her smooth strawberry perfume intoxicating you.

"So." She spoke softly, looking over to give you a small smile, letting a sense of warmth wash over you for a change. "May I ask what your name is?"

Giving your name to strangers had never been a good idea, but she was warm, safe even. So with a dry throat you were able to croak out an excuse of a reply.

"Y/n l/n."

She hummed happily, nodding in reply.

"A pleasure to meet you l/n."

Your name dripped out her lips like sweet honey, the type of honey you tasted once on a warm summer day while having tea with your grandma.

"May I ask for yours?" You asked, not realising until now you had been staring.

The girl smiled, her eyes straight ahead as she gave her reply.

"Shijima Mei."

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