Hanako/amane x sick! Reader

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If y'all want it that bad then when we hit 20k reads or maybe even 150 followers then I'll write the
hanako-kun x reader smut y'all want lmaoo,,,
I'm joking omg but yeah,,, if y'all
t r u e l y want it then I'll write it for 20k.

If y'all want it that bad then when we hit 20k reads or maybe even 150 followers then I'll write the hanako-kun x reader smut y'all want lmaoo,,, I'm joking omg but yeah,,, if y'all t r u e l y want it then I'll write it for 20k

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Requested by @FeriaeSoror

Winter came like a tsunami. It froze the lakes and ponds and decorated the once colourful trees with a white, fluffy blanket.

The stars that decorated the sky came floating down, snowflakes falling on children's noses and tongues and decorated the hair of those who weren't wearing beanies.

Everyone was enjoying the winter wonderland.

Everyone except you.

"I cant believe you."
Your mother groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose as she glared at you.

You laid in your bed, a blanket burrito with a warm towel on your forehead. Tissues were scattered around your form, some used and some just forgotten after getting a handful saying you'd use them all.

"It's not my fault."
You whined, wriggling around in the blanket to the best of your abilities.
"Maybe if we had some public transport around here then I wouldn't have had to walk in the snow yesterday and I wouldn't have gotten sick!"

The h/c haired woman shook her head.

"Fine, but I'm calling that amane boy to come and take care of you."
She groaned, taking out her phone as your eyes widened.


"Hello? Amane?"
Your mother grinned on the phone as your soul left your body.
"Yes, It's me y/n's mom. I was just wondering if you could maybe come over today to take care of her. She got sick while walking home yesterday and I don't trust her enough to be left alone."

You lay there, dead. Having given up on stopping the female in front of you and life altogether.

"Hey mrs l/n!"
You heard a cheerful voice call out, your eyes by now long dead and monotone as footsteps sounded out within your house.

"Hey Amane, shes in her room. Go annoy her all you want."
Your mother chuckled.
"I need to head to work now but please make sure she gets enough food and water into her system, along with her medicine."

Amane laughed before assuring her you two would be fine, not a second later running up to your room when the female shut the door behind her.

You shouted before he could reach your room, smirking at the sound of his loud footsteps dying down and instead gloomily walking in.

"You're no fun."
He whined, walking over to a chair you had next to you bed.

"One pill every three to four hours..."
He muttered, reading each box of medicine thoroughly.

Your eyes were stuck like glue on the male, admiring his soft face and slightly pouting lips. A habit that happened whenever he was truely focusing on something.

"Am I that attractive?"
He suddenly smirked, turning to look at your eyes which widened at the question.

Clicking your tongue, you tore your gaze away from him. Leaving him to chuckle at your actions.

"You just have to say you like me and things will be better for all of us."
He smirked, resting his head at the palm of his hand and leaning down to your flustered face.

"Who said I liked you?"
You pushed the male away, laughing as he rolled his eyes.

"Your actions say more than your words, princess."
He laughed.

Red dust sprinkled on your cheeks, rolling your eyes before you wiggled your back to him.

"Whatever floats your boat."
You groaned.

Silence fell on the room, slightly worrying you as you turned your head to turn to him. Though what you saw, surprised you.

His eyes were stuck on your figure, loving and longingly like a child staring at a piece of candy. And before you could say anything, he crawled into bed with you.

You screeched, trying to wiggle away from him but being stopped by the arms that wrapped around you.

He whispered, his head resting in your hair as he pulled you close.

"Youll get sick."
You sighed.

He only shrugged his shoulders, holding you tighter.

"Maybe then you can take care of me."

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