Chapter 23

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Kalki POV

His intense gaze bothered me

He was on the stage accepting the award, smiling at the camera and press but I felt like the smile was for me. He was answering the questions thrown by the press but I felt his eyes looking at me. He walked down from the stage to his family but I felt like he was walking towards me and there is no one in this room but just him and me. I got hot and bothered in this room, so while he was occupied with his family I walked out of the room to catch my breath.

It's not easy for me, I thought with time I will forget that I loved Khavin and move on but my foolish brain is playing games with me and my silly heart is cooperating with it. There was a table set up outside the conference room, fancy glasses with water and soft drinks were placed there.  I went over there and gulped down the whole glass of water. I still felt parched so I asked the servers to refill my glass, I  was sipping the water slowly, thinking about why my whole body betrays me when I am with Khavin. I felt someone close to me, but I didn't bother to look up. Then I heard a voice which brought me out of my thoughts

Khavin: I always remember you as an energetic, talkative, and charming woman, but look at you now, what is wrong with you?

Me: Nothing is wrong with me, I am still the same woman but it does not mean we have to be the same always, there are some instances where we are occupied with something or where we are bothered about something...

Khavin: What are you bothered about?

Me: It does not matter, what are you doing out here? You should be celebrating inside, I was just here drinking some water, lets go 

I caught hold of his hand to pull him towards the banquet hall but he didn't move, in fact, he pulled me with force and my back landed on his chest. By the time I could recover, I heard him whispering in my ears

Khavin: What is bothering you Kalki? Please tell me, I want to know

I turned towards him and looked straight into his intense gaze, he was still holding my hand.  I was still not saying anything but I was trying to free my hand without making a scene. He had enough of it and pulled me towards the exit where there is a beautifully decorated garden. 

Khavin: Why did you leave that room? What are you thinking about? 

Me: I am not thinking about anything Khavin, you are imagining it.

Khavin: Really?

Me: Yes

He walked few steps close to me and locked me in the arms, one strong arm around me, and with his other free arm he caressed my face contours with his finger pads gently, after which he got too close to me and ran his nose on my face

Khavin: I know something is on your mind sweetheart, please tell me 

I remained mum because his actions were making me feel weird but in a good way, where there were butterflies in my stomach

He slowly put his hand behind my neck and kissed me on my forehead first, I never understood why that got tears in my eyes, he then slowly kissed me right where my tears ended and slowly ran his tongue taking in the tear. I felt my insides turn upside down then, he did the same to the other eye too, he kissed my eyelids then and came down to my cheeks and kissed me on my cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. He ran his thumb on my lips, my lips tingling under his touch. He then slowly put his lips on me, slow and soft and first, and when I finally moved my lips with him I could feel him smile, but my brain wasn't working, when the kiss turned passionate, my brain surprisingly started working.

I pushed him away with all my might, I looked at him but he had a smile on his face.

I walked up to him and pushed him with my tiny hands

Me: Why did you do that? I am not just any girl that you come and randomly kiss me, just because I seem to be open-minded and easy-going does not mean that I am an easy lay.  I am not that woman and you should know that by now.

While I was leaving I was pulled into his arms again

Khavin: What are you saying? You are not any random girl for me and I'm definitely not taking advantage of you. I never judged you. Look into my eyes Kalki, didn't you see anything, the kiss we shared, didn't you feel anything? Look at me Kalki !! Don't you understand what I am trying to tell you?

Me: What are you trying to tell me Khavin? Tell me clearly.

He was quiet for a minute 

Me: See, you give all the confusing signals, I cannot play this little game of yours where you do something and you expect me to analyze what you're trying to say. You cant be hot and cold, you can't be doing something and expect me to read between the lines, use your words Khavin or don't play these mind games with me. 

I was walking away now, but he held my hand, but this time he was sitting on his knees. I was shocked

Me: Khavin, get up. The garden is pretty wet your clothes would get soiled, listen to me. 

Khavin: You wanted to know what I was trying to say through my actions right? I love you Kalki and I cannot even help it. It is so easy that I couldn't stop myself and I do not want to stop myself. Yes, I took the time to say this even though I knew it for weeks because I wanted to prove myself. You are special to me because I love you. I am glad you came here because I love seeing you. Your wishes mean a lot to me because I love you and you matter to me.

Me: What ??


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