Chapter 31

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Khavin POV

Look, Kalki, listen to me. 

She didn't she walked towards my pool and started crying. Keeping her face in her palm. Actually she was sobbing, I promised I would keep her happy. Now, look at her she is sobbing because of me.

Me: Kalki, I am a jerk, a stupid foolish man. I am sorry said those crap

With this her sobbing increased some more

Me: Kalki, sweet heart look, all the stuff I said were all lies, you are always amazing so the truth is that I enjoyed it. Each little moment I had with you, I enjoyed it. I am a guy who loves you so when a girl like you comes in and initiates a make out session, I was over the moon because of you. So, please stop crying, I just wanted to tease you. Sorry sweetheart, forgive me for my stupidity.

As soon as I said that she removed her palms from her face and gave me a smirk

Kalki : I know you enjoyed it, I just wanted to get it out of you

She was acting ?? All this time ??

Me: You are such a devil Mrs. Khavin

Kalki: I know , you can curse me some more later but now you have to go get ready

She pulled me into my room and put my dress my hand.  I am in a sulking mode now, because she has easily fooled me. I was dumbfounded by her acting and antics. I fell right into the prank and confessed. Stupid me !!

I was about to go to the washroom when I heard Kalki calling me, I didn't stop. She held my hand and pulled me to her. 

Kalki: I am sorry I fake sobbed, now don't sulk please. What will the world say?? That the evil wife has already started torturing her poor husband. 

She made a cute pout, not fair, she looks so adorable, I wanted to be mad on her but she looks so cute. Damn, I should have more self control just when I was thinking all that I heard her saying

Kalki: Okay fine I will give my apology in some other away

She put my arms around her and she was reaching above my shoulders, what is she planning to do? She kissed me on my neck, and looked at me with those big brown beautiful eyes and said a cute sorry with a cute pout and she hugged me tightly. Her face hidden in the crook of my neck, her hands hugging my torso. Her breath falling on my body ,our chests touching.  

Damn !! No more self control anymore. I hugged her tightly too and kissed her on her head. 

Me: Kalki, you are a devil with all the power and magic, I wanted to be angry on you, but your actions do not let me. People are right you know, once a guy is married he is a puppet in the hands of his wife.

Kalki: I don't want you to be my puppet. I just want us to be so attached to each other that whenever we have these silly fights and arguments we can always convince each other and forgive each other. This way even if we are fighting the last minute, we would be forgiving the next minute. Its good for the married life. Now, you go wear your Kurta , before that apply the vermillion.

She handed me the box and I felt a sense of pride in me. My Kalki is my wife and she is mine and I am her's. I opened the box and took out some vermillion. Kalki closed her eyes and I applied that vermillion on her hairline. She opened her eyes and gave me a huge smile

Kalki: Okay get ready quickly, Ill go out and help mom

Before she went I pulled her to me and kissed her cheeks

Me: Now you can go

She gave me a smile and left

Kalki POV:

I went out and mom saw me and gave me a teasing smile

Mom: I never thought that applying the vermillion takes so much time

Bhabhi was right there and even she started teasing me

Bhabhi: I know Maa, I think everyone should learn from both of them. They could easily teach others on how to apply the vermillion.

Me: Maa, Bhabhi please don't tease me 

Mom: Okay fine, we wont tease you now. Go braid your hair and come, then we will start the Puja. 

I got ready and by that time even Khavin was ready. Mom, sat alongside with us and made us do the puja. After taking everyone's blessing's mom told me about the Pagphera ritual where new bride goes to her home. She added that Dhruv would come and pick me up as my brother and take me to the Orphanage and in the evening Khavin will pick me back again. Mom told me that now, the puja is done I could change my clothes if I wanted. Yes, I have to change because , I would be running behind kids today.

I wore my Kurta and Pajamas with a Stoll.  I was combing my hair when I saw Khavin behind me looking at me through the mirror. 

Khavin: Hi

Me: Hi, Husband

He had his sulking face again. I got up from my place and went near him

Me: Khavin, what happened?

Khavin: I wont be seeing you for the whole day

Me: I know but then in the evening, Ill be back with you, after today I would be spending my whole life with you. So, you don't have to sulk, now hug me and give me a sweet send off.

He hugged me tight and ran his hand on my back. 

Khavin: It feels so good to hug you, this is my new addiction now

Me: Mine too

By then the maid came and called me saying that Dhruv is here with the caretaker. I pulled away from Khavin and kissed him on his cheek.

Me: Dont be sad, I will be back before you now it. 

Khavin: Okay

As soon as I went the kids never left me alone, they wanted me to play with them and talk to them, they wrote letters for me which I appreciated. In the evening they were all sad but put up their strong faces. When Khavin came, he came an hour early and spent time with them after which we left.

In the car, when we were on the way I saw that Khavin had a huge smile on his face. He looked really happy. When I asked him why he was smiling all he did was shrug his shoulders with a mysterious smile.

What is he planning to do ?


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