Chapter 34

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Third Person POV

It was a dark room

The only light which the room got was from a small bulb hanging from the ceiling. There was a water pot in the corner and a set of table with two chairs placed opposite to each other.

Khavin sat on the chair while lying his head on the table

Kalki walked into the room and sat in front of Khavin. Her iron chair making a disturbing squeaky noise when she pulled on it to sit down.

Khavin sat straight after he heard her sit down in front of him

He looked at her with all the hate, disgust, and anger he could muster

Though the women acted all strong anyone could notice a tiny teardrop from Kalki's left eye

Through her tears softened up Khavin he hid it and returned back to glaring

Kalki: Why are you here?

Khavin: Look I am not even a little bit interested to come over here and look at your ugly face. One might think you are an angel looking at your innocent looks and big sad eyes but who knew you would turn out to be a liar, a cheat, and a backstabbing bitch. Anyways all I want to know is why did you do this ? What did you get from doing all this? Are you at least a bit ashamed of the devious plan that you pulled?

Kalki: I don't regret anything I have done. In fact I did what had to be done a long time ago.

Khavin gave a sarcastic laugh looking at the calm and composed look Kalki had. She dint have a hint of anger or sadness or regret. Khavin ignored the watery eyes because he knows he can't look into them right now.

Khavin stood up from his chair and bent down on the table to intimidate Kalki but she had a straight face.

Khavin: Tell me something, was everything you said or did during your devious plan was a act? or was there any hint of truth in it? Oh the part where you slept with me was it part of the deceitful plan too or was there any truth in it?

Kalki looked into his eyes trying to convey the answer to his question through her eyes but his eyes who used to read her like a book looked cold and distant that is when she knows she was fighting a long lost battle.

She started to walk away when he opened his mouth but only to say

Khavin: " I thought you were a liar, a cheat, and a backstabbing bitch but I was wrong I forgot to add you were also a whore, a whore who slept with me to achieve her selfish motive",

Any fool could definitely see the hurt and sadness on the face she walked up to him and


Khavin held his cheek in his palm now

Kalki POV

Me:  I might be a liar, a cheat, a backstabbing bitch, and a whore who slept with someone to achieve her selfish motive but you have no right to judge me, I did it for a right purpose, first look at the facts in front of you that would be enough to prove that what I did was right. 

If you want answers, I am willing to give them to you, if you want to hear my side of story I will tell that to you, but I beg you to not turn a blind eye on this situation.  Trusting a person is good but blindly trusting them and thinking that they would never commit any sin would be foolishness, so try to see that side of the person.

Khavin: You are right, I shouldn't have trusted you blindly, if I would not have trusted you, then you would not have caused this trouble to me and my family. 

Me: Sometimes we have to take crooked paths in order to reach the truth, I did the same. Here is the thing, I could vouch for myself, I could present you with facts and evidences about the same, but can you prove that YOUR DEAREST BROTHER IS NOT A MURDERER. Can you prove that HE DINT KILL THOSE INNOCENT AND DEFENSELESS LADIES? 

You are accusing me that I came to your life and proved your brother guilty of raping and murdering women? Okay fine, you can accuse me for being undercover and collecting the evidence against your cold blooded murder brother, but if you accuse me for bringing all those victims and their families into justice I am not taking that blame, its on your brother. 

If you want to keep trusting your brother that's fine but the evidences and facts do not lie, you can try to stop me but I will make sure that he is hanged to death. Stop me if you can my love.

I gave a challenging smile and walked out of the room while my husband punched the wall with his fist which was right now bleeding.

Next day in court

Kalki POV

Khavin and his family was present in the court along with all the families who has lost their loved ones. The press is eagerly waiting for the verdict and their news of the day.

Judge : After all the arguments put forth by both the lawyers and the different evidences presented, it is clear that Anish Sharma had raped and killed 6 women including Megha who was said to be in relationship with Khavin. The court is regretful at the emotional and physical trauma Mr. Khavin Sharma has faced in the past as his name was run through mud accusing him of this murder. We are extremely sorry about that, now coming to Mr. Anish, he would be given a life long imprisonment and an amount of 5 lakhs fine for each of the victim families.  I know though the fine wouldn't cover the losses and the sadness they must be feeling right now, this is the ideal thing to do right now.

We appreciate Ms. Kalki Kamra for going undercover and bringing the truth out...

Me: Sir, may I say something

Judge: Yes please continue

Me: Along with all the victims who was a prey of Anish Acharya there was one more person in the count. It is Mr. Rajeev Khandelwal. He was the first officer who was in charge of this case.  He was investigating this case, when he lost his life. He was so close to the truth when he was killed by none other than Anish Acharya.

Judge: How do you know this ?

Me: Rajeev was my family. He was my best friend, since the time he was on this case, he was working hard to know the truth but he was unsuccessful. The first victim of Mr. Anish was Megha's case. He saw a pattern & Rajeev followed the lead, he even shared the good news to me when he visited me that he was close to finding the truth but he was dead, it was a clear stab wound but Rajeev was smart, he hid the evidence wisely,he wanted to to be heard, so he made a password protected one drive file and sent it to my old email address with a new email id. I dint check it because it was on my spam folder until I got his message that I have to open my email.

Judge: How did he send the message ?

Me: He sent me a birthday cards with a message inside it saying "Lets play a game of treasure hunt, check your old email to unlock your surprise gift". I dint see these cards until now because I dint visit my apartment for a while and when I did I found the cards in my apartment. What I saw afterwards helped this case, as you have seen in that videos.

Judge: Oh yes, we want to salute Mr. Rajeev too for his service and hard work to uncover the truth.

Every one clapped, and without looking at anyone I escaped from there, running away from the love of my life because he hates me now.


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Confused on how did she find the truth ?

Confused on how did Anish turn out to be a murderer? 

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