Chapter 3

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Kalki POV

I walked through the huge gate of the mansion and I felt nostalgic because I had a life like this in the past and now I am just a hard-working woman. The security guard asked me to sit in the garden. The garden was a beautiful area surrounded by different colored flowers leading the pathway and some herbs in the back which we use in the kitchen.

I sat there for about 5 minutes when Mr. Anish, Mr. Khavin's elder brother came out to take me inside. He was dressed in simple formals nothing extravagant and he greeted a polite good morning to me and we started walking towards the house

Anish: Ms. Chaturvedi...

Me: If you dont mind, could you call me Kalki ?

Anish: Sure, Ms. Kalki I have heard a lot about your work and let me tell you it has risen some hope in me that you can heal my Khavin. Chotey, was the most enthusiastic, smart and charming guy but now all I see today is a sad person who has no hope or positivity. I hope you could heal him enough to fill him with positivity. 

Me: Ofcourse Mr. Anish I would try my level best but I would like to know the patient history, as far as I understand he was admitted with suicidal tendencies and depression followed by this major suicide attempt causing temporary paralysis. 

Could you tell me what really happened because until we find out everything, which caused him to take this extreme step all my attempts would be failed, if I don't know why he is resisting treatment or what caused his vulnerabilities which led him to take his life.I would also like to know while on the treatment plan if our efforts would push him too much that he would be in stress again. Any patient history would be used effectively to treat him.

Anish: Ofcourse you have a right to know Ms.Kalki but could you promise one thing ?

Me: What is it Mr.Anish?

Anish: Whatever it is that I would tell you could you promise me that you would never judge him or sympathise with him because he is judged so much that he is suffering for it and some people show the fake sympathy so much that he is tired of it. All I am wanting is your 100% efforts with care and empathy without any judgments after listening to his story.

Me: Mr.Anish I am here as his doctor, I am nothing more and nothing else. I have this policy that neither I would get emotional about patients nor I would judge them. I have come here to treat him and give my fullest efforts but my opinions and judgments would not be part of it.

Anish: Thank you, Ms.Kalki. Khavin was a hard worker, after my dad passed away I joined the company to take care of it but I lacked something which my dad had which was inherited by my chotey. He was a natural businessman, he had that zeal, that charm, and that tactics to run the business. Once he joined our company it got really popular and successful. 

Everything was going well until Megha joined our company. As soon as he saw her Khavin really liked her. Though he was her boss he proposed the idea of dating her and she agreed because she liked him too.  They kept it a secret because they were afraid of judgments that people are going to make so obviously I was the last to know. One day they had a misunderstanding and they broke up. That week we saw Khavin really sad, upset, and grumpy. His work was affected, even Megha quit in that week. When he got drunk and I confronted him, that time he revealed the truth to me about their relationship. 

A few days later after that, we got to know she was badly assaulted, raped, and murdered. From their phone records, her building's watchman identification, and her building security footage as evidence they started accusing Khavin as the boyfriend who murdered his Ex, they even charged him and locked him up. In the court, it was evident that he was her boyfriend but that didn't mean he killed her, he came out on bail. That is when his bad time started, they started looking for other possible suspects or even a killer who has done this many times in the past because that kind/pattern of crimes occurred even before.

That opened a can of worms because his childhood schoolmate was murdered in a similar fashion and cops discovered the body at the same location in the past where they found Megha now. They started investigating and found that Khavin was the common point here, though they dint have any evidence he was pointed fingers by the media, our business lost a lot of investors. People started calling him names while Khavin was grieving for Megha. He was tortured, questioned, blamed, and humiliated. He was a strong guy but he was emotional that started working against him. When he started showing suicide tendencies we admitted him to your hospital, then in court because of lack of evidence he was proved innocent but all the humiliation killed him, so he decided to end his life.

Anish: That is his story Kaki please bring my old chotey back will you?

Me: I will give my fullest efforts

Anish: Thanks, Kalki I will walk you to him.


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