Chapter 44

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Kalki POV

Things have gotten weird now, you ask me why I will tell you that Khavin has been acting distant. So after he got the news that mom was recovering at hospital he left with the lunch I packed, normally when he goes to work he checks on me asking if I had food or taken my vitamins but I guess he was spending time with his mom so I dint think much of it. That night he called me and said that he wont be able to come today because he had got cleaners at home, cleaning and sanitizing before mom goes home, he asked me to take care and ended the call, he dint ask anything about me or the baby.

Next day, in the evening he texted that he is going to be busy for few days, as he has lots of work to take care of this week. He had to get mom discharged and settled in, he had to take care of work and he had to spend time with his family from his mom's side who had come to take care of his mom and spend time with her.

I used to get few messages asking me to take care and reminding me to take my medicines but nothing more than that. Then I wondered one thing, it just came in to my mind that may be , there is a chance that he was afraid, he is afraid to talk to his mother about us. As she is still recovering he does not want to tell her yet and he doesn't want to spend time with me because that might raise suspicions on where he is through out the night or what is he doing etc. There is this other scenario which comes in my mind, may be he did talk to her and she did not like the idea of us being together, that might be the reason on why he is being so distant now a days, that even when I call he does not pick up.

All the take care messages and the reminders for taking my nutrition supplements makes me overthink. May be his mom doesn't want me in his life but if he had told about the pregnancy to her, then may be they want to be part of my kid's life, I mean its possible right ? Why else would he not talk to me but only sends reminders?

I don't want to overthink, I really don't but I cannot help it at all, I am with our baby, I am unsure on how mom might react, I am scared if she does not want me, I am scared that if she does not want me then Khavin wouldn't defy her as she is sick.

I thought I shouldn't focus on these things so I started going back to work, I have been backed up with different clients and it helps me keep my mind off things, I joined yoga classes for pregnant ladies,  Lamaze classes and I go for long walks in our compound. That is what it is , when you feel like a guy doesn't respect you anymore or love you, you have to forget fearing and overthinking. You have to start concentrating on yourself in order to keep going, that way you keep your mind off the irrational fears.

You got to focus on yourself because its for you and you are worth it

Khavin POV

There was a time when Kalki made a plan, implemented it and succeeded in it. Now it is my time to implement my plan and succeed in it. Kalki be ready for my plan because you would be so blown over by what I am planning.

Game on Kalki !!


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