Chapter 35

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Khavin POV

Have you ever gotten married to someone whom you really love? Well that is the case with me, I married someone who I loved. Let me tell you something, my married life was a bliss, at least I thought it was.

Waking up to see Kalki sleeping peacefully or Kalki waking me up with her snuggles and kisses is a wonderful start for my day. My family was happy to see her trying to merge with our family, the kids love her because she becomes a kid while she plays along with them. Bhai, told me one day that he was extremely happy for me and I could agree with him.

After she came into my life, my work has been prosperous too, I go to work I work hard and I strive to come back home early. Some evenings Kalki massages my hair with hot oil when I am stressed or I sleep in her lap while she reads her book. Sometimes, while she reads her patient files I try to divert her by kisses and hugs but the thing is she is very serious with her work, which I really appreciate. The thing about Kalki is no matter how serious she gets while she is at work, in the dark nights she snuggles with me, laying her head on my chest and talking about random stuff, that is the highlight of my day. 

Everything was going well until after 3 weeks of marriage when I saw Kalki changing. No, she took care of me still, we still made love with spark and passion, we still talked but in the middle of the nights I don't find her in bed, sometimes I used to find her in the garden walking or sometimes I saw her being diverted, like she is in a deep thought or something. She used to bolt out of the door for work and she used to come late, not that it is a problem but she looks nervous, tense and antsy. 

I had an important assignment and I had to travel to an other state for a deal. Kalki, said she would miss me, she kept hugging me until I had to get separated from her because I would be late from my flight. The whole night before the travel she looked like she would cry that I would be leaving. I dint know Kalki would be this emotional, but knowing that someone is waiting for you at home is the best feeling ever.

After few weeks I came home to find out that my Bhai was arrested and it was Kalki who helped in that. She was part of it and she was brave enough to come and confess while laying allegations on my brother with her team who led the sting operation. I was told about this later but I could not believe the fact that she was an undercover agent and she helped put my Bhai in jail. Why was everyone hating my Bhai ? When did she become an undercover agent ? Why would she laying this allegations on him? 

I have so many questions in my mind and I also knew that Bhai wouldn't do anything wrong, I was sure about that. I have to meet Kalki, when I tried trying to get some way to talk to her I was told she was injured and admitted in hospital in the scuffle with my brother. Did he hurt Kalki or is it all false news?  If she was that injured in the scuffle then why did she come and confess the truth when she should have gotten medical attention, god, that girl is so stupid. Why I am I even caring about her? After I went to see her in hospital, I saw her laying in the hospital bed she had a bandage tied around her head, and arm. She looked weak and she had an IV attached to her arm, so that she could get some blood in her body. Seeing her in that state I walked out, though she hurt my family I dint want to see her like that, ever.

Later in that week I visited her in her office, I spoke  out some spiteful words and I got a tight slap for that. She challenged me to find out the truth, she challenged me that she would prove that my murderer brother is guilty. I was angry at her words, when I consulted with my lawyer I got to know they have got a lot of evidence against my brother, he told me that they must have been working on that for years now. That made me angry because it proved my suspicions, maybe Kalki was acting all along to be in love with me. That made me so angry on my fate, the one person who I was happy with turned out to be a coup.

That week we were all in a court and I learned that what evidences they had. I was shell shocked by what they presented. It was a video of Megha, where she talked about how Bhai kept forcing her to sleep with him, how he was barging into her house to abuse her, she talked about how she tried to take help from me but I refused to believe her. So, she thought of giving me a proof. That is the reason she installed secret cameras in her own home so that she could give me the proof. I saw how Bhai was assaulting her. I have realized now that the day I went out of station after breaking up with her, that day he  barged in again, raped and killed her. I could see him carrying her body out of her apartment so he must have disposed off her body where they got it.

Oh my god Megha was killed by my own brother??

The first victim of his was a classmate of mine in school when I was a teenager, She visited our home often because of projects, she was killed in similar fashion. Now when I remember, she used to get awfully quiet or nervous when Bhai used to stop in, when he pat her own the back she used to have a dread look. I should have been more observant, how did I miss the signs?? If I would have observed and asked her about her nervousness then maybe she would have told me, but then, Megha told me about what happened, I dint believe her, I was foolish not to.

I knew two victims of his and I was the reason they were exposed to him. I dint even notice his intentions. Kalki said that the first case was handled by Rajeev's department head and once he retired that case came to Rajeev, and while he was near the truth he was killed. When instigated by her lawyer he confessed not only did he kill these victims but also an eye witness who saw the murder happen.

My brother wasn't my brother

 He looked dangerous, he looked proud of what he did

I still have a lot of questions on how did they come to the conclusion. I have to talk to Kalki, not only because she has to answer a lot but also because she played with my feelings.


Hey Guys,

How was the chapter?

How was the bitter sweet feelings of Khavin?

Do you think Kalki loved him or not?

Bhai is really a murderer, what ???

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