Chapter 39

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Kalki POV

I asked him if he would ever be able to trust me again but he looked like he was in deep thought. If I look at this situation from his perspective I know I am at fault, but if I look at it from my side, I know I am not at fault, I had to do what I had to do.

While I was waiting for his answer, aunty knocked and came into my room

Aunty: Kalki Beta, here have this orange juice it will help with your nausea, after that have this dates too okay it is good for you.

Me: Thank you, Aunty this is Khavin and Khavin she is Rajeev's mom. She insisted that I stay here after she heard about my pregnancy.

Khavin: Hello, I am sorry, In a way because of my brother your family had to face a terrible loss. If I knew anything about his reality I would have stopped him.

Aunty: Beta, I was angry at first, I was very angry at first, in fact when Kalki found the truth she told me and all I wanted to do was shoot him point blank but when justice was severed I calmed down. It took me a while, even now I feel sad and hurt but I am trying to be okay. I mean I cant do anything else right. Khavin do you know how does it feel when your only son who had made you feel proud his whole life goes away from you, that pain is always there but the thing which assures me is that he died doing something he liked, he died fighting for justice for all those victim and their families. This little thing makes me proud of my son. I know you are not at fault, now that you know everything, I hope you understand why Kalki did this because she loves you. She had struggled a lot trying to do the right thing because she knows that is going to hurt you. She did the right thing for all those victims and their families but in that fight I hate to see that she had lost the love of her life. You might not forgive her right now but don't hurt her okay ?

Khavin took mom's hand in his and made her sit on the couch, he kneeled down and looked into her eyes

Khavin: Aunty, I love Kalki, I have loved her in the past and I will love her in the future, that is the truth. This whole bitter truth made me confused, angry and hurt at the same time. I thought she dint love me and I was just a pawn in her plan to get to the truth. I was hurt because I thought it was all an act but today I promise you aunty, I will take care of her, I will keep loving her even when I am angry with her. My anger is not justified, I don't know why I am angry anymore but I will keep loving her. Aunty if Kalki agrees can I take her back to our house? Your permission is necessary because you are like a mother to her.

Aunty nodded and put her hand on his head like she was blessing him. I saw Khavin smile, for the first time in these few weeks. Aunty warned me to drink my juice and left. I have realized one thing right now, Khavin has answered my question even though he dint tell it to me. I have to confirm.

Me: Khavin, are you really going to give us a chance?

Khavin: Here drink your juice first

I drank it without any arguments and he took the glass and kept it on the table. He passed on the dates and I had it. He took my hands in his and looked into my eyes, Kalki tell me one thing you really love me right?

Me: Khavin, are you mad, don't you see I love you? I am wearing this Mangal sutra which you tied around my neck, I am putting the vermillion in your name, I am having our baby, even then you think I don't love you? How can you be so stupid? Do you think I am a whore that I would sleep with any random guy even if it is for a mission ? I could have easily postponed our love making telling I need some time, or I could have said I am feeling sick, I could have done anything to not sleep with you but I didn't. I fell in love with you, I wanted you to make love to me and I let you because I love you. You are such a dumb ....

He silenced me from saying anything further by taking my lips in his, I was angry so I showed a bit of resistance but I melted into his kiss, he has wrapped his arms around my curvy waist and I put my hands in hair pulling him more to me. We broke the kiss when I was a bit breathless.

Me: Khavin did you see my love in that? Or do I need to do anything else to prove my love ?

He pulled me towards himself and caressed my face with his knuckles, Kalki you know how much I love you ? If I thought that you dint love me even then I would have kidnapped you and kept you by my side because I want you by my side. I am madly in love with you, its not because of our baby, its because I love you. I mean of course I have started to fall in love with the baby too , what I am trying to say is I want you in my life, knowing that you love me too, makes me so happy because I don't have to force you. You don't have to prove your love to me Kalki because your eyes tell it out for me, I just wanted to hear it in your words. Kalki I know the baby is in size of a peanut now and it wont be able to hear me or feel me, but I want to feel it can I ?

Me: Yes

He slowly made me lay on the bed and he pushed the cloth covering my belly now, he caressed my stomach with love and kissed me there like he was kissing the baby. He was still moving his hand in circles and started talking to the baby.

Khavin: Hey baby, this is your dad, Whoever you are, I love you a lot already just like I love your mom. Your mom can be a bit careless about her own health so keep reminding her to eat healthy food and drink lots of water as well as juice okay. I heard she is throwing up so please let her stomach her food so that you both can get the nutrition. I love you baby.

 He kissed my stomach again and laid down beside me. He pulled me to himself and snuggled with me like before running his knuckles on my back.

Khavin: Kalki mom is still in hospital, I would be travelling to and fro so its better you stay here with aunty because I don't want you to be alone at home okay ? Ill come and keep visiting you daily until I talk to my mom, after that Ill take you home with me as my wife. 

Me: Khavin take your time, I know mom might take some time understanding so Ill wait for you. He raised my face and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips and ran his hands through my hair until I fell in to a deep slumber.

Khavin's POV

Me: Aunty, Kalki had her juice and the dates you gave, she is sleeping now, I have to go to the hospital to check on my mom and I will go to work. When she wakes up she is going to be pissed but let her know that I will be back in the evening to spend some time with her 

Aunty: Okay Beta, make sure to plan in such a way that you have your dinner with us, its the first time you have come here, I am happy to see that she is asleep otherwise for a while now she has been having nightmares and waking up in middle of the night, shouting. I hope she has proper sleep now.

Me: She is having nightmares ?

Aunty: Yes she will not talk about that but she does, she wakes up scared. I was so worried, but I'm glad you are with her now, I think most of her nightmares have to be with the fact that she missed you.

I just nodded and touched her feet  as sign of respect. I went with the day so that I could be back to spend time with my love and our baby. I love you Kalki.


Hey Readers,

I know it has been a while since I updated but see cute Kalki and Khavin moments as a surprise for you

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