Chapter 42

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Khavin POV

We were both in the back seat of the car, driving towards the jail where my brother is kept. Kalki held my hand protectively in hers and put her head on my shoulder throughout the ride, it calmed me down a bit but still I was nervous and I felt a fear at the pit of my stomach.

We walked to the visiting area hand in hand, my palms wet with sweating and my mind with all the nervousness and worry. Today I'm not going to meet my brother, I am meeting a criminal, a cold blooded murderer and I wish that my emotions are kept in control today.

We sat down and Kalki gave a comforting smile , I smiled back too but I believe she knows that I'm not myself right now. I saw my so called elder brother step into the room and I felt fear grip my spine. He killed those women, he tortured them, because of him I got framed for years and I lived in a wheelchair because of that. I lived with a man like him and I dint even know that he was such a monster.

Him: Hello little brother, oh hello little brother's wife, you looked so cute and innocent we both fell in your trap. I got to give credit to the CBI, they have got a wonderful undercover spy for themselves. With your big innocent eyes you managed to put both of us in your spell, you know first I thought I could make you (Kalki) one of my victims but my brother fell in love with you, I thought least I could do is leave you for him, I love you little brother, you should be glad I dint make her my victim. I left her for you and to tell you the truth she was not my type. I was used to enjoying and killing those women who are headstrong, smart and arrogant. I liked to break all of their arrogance and give them such a punishment where they will never look down on me.

I always used to wonder that what is so bad with me that people look down upon me, why do they disrespect me and insult me? Just because I am an orphan and was adopted by your family? What is so wrong if I was adopted, why did people think I dint deserve a normal life? 

Khavin your father was a wonderful man, he was successful, kind and compassionate. He used to visit our orphanage every month and give us treats. One day while he was walking out of our orphanage, he had a stroke. Me with my group of friends carried him to a taxi and took him to a hospital, we thought he would give us some money, but he was so impressed by me that he adopted me. When you were born they assumed I was their lucky charm and treated me well. I was treated equally alongside you, which is really great. Those friends of mine from orphanage do this little crimes and I feed them, send them money sometimes so , they are loyal to me. Then when I was 21 I saw my first victim, your best friend. She was beautiful, but she used to give me attitude, she used to frown or curse when we were in our group. As her parents are your family friends she probably knew my reality and so she had that ignorance and hate for me. What is my fault if I was an orphan, you parents adopted me, I was a nice teenager but she awakened the devil in me. I wanted to shut her mouth which used to insult me so I did it, then came your girlfriend, she was very disrespectful, you know her parents are our business partners, as people in our community know we are adopted, when the time came for choosing CEO, they said only a blood related family should take up the business when your dad died, I got all the work and your throne was waiting for you. Why such inequality ?

First I broke you guys apart and then I attacked her, but that bitch recorded everything, I never knew she had that brains in her, but now I am impressed. After her and also before her there were other victims but she was special. Then when the investigation started I calmed down, oh Kalki sorry for killing your best friend, he got too close to me so had to kill him.

After your suicide and hospitalization I felt sad for you, so I got Kalki. She was beautiful so it was like having a treat in front of us. When I got to know she was an orphan I felt really sad that is one of the other reasons I left Kalki, I know the struggles of being an orphan so I thought Ill let her be. If I had a slightest doubt I would have killed her like others, I wish I just used her and cut her into pieces

Me: You bastard, how dare you talk to my wife like that? We gave you so much love but you ignored that part, you took the insults part seriously. People are mean, they can get rude but you could have talked to us, you could have told me the truth, you could have asked me to not talk to them I would have but you killed them, you bought shame upon us, your stupidity got your mom so sick that she is in ICU, your foolishness filled so much of hate in your family that they left from the house, your kids are always going to be known as the kids of a  killer, you are so foolish you made your kids life miserable. I wanted to speak to you to see if you regret any of it but I was wrong, you never change. We are done, we are leaving

I held Kalki's hand and I pulled her outside. We were quiet the whole ride and once we were in her room, she hugged me and that night I cried, all the hate, all the disgust, all the anger for my brother came in form of tears, we loved him so much but he was so damaged to see it. I collapsed into Kalki's arms that day and cried like there is no tomorrow. Through out the time, she held me close to her heart, letting me hear the soothing beats of her heat, letting me take out all the pain I had in me. While I drifted off to sleep in her lap I could feel her soothing forehead kisses , which put a spell of sleep on me.


Hey Readers,

Here is the truth revealed about his brother and why he did that crimes

Don't you think its better to show compassion than break others in such a way that they become a harm to society ?

Isn't it better to share your emotions rather than keeping your emotions bottled up inside which would kill you later and make you do worst things?

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Which actor would suite this character (Khavin's brother) well you think?



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