Chapter 2

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Kalki POV

Shit !!

I am late again

God, why cant I ever be on time ?

I have reasons for me being late but would people ever understand them ??

I live in an orphanage, yes I am old but I live there because I have lived there since I am 15 years old after my parents died in a car accident. Since then I have been handed over to this orphanage and I started to like living here after a while because I have many siblings here.

I was a brat, in the beginning, rich parents with lots of money to live with, etc. After their accident I was shifted to different homes, long-lost cousins, and my parent's friends, who wanted my inheritance, I could clearly see they were not excited to have me. After getting tired of getting shuffled this way I called my estate lawyer and the warden of an orphanage I am familiar with through a phone booth near my school. The lawyer and the warden discussed my issue they both came and picked me up from my relatives' place. With the lawyer's presence and my unwillingness to stay there, the relatives had to let me go. I will definitely remember to reward the lawyer for his help. The orphanage which I am going to was run by my family's trust and I know the warden really likes me as I used to volunteer there with my mom when she was alive.

When I turned 25 I got access to my money which my parents left me. After paying off my student loans which I took to become a Physiotherapist, I donated some part of my inheritance to the orphanage because I lived with them and I gave part of it to the lawyer for his support and guidance, while I put some in my savings. Yes, I work as a physiotherapist, doesn't that word sound fancy, of course, it is. Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease. The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them remain independent for as long as possible.

As I work with lots of ex-military personnel and major accident victims I also did a minor in Counselling which focuses on motivational speaking to spread hope and positivity even through tough times. 

I recently got hired to work with a business man's rich bratty son. Why do I call them brats? Well most of them are brats because I had been one back when I was a child. A few months ago I was working at the hospital when I heard a guy who was admitted for showing suicide tendencies and extreme depression ran away from the ward and jumped down our building in mid-afternoon. During lunchtime, the nurse who worked on the case told me , how this guy's life was in danger and how they are needing a lot of B+ blood. I was B+ so I ran and gave them my blood, on the way out his family thanked me with tears in their eyes. Few months after that he came back to consciousness and found out he had temporary paralysis. 

While he was getting discharged, their family was offered a different set of physical therapists which included me too, to help him recover. While they were considering the options they met me and that family appointed me as the physical therapist, I am not yet sure if they appointed me because they recognized me from when I have donated blood for him or because they like my working record.

I am a physiotherapist who works most of my time to earn money while I also work as an independent therapist with families who cannot afford a therapist outside this hospital if I feel like it. I normally volunteer with families who were ex-military pro bono to show my respect for them.

Though I am a physiotherapist with a hospital I work most of my time at their own homes with special requests. While some patients decide to come to the hospital, some patients want to be treated at home. These cases bring in a lot of money to the hospital as well as me so I have no complaints.

Today is my first day with Mr. Khavin Acharya. I have to meet the family to know about his case history so that I could provide him with the best I could. I hope he is not the arrogant type or the kind of patient who does not have any desire to cope up well because that would make my job a tough one.

Mr.Khavin Acharya, here I come 


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