Chapter 1

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Khavin POV

I was so done with my life

Yes, I am going to end my life today

Whom do I blame for this extreme step I am taking? 

I am blaming it on the humiliation, shame, and torture I have been put through in the last few weeks

This is it I cannot keep living like this

I cant keep suffering so much

I cant stay at this place where people look at me with pity or suspicion or disguist

I am standing on the roof of the building looking down at the passage to my end. I see some people have gathered now looking at me like I am a showpiece. 

I hate this world

I hate my life

I hate the turn my life took

I remember my whole life until now closing my eyes. 

I take a step forward now after taking a deep breath I jump forward, the gush of air around me and the extreme high of being in the air gives me relief but then I feel myself thrown on the floor by gravity. The next thing I know I feel a huge amount of pain shooting through my whole body. All I see now is darkness.

Five months later

I hear the beep of monitors around me. My surroundings smell like lots of disinfectants and sanitizers. I open my eyes with great difficulty but the sudden light makes me blind, I close my eyes and open them again. After a couple of attempts, I could finally open my eyes and look around my room. I see my elder brother sleeping on the couch but I know he is uncomfortable looking at his frown on his face.

My whole body ached and my head started experiencing a throbbing pain. My movements made the IV stand fall on the floor. The movement woke up my brother and he had shock written all over his face. He walked up to me and he cupped my face in his hand, he had tears in his eyes. 

Him: Chotey (Younger brother) you are alive, you opened your eyes

Me: Bhai (Elder Brother) why I am I still alive bhai ? I should have died, all the humiliation, all the pain and all the torture I cant take it bhai, I seriously cant.

Him: Chotey be brave, be strong. You know how much we all love you right? Mom is going crazy because your life was in danger. Why did you do this Chotey, I know what you were going through but it does not mean you take this step right? We trust you chotey but you became so weak that you took this step? Why Chotey, please get better chotey. We already know you were innocent, now the whole nation knows you are not at fault so don't worry. Everything is cleared, you are safe chotey. 

Talking to my brother got me a little bit of solace but thinking about what happened in the last few months made me mad. How can this happen to me?

My brother got worried, listening to my rapid beeping of monitors. He ran outside to call the doctor after which  I saw a team of doctors attending to me. 

They injected something into my veins and then I felt a deep sleep engulf me.


Hey Readers,

How are all of you doing?

I have written some romantic stories in the past but now I want to write something different so I have decided to write a thriller. Hope you shower the same amount of love to this story too.

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With Love,


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