Part 2

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The next morning I came down before dad left for his work. I wished him "Good Morning dad!" Dad looked up from his phone and said "Morning! So where did you plan we should go?"

I smiled and told him "We are going to a trip you will like a lot. We can go hiking, trekking and climbing there. You have not been there. Grand Teton National Park. By flight it will take around 5 hours." 

Dad said "Yes I have heard about it." I nodded and said "I will book tickets for us. You don't have to worry about it all." Dad kept his phone aside and told me "A client will also join us with her family, I will tell Jake to book tickets and resort." 

I nodded and said "Okay dad no problem. Tell me if we will be needing anything else. I will have it prepare." He said "You can shop summer clothes for both of us. It will be hot there. I don't have time to shop today and I trust your choices. After you are back I will send Jake home, he will help you pack my things." 

I agreed and we ate breakfast. I don't know who this client is and did not bother asking him. After dad left I went shopping alone, shopped a lot for both of us and paid for it using dad's card. I loved shopping! You could say I am a shopaholic.

At home I gave dad's things to Jake his PA to pack and told him everything dad will be needing. Then I went to my room and packed my things. When after 30 minutes someone knocked on my door and I said "Come in!" 

Jake entered and said "I am done with sir's packing you need anymore help?" I shook my head and said "No I am almost done! Order pizza for me I am craving something cheesy. Are you having dinner with me or you need to rush back?" 

He told me "I am done for the day. Sir told me I can leave after I am done here. I can wait for dinner as I don't have any plans." I nodded and said "Then order for yourself also, I will be down in 5 minutes." He nodded and went down. 

Jake has been dad's PA for 7 years now. When he was 18 he started working with dad and he is like a family to us. He was with us during our worst time and when we shifted to NYC he came with us saying he can't leave dad's side. He does not have his own family, he is an orphan and considers dad as a father only. 

Dad and mom even used to treat him like their own son and I had always considered him as an elder brother. After I was done packing, I closed my bags and went down to see him doing something on his laptop. I sat on one of the couch and asked him "Still working?" 

He shook his head and said "No I was just booking the resort for our vacation." I asked him "You joining us?" He nodded and said "Yes! Sir asked me to join you all. He said with me around you will be less uncomfortable around his client's family."

I asked him "Who is this client? Are they okay about going to a destination of my choice?" He said "I think it is better for you to ask your dad." I nodded and asked "Is dad seeing someone? He has been back to his old self? He looks less distant then he was for past two years."

He shook  his head and said "No I don't think so. I told you with time he will be back to normal. Time heals everything. Anyways I am planning to propose Anne soon. Any idea's for the proposal." I told him "I will think and whatsapp you. Or you can also use Pinterest for ideas."

After that our food arrived and after dinner he left as he too had to pack for the trip. I just wish that I don't disappoint dad in front of his client. 

After I was done I logged in to Tinder and saw a message from Wine.

W: We don't know much about each other to say we are opposite. 
W: Hey! Busy?

S: Sorry I was busy with the vacation planning!!

After few minutes there was a reply from him.

W: So where are you going and when?

S: Grand Teton National Park!! Leaving tomorrow morning.

W: Wow!! I hope you enjoy. Why so soon?

S: Dad had this week free as most people are on vacation with their families. 

W: That's nice! I hope we can meet soon.

S: Me too! 

W: Okay then I have to say my good bye now. I have some work pending. I will text you tomorrow. Will it be okay?

S: Sure no problem. I will reply you back as soon as possible.

W: Okay Bye! Good night beautiful!

S: Bye!! Good Night! 

I ignored his adjective for me as I was too sleepy and did not wanted to type more.

After I logged off I went down and saw that dad was not yet back. So I texted him that I was tired and sleeping early. After that I set up alarm for next morning and got ready to sleep. 

Next morning I got up even before my alarm could ring. I turned off the alarm and got ready for the trip. I wore a blue tank top, blue shorts and white sneakers. I placed my sunglass on my head so that I don't forget them. I kept a backpack, in it was my sunglass case, money, card's including identity card and lip balm. 

I went down to see dad coming out of his room and Jake already waiting for us in the dining room. Dad looked at me and asked "Good Morning Princess! Ready for the trip?" I wished him back and said "Morning dad! I am too excited for it, Thank You so much dad."

He smiled and said "No need to thank me, anyways lets eat then we will leave for airport." I nodded, went inside dining room and greeted Jake. "Hey Jake! Morning! You look cool in this vacation clothes. Thank God you are not wearing work clothes now too."

He smiled and said "But I am way more comfortable in my work clothes. I was ordered by sir if I come in office clothes he will fire me." I laughed and dad said "If I see you in that clothes, I will feel like we are on business trip and may start working. I can't afford to work on this trip, I want to spend it completely with my family."

I ate my breakfast, so did dad and Jake. After we were done the driver carried our luggage and we went and sat in the car. Jake in passenger seat, dad and I sat behind. The journey to the airport was silent as dad was busy sending few mails and Jake was clearing his schedule for the week by texting everyone that he is not available the whole week. 

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