Part 4

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After talking for few more minutes we both fell asleep as I had gotten up early.

I felt someone poking me, I slowly opened my eye and saw a little girl still poking me. I soon realized where we were and asked her "Hey Rachel you need anything?"

She said "I need to pee but I am afraid to go alone. Bye is not here and if I woke Ryan up he will scold me."

I looked around but there was no sign of Bryan or Jake so I took her hand and said "Come on I will take you."

I took her towards the restroom when I saw Jake and Bryan coming together. On seeing Bryan, Rachel ran towards him leaving my hand and I asked Jake "Where did you go?"

Jake told me "Bryan needed something from his bag so we went into the luggage room. Anyways in few minutes we will land. You want something? Do you want to eat something?"

I nodded and said "Yes! I am starving what do we have?" He said "I will bring your favorite instant noodles you can sit down."

I heard someone say "I want it too, I am hungry." Jake nodded and I turned to see it was Ryan. Jake asked Bryan "You want anything?"

He said "Rachel loves instant noodles too bring it for her too and I will have something in sandwich if you have it? Along with coffee?"

Jake asked "Tuna sandwich is okay with you? And how will you like your coffee?" Bryan told him "Coffee with milk a bit strong with one cube sugar." I said "I want coffee too." Jake took our orders and left.

I came back along with Ryan and sat back on my seat. I asked him "So did you sleep well?"

He nodded and said "I don't know when I fall asleep." I nodded and said "I will come in a minute, let me see what my father is doing."

He nodded and I got up and went backside towards lounge. I saw dad was reading something, a file more precisely. He looked to engrossed and a bit stressed. Amanda was sleeping, so I without disturbing came back.

By now Rachel and Bryan were back too. Ryan asked me "You back early?" I told him "Dad was busy reading something, I did not wanted to disturb him." He nodded. Rachel told Bryan "My hair are all messed up, can you comb them for me?"

Bryan said "I don't have a comb?" Rachel sadly nodded. I removed my comb from my bag and gave it to her. "Here you can do your hair now." She happily took it from my hand and said "Thank you!"

She gave it to Bryan and said "Now you can do it." Bryan took the comb and was doing her hair. He actually was so caring, I seeing them had a smile.

I wish I had an elder brother like him. When I was looking at them Jake was back with our food and passed it to us.

After about 45 minutes we finally landed. We were lead out by Jake and Jake said while going out "You are so going to love the car. I booked it specially for you." I asked "Which car?" He said "You will know as soon as we get out."

I nodded and we went out. As we were out, just in front of me stood one of my favorite car. I had asked dad to buy one for me but he said that it won't be useful much in the city. There in front of me stood 2006 HUMMER H1.

I happily commented "You have to be fucking kidding! This is our car?" Dad said "Language! Anyways hope you liked it." I shook my head and said "Liked it! No dad I loved it. Can I drive it please?"

Bryan said "It's really amazing Mr. Colton!" Dad said "Yes you can drive but safely no speeding. We adults will come in the car behind. You all enjoy. Jake keep an eye on her."

Jake said "Yes sir! I will only allow her to drive till we are in city after that I will myself drive when there is off road and valleys."

Dad nodded and we all got in the car. Me on the driver seat, Jake passenger and rest all behind. Rachel went with her mom in closed car as Bryan said she had asthma and dust is not good for her health.

Ryan asked me "You knew this car? Wow you are something else." I started the car and said "I am in love with this car. I had always wanted it. But dad said no as it is not good for city rides. Anyways there are many more cars I love."

Jake said "Sir specially ordered me to book this car, he said you will be too happy." I smiled and drove it.

In thirty minutes we were out of city and Jake said "Now stop the car and let me drive." I said "I can drive in valley too, please let me drive."

I had stopped the car and was pleading Jake to let me drive, Ryan was complaining that he could not risk his life and making jokes. When Bryan for the first time said "Can I drive? I am a good driver too."

Jake said "Okay! I mean we are same age and I can't say no to you. Go back, Sam." I shook my head and said "Nope! I want to drive." Before Jake could say anything Bryan said "I am the eldest here and I will make decision."

I said "I don't trust nerd, what if you get us lost or are not confident about driving. We all can die."

He said "You may have been driving for a year but I have been driving for last 8 years. I think I am the most experienced one. I may be a nerd but you can't judge me."

I rolled my eye and said "Whatever!" I got down and was about to sit back, when Bryan said "You can sit in front if you want. Jake can go back."

I nodded and looked at Jake. He shook his head and I said "Come on that's the least you can do for me."

I used my secret weapon I knew it will melt him, I made a sad face like I am about to cry. With Jake it has always worked, specially after mom's death. At first for few months it was real. I did cry but after that it became my secret weapon.

He saw my face and said "Okay! I am going. Just don't cry, you know I can't see you cry." He went back, I did my happy dance after which I went and sat in passenger seat. Bryan whispered "So dating your father's PA? How nice of you!"

I rolled my eyes, disgust on my face and said "If you can't see he is like an elder brother. Next time pass such comment about me and you will have a broken nose." He ignored me and when everyone was settled, he started driving.

I was mostly clicking pictures, I love to take pictures. I even clicked a few of Jake, Ryan and even Bryan. He may be a nerd but he is actually a good driver. He was driving faster than me, the drive was a bit rash but safe. I was actually enjoying it.

We even spotted few animals and birds. I was so excited, everywhere it was so green and beautiful, a sight which I could never see in city.

Finally after an hour we reached our resort. Others were yet to come as we were much faster than them.

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