Part 44

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As soon as we came out, there stood in front with a Flower bouquet Wane. He saw us and came towards me and gave me the flowers and said "Congrats baby on completing your school." 

I took the flowers and said "Thank you! But what are you doing here?"

He said "Let's go around the premises walking hand in hand and making out in library. Let's have a high school romance like you wanted."

Then he removed this jacket which he was wearing and what shocked me more was he was wearing our school uniform shirt.

I asked him "You serious? I was being a baby. You don't need to fulfill all my complains." 

Ryan said "Stop complaining and lets go in and enjoy like our last day of school. You were down on our last day so let's recreate all those memories."

I asked them "You all knew?"

They nodded and Gary said "He borrowed my shirt it was all last minute plan. He was unable to fit in Ryan's shirt so I lend him and the other fool my shirt. Where is the other fool?" 

Out came Jerry and we all laughed at him. He actually dressed like a junior school student. Ellie asked him "What are you five? Why are you wearing shorts?" 

Jerry laughed and said "I never got to do this as I was home schooled and wanted to do it once. Let me also live a school day." 

We all laughed and then went around school doing random things, Wane kept kissing me or making out with me at random places and random times. We walked around holding each other's hand. We played basketball. 

Where we wrote our name we added Jerry and Wane's name too. We clicked so many pictures, this surely was the happiest last day of school.

The teachers also made fun of us and said they will always remember us. Lastly one teacher actually took one class on Wane's request and Wane and I passed chits and talked. 

I was so happy, all the way back home I thanked them all for everything.

A year ago I would have never imagined that I will be going out of this school gate with more than one friend.

I now have Ryan: He is the most caring person I ever had. He taught me to laugh again. When I was alone and lonely on the day one of school. He came as a dose of happiness in my life. I will forever be in debt of him and his family as for me his father allowed him to move here and came with him too.

Then my Bryan Wane Scoot: He is my ray of light. He kissed my sorrow away, without him I would have never actually cared about studying or becoming a successful person. But for him and our future daughter I want to be as successful as him and dad. He is my constant source of motivation.

Then came Ellie: My personal bodyguard. All the threats she gives are not just empty threat. She is pretty revengeful with people who hurt her or anyone close to her. Thank God I am on her side and never wish to be against her. She made me a strong girl I am now, if that day I would not have met her, I would still be sulking for months about that incident or would have changed the school. But what she went through was far worst then I faced and yet she has come out to be so strong and that made me to be strong just like her.

Then came Jerry: My craziest friend. He and his joke brought smile even when I was crying. It's all thanks to him that I matched with Wane and have him today. He is one of the most helpful person in my life. I know until Wane and I have him, no one can ever harm us or can ever separate the two of us. He is the only person I will ever share my fiance with.

Then came our sweet Gary: I never thought I could be friend with Gary. He is a quiet person, who never complains or demands anything. He is always smiling and the most sensible and calm one among us. He is always satisfied with whatever he has. If we all are fighting over something he is the smartest one to come up with a solution.

Anyways back to earth. Here we all are sitting at Wane's house and discussing our trip.

The plan was of thirty days and a bit changed as we could not go to all the places in just 30 days. 
1: Ireland We will land in Ireland early in the morning and stay in Dublin one night and second day in the evening we will leave for UK by ferry. 
2: UK and stay there 6 days, 2 days Scotland, then Newcastle for one day then Liverpool one day and then two days London and near by places. 
Ellie said "Now we are left with 22 days." 
3: From London late night flight to Belgium and the next day in Belgium. 
4: Next morning by car we will go to France first stop Paris it will be around 3 and half hour journey by road. In Paris we will stay two days and one night.
5: Next late evening flight from Paris to Portugal, Lisbon. 2 and half hour journey. There we will stay next day and day after leave.
6: We will leave next morning for Madrid by flight, it will take around 1 and half hour. In Madrid we will stay two days and one night. That night we will go to Barcelona by flight and stay there next two days. 
7: Then Italy for 4 days. We will take a flight from Barcelona to Rome at night and stay in Rome for two days. Second day evening we will leave for Milan and stay there next day. After which on fourth day we will early morning by road go to Venice. 
Now we only have 10 days left. 
8: From Venice next morning Greece, Athens by flight. It will be two hour journey and stay there the whole day.
9: Next day after lunch we will leave for Istanbul and stay there next whole day.
Now we have only 7 days left. 
10: Next morning we will leave for Czech Republic, Prague. It's a three hour journey and stay there the next day.
11: Next morning by flight to Germany, Munich and stay there whole day. Next morning Frankfurt by flight stay there whole day and next morning Berlin and stay there whole day too. 
Now we have only three days. 
So I have changed my places. We are travelling a lot and last three days I want to relax so from Berlin via flight we will go to Iceland and stay there for three days and chill in a resort. 

I said "Wow Ellie you can be an travel agent." Wane asked "But booking so many flights won't be a trouble?" 

She said "Who says I am booking a flight. Booking flight would cost a lot for 8 people so I have booked a mini chartered plane. Wherever we are travelling by car or ferry the plane will reach our destination wherever we are. If we have chartered plane then if we want on time we can change our plans too. I wanted it all to be flexible." 

Ryan told her "We are six people." She said "No 8! Jake and Anne are too joining us for the trip." I said "Wow and you planned all this alone. What about are staying arrangements?" 

Gary said "My uncle owns resort all around Europe, I could book us resorts wherever we go. That too last minute." 

Wane said "Okay then we are leaving next week. Don't carry too many clothes or things. I am pretty sure we all will be shopping a lot so use the things we shop. That way we will not have to worry much about luggage." 

We all agreed and everyone went home to get ready for clubbing tonight.


Okay so the book comes to an end here. Now just a epilogue is left and then I will say my finally good bye to this book. I think I have dragged it too much. Now I can't change it as I had already posted so many chapters. But I will end now. I hoped you all liked it.

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