Part 36

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Next morning I had breakfast with Dad, Jake, Anne and Wane at our place.

Dad and Jake gave me instructions as this is the first time they will be leaving me alone for months. Earlier they left me for a maximum duration of a week.

After that it was finally time to bid good bye to dad, I cried and told him "I will miss you a lot dad. Whenever possible please come to meet me." He said "I will! Promise me you will study and stay out of trouble."

I nodded and said "Okay I will! Bye!" Jake hugged me and said "Will call you daily and stay safe." I nodded and then said my last good byes.

After they left Wane went to his room to get ready and I went to mine. I was going to change when I got a new text from Wane.

I knew it was his text because his message and call tone is different from others.

He texted "Is it okay if I post on Instagram a birthday message for you finacee? Can I tell people that I am taken?"

I replied "Sure! Dad said it will be okay and when our family and friends are supporting us, I don't think we need to hide from people anymore."

He replied "Okay check after few minutes and get ready fast before others tease us for being late."

I kept my phone on my bed and changed. I wore the clothes which Ellie gave me, along with Jeremy's earrings, Jake's sneakers and the Fitbit watch.

I came out and checked my phone to see a new notification on Instagram from Wane. I opened it and saw.

He has posted three pictures first of us from last night, second our first date selfie and last one was mine from our first meeting trip.

I then read his caption "I don't know when I got so lucky that I found you in the least expected way. For you first we were strangers, then you made me your friend, then you started liking me and I had liked you for years. After that we fought and confessed our love in hospital. Sorry about that because of a misunderstanding you landed there. Then after trying for many days we finally got back together, you know what I mean. And finally on your big day beautiful you became my fiancee today. Happy Birthday Beautiful Samantha Colton. I love you!💕"

I read the comments below, some were congratulating, some asking us how we met and our complete story and some asking who I am.

I ignored the comments and replied "Thank you Wane! I love you too. I think I am the luckiest one here to have you. See you super soon or maybe in a minute."

I then kept my phone in the pocket and went to Wane's room. As I entered he asked "Ready?" I nodded and asked him "Where are we going?"

He told me "We are going bowling and then lunch. I have booked a private arcade for us and private lunch. Now that we are public, media is going to be on our toe."

I nodded and we left. The day passed by quickly, after lunch Wane told us to wait outside while he will pay and come.

I insisted on paying but he refused and said "You can pay when you will start earning youself. Until then I will pay."

I did not argue and went out with Ellie. Wane was paying and the others had gone up to look around the restaurant as it was new in town.

It was two floored and had four different section. Two private room and a terrace bar.

When we were waiting by our car, I felt someone's was looking towards us. I looked around but no one was there.

After about two minutes a car pulled in front of us and out came three men. Ellie and I looked at each other and then started walking back in.

But another car stopped and three more boys got out. We sensed danger and started running. I tripped and fall down.

Ellie was coming to help me but one of the guy caught her. The three boys from the first car came towards me and dragged me towards their car.

I shouted for help but they closed my mouth. I tried all the technique of self defense but failed as it was one against three.

I saw Ellie struggling too. After few minutes I was in a car and Ellie out of my sight.

Soon after I started crying and screaming, one of the boy shouted "Will you stop it already or should I knock you out."

I stayed quiet and sniffed. What kind of kidnapper they are? I mean I know where they are taking me, I can see everything. Weren't they suppose to close my eyes or something like that.

I stayed quiet and kept looking out so that I know where I am and then text later to Wane. They haven't even taken my phone yet so stupid of them.

Soon after we reached a house, they took me in. I was in Brooklyn now, I knew that for sure. I rarely came to this side but saw the area name on a shop's name plate few houses away.

They took me to a room and told me "Don't leave this room and if you are planning to jump out of that window other side is a swimming pool and the depth is more than your height. It is always best to conquer your fear if your enemies know about your phobia."

Then he left! What a stupid man, my phone is with me. Loser! I took out my phone and saw that I was a loser because my phone had no network.

I guess they had jammer with them the whole way here hence I did not get any call or message for so long.

Wane's Pov:

I came out to see Ellie on the floor and soon Jerry ran towards her and helped her get up. I asked her "What happened? Where is Sam?" She told me what happened.

I screamed "No she can't have her. I will save her. Jeremy call the detectives, private investigators and cops. I will inform Mr. Colton. Shit he just left and I in few hours failed to protect his daughter."

I then called Mr. Colton and he said he is at airport and coming back by a private jet so that he can come immediately. I then called Ross and asked him to come too at Mr. Colton's place.

After about an hour the cops came to Sam's house and showed us the CCTV footage of her getting abducted.

I told them that it is surely my mother and told him about my childhood kidnapping too.

The private investigators who were keeping an eye on my mother told the cops that my mother was surely up to something like this and before they could find more information she abducted Sam.

She started planning Sam's kidnapping as soon as she found out about Mr. Colton going to LA.

Jerry said "Her phone is untraceable. Her last location is parking lot of the restaurant."

I asked him "But how did my mother knew we will be there? I did not tell anyone about it."

He said "What if one of the restaurant staff told her. I think we should question people of the restaurant."

The cops went to the restaurant to question them. After sometime I told Ryan, Gary and Ellie to leave and I will inform them if I find anything. Ellie was crying badly and Ryan and Gary tried to calm her.

After about 6 hours Mr. Colton and Jake were back. I met them at their main entrance gate.

Mr. Colton slapped me and said "If anything happens to my daughter I will kill you first then your mother. I should have not trusted your words and left her here alone with you. If she went with me, she would have been safe. I will never forgive you Wane."

I apologized and asked for forgiveness but he told me to leave and I broke down in front of her door and cried. Jeremy forcefully brought me back home.

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