Part 27

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Next morning I went to school early as today we had an event in school, Ryan and me being a club member of photography club had to help club set up cameras and help them take pictures. 

Ellie was in musical club and now has a band of her own. Though she was not close to her band members but she loved music and joined the band.

They were performing today. After I was done helping I excused myself and went to meet Ellie.

She looked nervous, I asked her "Hey! You looking nervous all okay?" One of her band member asked "Will your crush be there in the audience? Is that why you are nervous?"

Before she could reply other boy said "I was nervous too when my crush had come to see me perform for the first time. But Ellie you are amazing I don't think there is a need to be nervous." 

I asked her "What? You have a crush and I don't know." She told me "Ignore them! They talk like that always."

The boy from earlier who told about his crush said "But weren't you talking to someone on the phone about seeing them later and you being nervous." 

Ellie stated "It was my granny, now shush let me talk to my best friend." I laughed seeing her all red.

She surely is hiding something and I will find it out soon. She asked me "You done with setting up cameras and all?" 

I nodded and told her "Yes we are done, Ryan and I are one team and will be clicking candid pictures of the event."

She nodded and said "I hope most of the pictures are mine and you don't get distracted." 

I asked her "Why will I be distracted?" She laughed and said "I got to go my band members are waiting, see you around. Bye!" Then she ran away. She is surely up to something.

I then went back and told Ryan everything and he said "Who could be the boy? I haven't seen her talk to anyone other than both of us and her band members. If it was someone from the band why would she be talking on the phone. I think its time we raid her phone."

I laugh and said "This weekend lets pull an all nighter from the wish list and there we can check her phone. What say?" 

He nodded and said "Perfect! Lets do it." Then we waited for the event to start. The principal who now knew me very well now saw me and called me.

I wished him "Good Morning sir! How may I help you?" 

He told me "Actually Ms. Green was supposed to escort the guest but she is missing can you come with me and your fellow student Mr. Seth to escort the guests?" I nodded and said "Sure sir I can come." 

I then handed the camera from my hand to Ryan and informed him. I then followed the principal out.

As soon as we went out in front of the school building a really familiar car stopped. Out came Jeremy followed by Wane.

I gave him 'What the Fuck' look and he just smirked. Principal said "Welcome Mr. Scoot! Its an honor to have you here."

He smiled and shook hand with the principal and said "Its an honor to be a guest between so many young people. Sorry for last time but I was pissed off. I can't handle such incidents." 

Principal said "Sir Ms. Colton and Mr. Seth will escort you towards the waiting room. I will soon start the event and then my students will escort you towards the auditorium. Please give me five minutes."

Wane told him "Yes you take your time." The principal left and Seth guy lead them towards the waiting room.

When Wane and Jeremy were settled down Wane said "Hello Mr. Seth and Ms. Colton. I am Wane Scoot." 

I rolled my eye and shook hand with him. He purposely with his thumb tickled the back side of my palm. I warned him through my eye not to act smart.

Seth guy asked him "Sir how did you become so successful at such young age? You sure our an inspiration for all of us."

Wane said "That's why I am here today. I will be telling my story to students." I commented "Aren't you going to try to be modest? Show off!" 

Wane chuckled and Jeremy laughed. Wane asked me "Did you say something Ms. Colton?"

Then he turned towards Seth and said "Mr. Seth can I have water?" Seth looked here and there and then said "Sir I will bring it in just a minute." 

After he left I asked Wane "What are you doing here? When I was at your place yesterday why did you not tell me?" He laughed and said "Surprise!" 

I rolled my eyes and said "Surprise my foot! How did Ellie know you will be here?" Wane gave me a confused look and said "But I did not tell her. Why will I tell her?" 

I said "Stop lying she teased me few minutes ago about not getting distracted and now I get what she meant." 

He was about to reply when Seth was back and he mouthed "Later!" I nodded and he continued talking to Seth guy.

For the first time I am looking at him being professional. He looked so hot! While interacting with Wane he made sure he involves me in the talk. They were discussing cars and in between he asked my opinion about car. 

Seth guy said "Wow! Samantha I did not knew you had so much knowledge about cars. I would love to get to know you more." 

I saw Wane looking irritated and so teased him "Sure Seth I would love to." Seth said "My name is Gary, Seth is my last name." 

I smiled and said "Gary! That's an unique name. I would love to know you more."

Wane cut us off "You know I am a guest here, you should stop flirting. Ms. Colton I know your boyfriend very well and he will be pissed to know you are flirting with boys in school." 

Gary was shocked and said "I did not know you two know each other." Jeremy said in a lower voice "Whipped!"

I laughed and Wane said "I know her due to her father. He is a business associate and she is my cousin Bryan's girlfriend." 

I rolled my eye and Jeremy chuckled. Before Gary could question more he got a call to bring the guest. While Wane was standing, I secretly pinched him. He screamed in pain "Ouch!" 

Gary asked "All okay sir?" He said "Yes all okay! Come on lets go." Wane gave me 'Are you mad' look and I just showed him my tongue, teasing him.

After we escorted them, I went towards Ryan. He asked me "You knew Wane was coming here?" 

I shook my head "No he did not tell me, but Ellie knew. Wane said he did not tell her." He said "Then how does she know?" I shrugged and he started clicking pictures. 

Soon the event started. After few acts, speeches and dances, it was finally last performance before Wane's speech. On the stage was our college band. Ellie was the lead female singer and guitarist of the band. 

They sang mash up of 5 songs and everyone enjoyed it. But what caught me eyes was the person on the front seat making videos and clicking pictures.

I called Ryan and he ran towards me. I told him "Look at Jeremy! He has been making videos and clicking pictures from the beginning." 

Ryan stated "Shit! Is something cooking here? Is that why she knew about Wane being here?"

I hit his arm and said "Talk softly! Why are you shouting like a mad man." 

He chuckled and finally it was time for our guest of honors speech. Damn Wane! He looked so hot in his professional attire, specially when he is behaving professional.

I took out my phone and secretly clicked his pictures while he was giving speech. I saw many girls gigging and checking him out. Some were even clicking pictures.

I wanted to shout at them to stop looking at my man but he is not my man. 

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