Part 32

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I looked down and heard him laugh. I looked up at him and he said "You fool! How can you even think I will reject you. Today I am the happiest I have ever been. Thank you baby! Thank you so much for all this. I feel like the luckiest man on the earth."

He than came forward and kissed my cheek. He said "I love you so much."

I hugged him and said "You scared me there for a minute." He laughed and said "I am still thinking that I am dreaming. I can't even think that someone will do so much for me."

I pinched him and said "See its all real, I am now your girlfriend officially."

He has the biggest smile I have ever seen and then he again kissed my cheek and said "I know! I was always your boyfriend, even when you did not know me. I have never laid my eyes on any girl. All those rumors about me are fake, I think I will forever be in debt to Jerry. First he made me use tinder and we matched there and now today he did all this for us."

I told him "You are quite lucky to have him, you know that?"

He nodded and asked "Now can I kiss you? Those lips have been tempting me for so long. I want to keeping kissing you forever."

I laughed and said "Wane we just started dating minutes ago and here you are talking about forever."

Then I did something which even shocked me. I never knew I was so bold.

I kissed him, he was shocked for a second but responded soon. We made out for five minutes approx. then he pulled away. His phone started ringing.

He saw who it was and answered "Hello!" He mouthed mother and put the phone on speaker.

She shouted "You thought I would never know that my son is famous businessman Wane. I knew something was wrong since that Colton's daughter was dating you. Now I finally know how her father allowed you two to date."

Wane shouted at her "Good that you know! I am breaking all my ties from you and I am happy now that you don't have Rachel anymore. I am going to live my life as I want, I know you killed my dad but now I won't let anyone close to me get hurt by you. Remember I am Wane Scoot, I have my eyes everywhere. Plan anything and I will know."

He then disconnected the call and I asked him "What will you do now Wane? What if she tries to hurt you or to get revenge on you she can hurt Rachel too."

He nodded and said "But I think this time you are her target. I am sorry I spoiled our first date but can I make a call?"

I nodded and he called Jerry, still his phone was on speaker. Jerry answered "What bro need condom? I knew it, I kept it in my bedroom drawer."

I blushed and Wane just laughed. I shouted at Wane "How can you tolerate this man, he is full of shit and right now in this situation I don't think you should laugh."

Wane told Jeremy "Witch called! She found out I am Wane."

J: Shit how did she find it?

W: I have been too careless this days and have been going in and out from my home as Wane. I guess I let my guard down and she had eye on me.

J: What do we do now?

W: I want a private investigator on her. I want to know all her moves, where she is, what she is doing or planning everything. I want her followed 24*7.

J: Okay I will do that. Don't you worry and just enjoy your big day.

W: Thank you for all this too.

J: You don't have to thank me and now you know where are condoms so please finally give up your virginity.

S: Says the one who is a virgin too.

W: What! Jerry you are virgin? How do you know this?

Jeremy disconnected the call and we both laughed. He asked me "Are you this close to Jerry now that you guys discussed his virginity?"

I shook my head and told him about the prank call.

After about two more hours of laughing and talking, Wane finally dropped me home.

He asked me "Can you check if your father is awake? I need to inform him about my mother finding out."

I told him "Come in! I am sure he will be up and in his study." He nodded and followed me in. I was correct he was in his study.

I knocked on the door and dad said "Come in!" I went in, followed by Wane.

Dad looked between us and then said "Don't tell me you are here to tell me that you are pregnant? Wane did you impregnated my daughter?"

Wane looked shocked as well as too red just like me. We both were blushing. I commented "What is wrong with everyone today?" Wane said "No sir! You have it all wrong."

Dad asked "So I am not getting any grand child soon?" I shook my head and said "You are weird! I am leaving, he wants to talk to you. Bye!" Then I ran up to my room.

I freshen up, changed my clothes and came down. I saw Wane coming out of dad's study. He saw me and said "I will leave now. I will be a bit busy tomorrow, see you on Monday?"

I nodded and said "Okay! See you on Monday but do call me tomorrow." He nodded then looked behind towards dad's door.

When he saw it was close, he gave me a kiss and said "Good night! I will call you tomorrow morning."

I wished him night and he left. Dad came out of his room and said "Today you looked just like your mother when she was a teen and used to dress up for parties." I smiled and said "Really?"

He nodded and said "Really! Tomorrow I will show you her college pictures. Anyways now that your mother is not here and you have a boyfriend, do you want me to give you the talk?"

I rolled my eye and said "Dad we had sex education class in school, please I don't need it. Anyways Wane and I are taking it slow so you don't have to worry. Bye! Good Night!"

I then ran away from there, not wanting to face my dad more. Dad called me "Sam I need to tell you something else wait a minute."

I then came back down and asked him "What happened dad?" He said "Sit down!" I sat on a couch opposite to him.

He said "From tomorrow you are not going out anywhere alone. I am appointing a body guard for you and the security around the house will increase too. I don't want that lady to hurt you like she did when you were a kid. Wane told me everything and I can't blame that kid but thank him for saving you first time. Last time you were only my weakness but this time you are both mine and Wane's weakness and I can't see you get hurt. So please I request you to allow me to keep a guard with you always."

I nodded and said "I knew this would happen the moment I heard about his mother knowing. I promise dad I will be safe and this time I won't argue. Though I know self defense now but still for your personal satisfaction I will have a body guard."

He said "Thank you baby! Now I will be a little less worried. Jake will be back next week and I have asked him to move in with us or if he wants privacy then in the house beside us. I want Anne to feel like we are her and Jake's family. I told Jake to call me dad or uncle whatever he is comfortable with."

I smiled and said "I am so happy, I will have more company now."

Dad smiled and said "Okay then good night!" I wished him good night and finally went to sleep. It surely was a big day.

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