Part 23

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Next morning I woke up to Ryan shouting and screaming about me being lazy. I was late and now everyone is at my place having breakfast with dad before leaving.

I took a quick shower and wore a blue t-shirt and shorts.

I went down after wearing my sneakers and saw dad chatting with my Jeremy and Wane. I looked at Wane and asked him "Why are you dressed like Bryan?" 

That got everyone's attention and Wane got up and hugged me, kissed my forehead and then replied "Don't want public or media to disturb our trip. Its October and many people go out camping." I nodded.

Ryan teased me "So now PDA is okay?" Dad laughed and told Jeremy "Last night I caught them having mid night date." Ellie laughed and said "That proves why she is up late." 

I rolled my eye and said "He just brought ice cream for me as I was craving it." Dad laughed and said "Last night he was craving ice cream and in morning story changes to you craving ice cream." 

Jeremy commented "Whipped!" Everyone laughed and I just rolled my eyes and Wane hit Jeremy on his arm. I commented "Says the boy who's name is Jerry!" 

I quickly ate a sandwich, while we kept teasing each other. Ellie knew about Wane being Bryan and promised not to tell anyone. 

After breakfast we finally hit the road. Jeremy driving, Ryan in the passenger seat and Ellie behind driver seat, me in the middle and Wane on the other side. All the way to our destination everyone kept teasing Wane and me. 

As soon as we reached our camping place, Ellie and I looked around whereas the boys were setting up the camp.

Ellie asked "Can we sit down for few minutes? I am tired of all the walking." 

I nodded and said "Lets sit on the bench it is close to camp and boys will not be worried about us." She nodded and we sat down. 

She then told me "You know I am still so afraid and nervous. Can you imagine the shock I was in when you asked me but I know one day I have to go out and here I am." 

I smiled and said "Thank you for coming with us, it means a lot. I promise you that I will never let anyone ever touch you or cause any harm. Now we both learnt kick boxing, thanks to Ryan and his stupid idea of learning something new." 

She laughed and said "He just wanted you to be strong you know that, thank you! If you would have not dragged me with you to gym I would have never learnt it. He cares a lot about you, you know that right?"

I nodded and asked her "Do you have any boy in mind? You like someone? Or plan to be single all your life?"

She said "I don't have any and I don't think at this moment I can trust any boy to be in a relationship." 

I nodded and said "I know one day you will meet someone and start trusting him to the extend that you are ready to share everything with him." 

She asked "Do you and Wane share everything?"

I told her "Honestly till last night I wasn't sure, I did like him but I was confused if he is with me because of a contract. But he confessed of liking me, so I don't know much. We haven't talked about relationship yet." 

She was shocked and asked "What contract?" I told her everything. Skipping the part why Bryan is Wane. If one day Wane wants he can tell her but I am not telling her now. 

After our little talk we both went back. Ryan asked "What were you talking about? You two were so engrossed."

I told him "Girls talk!" He started complaining about how we always ignore him.

Ellie laughed at him and told him "You should have been born as a girl then we would have told you what we were talking about."

After sometime we ate the lunch boxes we had packed on our way here. After lunch we played board games and cards in our tents. It was so much fun, I even caught Jeremy cheating after which we both cheated.

In the end we both were caught and as a punishment we are now responsible to set up the BBQ for dinner.

Ellie was playing guitar, which she loved a lot. Whereas Jeremy and I were setting up the BBQ, Ryan and Wane were setting up bonfire.

After we were done with our dinner Ryan suggested we play truth and dare. He was the first one to spin the bottle.

It landed on Jeremy and he choose dare. Ryan dared him "Go to other group and ask them to give you something to eat."

He said pointing towards the other group of people who were also here camping.

Jeremy went towards them and after five minutes he was back with some food in a disposable plate.

Jeremy then spinned the bottle and it landed on Ellie and she choose truth. Jeremy asked her "I don't know much about you. I met you today for the first time. So I will keep it basic how many relationship how you ever been? Serious, casual including all?"

She replied "I have been in one relationship." Ryan asked her "Seriously I wanna know more about it."

She said "I don't want to talk about it. Its my chance to spin."

She spinned the bottle and it landed on Wane. He choose dare and she dared him "Dance like a monkey for a minute."

He gave her a look are you serious and said "I am not doing it. I don't know how to dance."

I told him "Stop being a party pooper, come on atleast 30 seconds please." Everyone then started cheering "Dance! Dance! Dance!"

He finally gave up and started dancing. I secretly took a video of him dancing. He looked so cute. I have never seen this side of his. I am so enjoying it.

After that Wane spinned the bottle and it landed on Ryan. He choose dare and Wane dared him "Give a lap dance to Jeremy or any random person."

Ryan said "Okay I will choose the random person and she is Sam." Wane rolled his eye and said "From group it is Jeremy and outside group anyone of your choice."

Ryan complaint "This is so not fair." Jeremy complaint too "Why me?"

Wane told Jeremy "If you agree to let him do that, then you can either dare or ask truth to Sam. Whatever she chooses as she is the only one left."

He agreed and Ryan gave lap dance to Jeremy. I secretly recorded that too. I am so going to blackmail him in future.

Now it was finally my chance. I choose truth not trusting Jeremy. If I choose dare I am sure he would have made me do something too weird.

Jeremy asked me "Why do you have hydrophobia? I wanna know the reason, it's high time you tell us now."

Ellie shockingly asked me "You are hydrophobic?" I nodded and said "Yes!"

Wane looked at me and said "If you don't want to tell it's okay we can ask you something else."

I shook my head and said "No it's okay. As Jeremy said it's high time I tell you all why I am afraid of water."

Wane asked "You sure?" I nodded and told them the reason.

"I don't know when it started or why it happens to me. But first time I had panic attack due to water was when I was ten. It was the first time we went on a holiday to beach or anywhere near water including swimming pool. I had never gone near swimming pool before that. I saw the water and started seeing image of me drowning and shouting for help. Whenever I see too much of water I get that image. Now I have become a bit better but still can't go to beaches or near swimming pool or other water bodies."

Wane asked me "What do you exactly see in that dream?" I told him "I am small kid around 5-6, I am in a pool drowning and asking for help."

He said "It's okay you don't have to tell more. I am sorry we brought it up." Jeremy to apologized whereas Ellie and Ryan just had sad faces.

I cheered them up "Come on there isn't water here so I am okay. Cheer up and enjoy our night."

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