Part 42

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Before I could leave, Wane shut the door and pulled me towards the living room. He made me sit down, he sat on his knee in front of me and then said "Listen to one thing very carefully! Don't you ever dare remove this ring."

He slid the ring back on my finger and continued "Now will you please let me explain?" 

I nodded and then he sat up beside me and took my palm into his hands.

He said "When you were kidnapped next day Hazel came to my house. She looked like someone had beaten her. She told me her parents were forcing her to marry and when she rejected they hit her. She said she had no where to go. I told her she can stay in a hotel but she said she was afraid and I let her stay with me. We were not alone at my place Jeremy stayed with us." 

Then after you were back "I told her she can stay at my place alone but she insisted to come with me and wanted to be friends with you too. So I brought her, she was being sweet to you but you were not even talking to her. You were ignoring me and than ran away. Next day when Hazel told me that you hit her and threw her out. I did not wanted to believe her. But when I came to your house, I saw your knuckles were bleeding and thought maybe you actually hit her and was trying to confront you. I am sorry! I was so hurt when you told me to leave and shouted. After which you fainted again because of me. I keep hurting you always. I took you to the hospital and informed your father. He scolded me and as a punishment told me to stay away from you until he is not sure you are fine. Today morning he finally gave me approval that I can see you and here I am. I am sorry I let my anger come in between us." 

I asked him "What about Hazel?"

He told me "I threw her out the moment I came back. I told her I don't ever want to see her and she can deal with her problems alone. I did not even ask anyone whether what you were saying was true or not because I know you won't lie. Please Forgive me Sam." 

I did not wanted to fight with him because I can't stay away from him too so I told him "Let bygones be bygones." 

He said "You are my first girlfriend! Sometimes we don't realize we make a mistake until it's already happened. I make mistakes from time to time, but I never intend to hurt you, Sam. I'm Sorry."

I hugged him and said "I'm sorry too. I am sorry I jumped to conclusions so easily. From this day on, whatever is in our minds, we need to have a heart-to-heart talk. Okay! Promise?" 

He smiled and said "Promise!" He kissed my forehead and asked "Now will you tell me why did you run away that night?" 

I told him "I was pissed at you, on the table you two were talking like the third person did not existed. Then when after an hour or so I came to your room, I saw you two watching a movie. You did not even care about me being in my room alone and crying." 

He said "Is that all? You know we surely need have heart-to-heart before coming to any conclusion. I was just looking at you playing with food and laughed on the table because of it. I did not knew you were upset then. Then I was sitting the whole time outside your room, when I heard the noise of your washroom door I came and sat in my room thinking you will feel bad about me sitting out. After that I stayed in my room for another 20 minutes when all the noises from your room stopped and came to your room to see if you slept but you were not there. Ryan had texted me that you are at his place and need some alone time. I wanted to run there but he said I should give you some space." 

I asked him "Why was Hazel in your room?" He said "I don't know! I told her to leave as soon as I went inside, but she said her movie is about to end and then she will go. I am sorry, I should have waited out only then there won't be a confusion." 

I shook my head and told him everything what Hazel had said to me and said "I am sorry I should have trusted you more than her words." He then kissed me and we had a make out session. 

After that we went to Ryan's house and my car was there. We went in and I asked no one in particular "You all knew he will come to see me today?"

They nodded and Ryan said "I knew you will want coke so I hid all cans at home so you will go out." 

I said "Thank you! We are good now." Ellie said "Next time you two fight and I will personally kill both of you."

We all laughed. After that Wane and Jeremy left and we continued our study session. 

More like they continued and I was playing text text with Wane.

W: You are moving back to your place today right with me?

S: I don't know! I am so comfortable here.

W: You know you have only two choices.

S: I know very well! 1 would be me coming back with you and second will be you dragging me back with you.

W: You have become smart Ms. Colton, soon to be Mrs. Scoot. 

S: But few hours ago you said I was your girlfriend.

W: I said you are my first girlfriend, my first relationship so I may make mistakes. 

He then send me a picture of his hand and texted.

W: See that ring you made me wear asking me to be your fiance.

I send him a picture of my other hand and said.

S: But I don't see any ring on my finger.

W: Baby I know this is your other hand. See the burned wrist. 

S: Whatever!

W: Anyways are you not studying?

S: Why should I study? I know my fiancee can give me anything I want. That means he can pass me in an exam too. Specially when the school is his.

W: Are you mad? Study! If your father found out anything like this he will surely kill me.

S: So you are afraid of my father?

W: I am afraid of him because I respect him. I love you and hence I am afraid of losing you.

S: Then if you don't want to lose help me pass the exam.

W: Okay! But you have to do as I say. Promise me?

S: Promise I will do as you say. 

W: 1 You will come back to your house or mine with me today. Decide where do you want to go.

S: Let's go to your house. When you leave for office you can drop me at Ryan's place and pick up again while going back home. What say?

W: You can drive! Why do you need me to pick and drop you? My second thing is I want you to become self reliant. Not completely but basic things. Like drive around yourself and stop being lazy.

S: But I love to go on a drive with you.

W: Okay then we can do this also. You can drop me to office and then go to Ryan's house and in evening again pick me up. This way we will be driving together.

S: I so hate you Wane! I guess our honeymoon period is over now. Earlier you used to do whatever I use to say but now you order me around.

W: That's because you are becoming lazy day by day. One day we will have kids then what, I will alone have to take care of them because my wife will be too lazy to do anything.

S: Okay Bye Wane. I'm studying.

W: Bye! I will pick you up in the evening. Pack and keep your things.

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