Part 15 (Story Format Chapter)

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Its been two days since Krystle is been treated by best doctors of US but still her health is deteriorating. Today morning Ryan visited her and they both cried over misunderstandings and regretted never contacting each other. 

She was happy now with Ryan and me always around. Doctor lost all hopes of her living and said she has very less time. She is suffering from a rare kind of cancer which is incurable. Her parents hid that from her so that she does not worry about it more. 

Ryan and I asked her to make a wish list, which we will complete with her. She can't go out due to her health but still so that we can cheer her up, we will do anything for her. 

She made a list and we promised to fulfill all her wishes. Ryan had a break down on the first night back in the hotel and seeing him I broke down too. Bryan was the only person who kept both of us sane and calmed us down. 

A week later Krystle wanted to get her hair cut, colored and wanted to get pierced into something funky. So I cut her hair and Ryan colored it into mix shade of green, pink and purple. She did look funky. 

As for piercing, she could not get piercing so we brought her jewelry which can be worn without piercing and she wore it. We clicked many pictures in it. For her company Ryan and I actually got pierced and colored our hair too. 

We pierced our tongue and colored our hair into green. I wish Krystle could stay with us like this forever. After the visiting hour was over we went back to our hotel and freshen up. 

After we had our dinner with Bryan we planned for the next days wish list task. She wanted to prank people. So we planned to prank people in the hospital, obviously with prior permission from the hospital staff. Who happily agreed to help us. 

Bryan helped us too, he suggested us few amazing ideas, which we loved a lot. After that Bryan told me to rest while he helped Ryan buy things which we will be needing for the pranks. 

I was in my room and opened my Instagram after a week finally. There was a new message from Wane, which was 3 days ago. 

W: Hey! 

S: Hey! 

Within minute there was a reply from his side.

W: All okay? you are replying after almost 3 days. 

S: Yes was busy with something. 

W: Okay! Where are you now? What are you doing? 

S: I was just scrolling down on Insta. Wbu? 

I did not wanted to tell him about Krystle or anything.

W: Nothing much! I was just working. I don't know but it feels like something is wrong with you. All okay? 

S: Yes, all good.

W: You know you can talk to me about anything. You are not using any exclamation marks, so something is definitely wrong. 

S: Nothing like that just too tired!!

W: Sure if you say so! But always remember! I am always there. 

S: Sure thanks! 

W: Okay then if you are tired rest, text me whenever you are free. Bye. Good night beautiful!

S: Good Night!

I know if I talk more I will end up telling him and I don't want any sympathy, specially from a stranger. 

I then started to read news to see if anything new happened in a week. I was shocked to read the most trending news. Wane Scoot won the best business man award but he missed the function and did not collect his award. On top of that he is missing and no one knows where he is. 

Is his account hacked? Maybe he got kidnapped and someone is texting me using his phone. Am I being fooled? All that questions kept coming into my mind. 

But then whoever it was understood me so well, they knew I was not okay by just reading my text. Should I text and ask him. 

No! I would look desperate, or maybe he can fool me more now that he knows who I am. Dad always told me to stay away from strangers. I think I will ignore him until there isn't anymore news about him being okay. 

With that thought in mind I called dad. After a small talk about how I was, how Krystle was doing and how was dad, I disconnected the call and called it a night.

After some hour I hear my door bell ringing. I asked from behind the door "Who is it?" The person replied "It's me Bryan! It's urgent." 

I opened and he asked me "Why is your phone off? Everyone is trying to call you. Krystle is having breathing trouble and doctors are unsure if she can pass this episode. I am sure you would want to be by her side. Come fast we are going. Ryan already left after informing me to bring you there."

I without changing, rushed to the hospital. Bryan drove me so that we could reach there soon. I rushed in and saw Krystle's mom crying and her aunt consoling her and Ryan consoling her father. 

On seeing me Ryan ran towards me, hugged me and broke down. I asked him "What happened? You are scaring me." He still crying told me "Krystle passed away before any of us could reach here." 

I broke down and fell on my knees and cried. Bryan was by my side comforting me all the time. The nurse came out and said "She left notes for everyone, she told me yesterday after you left that she feels like she does not have any time and if she dies, then I should pass this on to you all." 

Then the nurse gave her father all the notes. His father read the name on the note and passed it to the respective person. She left note for her parents, aunt, Ryan, Bryan which was shocking as she met him only once and then me. 

We all read our notes, her parents and aunt left after that to prepare for her funeral. 

On my note was written:

"Dear Sam, 
Thanks for being my true friend. After Ryan left I was lonely and did not have anyone I trusted. But with you it felt like we are sisters. We became friends and so close that I told you things which I had never told anyone in all this year.
After I was diagnosed with cancer you were the only one I could think of. Thank you for bringing Ryan with you. I am happy, I could spend my last days with my two best friends. 
I want you to talk to more people and be happy. Please fulfill my wish list for me. The wish list I wanted us to finish in our senior year is in my locker in school. Take it from there and fulfill it for me. I made that list last year for us to complete together but now you have to do it for me.
Lastly, Bryan is an amazing guy. I met him once only but the time when I talked to him alone was enough for me to know that he is the best guy for you. Even if he makes any mistake, please forgive him for me. I have wrote a letter to him too, he will show it to you but not now when the times come. That letter is more for you and less for him. 
Please take care and be happy.

I broke down and Ryan and Bryan were by my side as I cried. Why do all the people I care about die. First mom and now Krystle. After sometime we went back to our hotel and both Ryan and Bryan stayed in my room. I was thankful to them for not leaving my side. I don't know what I would have done without them. 

A day after was Krystle's funeral. Ryan and I were always by each others side. After two days we along with her parents came back to New York and promised to visit her parents whenever we could. They were the most broken as they lost their only child. 

Okay sorry about this chapter but I was unable to move forward with Krystle in story. I did not knew how to bring forward the story and for what I had in my mind I did not need Krystle's character so I had to kill her sorry! 

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