Part 25

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I saw the same dream again me drowning and got up with a jerk. This is the first time I saw it as a dream other times I only saw it when I was near water bodies.

I felt a sharp pain on my head. I touched it and felt a piece of cloth tied on my head.

I looked around and saw my dad sleeping on a couch, Jake sitting on a chair and doing something on his phone. I saw that I was not in my room, nor was it our home. Then I saw the hospital machines and all.

I asked "Why am I here?" Jake asked "You finally up? You have been out for almost 10 hours we all were so worried."

Dad got up hearing our voice, sat up and said "Don't you ever dare scare me like that."

I asked him "What happened?" Dad told me "You were lying down on the floor and from the beds corner I guess you got the injury. What happened?"

I remembered what had happened and told him "I guess I fainted and maybe that's why I fell down and hurt myself."

He asked me "I told you to eat properly. I am appointing a nutritionist for you from today." I complaint "Dad I don't need one. I promise from next time I will not let it happen again please."

He said "I am fed up of your drama since a month, here you are getting sick and there Wane has been ignoring all the work. Now finally after a month I am seeing him in the hospital."

I asked dad "What happened to him? Why is he in the hospital?"

Dad told me "He ran here as soon as he heard about you, since a month he has not gone to office. Poor Jeremy has to do all the work alone. He has been standing outside your door and watching you for last 10 hours. He hasn't moved away from the door."

I asked dad "You serious?" Jake replied "I can swear on Anne that he hasn't sat down or eaten anything for past 10 hours. Just went to pee once, that's the only time he moved. I don't know the reason of your fight. But due to whatever reason you are fighting, I request you to please talk to him once."

I asked dad "When will I be able to go back home?" Dad said "Doctor told us after you are up and the IV attached finishes we can proceed with the discharge."

I nodded and looked towards the door. I saw from the glass of the door Wane's pleading eyes. He looked so much in pain.

I looked away not able to see him in so much pain. Jake told dad "Sir I have called a driver, you go home with him. I will look after Sam and bring her back home. I think you should rest too."

Dad asked me "You okay with it?" I nodded and said "Old man you need more rest than me."

He laughed and said "Now she is surely fine. Okay then see you at home. Bye! Call me if you need anything."

I waved at him and he left. Jake asked me "You need anything?" I shook my head and he said "Okay then I am sending Wane in you will talk. No more excuses." I wanted to complain but before I could he was out.

I tried to pretend to be sleeping but heard Wane say "Stop pretending! I know you are awake. I knew you were awake in car too but ignored me."

I told him "If you know I am ignoring you, then why are you trying to talk to me? Can't you leave me alone?"

I then looked at him. He was dressed as Bryan but his dark circle was still visible. He looked thin and tried. Is he ill?

He said "I just want to complete my story. I asked your father's permission before telling you and finally he agreed and said its high time you know it too. But here you did not let me complete it even after promising not to react until I was done telling the whole story."

I shouted at him "Can't you guess by now I was ignoring you because you I can't see you with any other girl. I can't let you go Wane."

He said "Calm down and don't shout. Your head will hurt more. I don't want to cause you anymore pain then I already did."

I commented "As if you care. I am just your contracted fiancee, go to your love I don't want that share back. I don't care about it anymore."

He said "Okay I will leave. I won't care too, I am a fool standing out there for 10 hours blaming myself. But it never was my mistake you are just an immature teen who just cares about herself. Sorry but you do not care about yourself too or else you won't be here."

I removed my IV and slapped him "This is all I get in return of loving you?"

He before I could hit him more took my arm and pushed me back on the bed lightly, making sure I don't get hurt.

He shouted "Are you mad, why did you remove that IV? You want to get more sick? Like you said this is all you got in return of loving me. Did I get a slap in return for loving you all this years and never ever looking at another girl ever?"

I was shocked and quiet. He fixed my IV and said "Dare you remove that again!"

I asked him "What was that? What do you mean by loving me all this years? I met you first time as Wine on tinder and on our trip like Bryan."

He shook his head and asked "Can I explain now? Will you promise no running away and listening without interrupting." I nodded.

"I want words Sam and not just nod." Wane said sitting down on a chair beside my bed. I said "Okay I promise to hear you out."

He then continued "You were the girl I was locked with. After we both were out I tried finding you a lot. All I know about you was your name 'Samantha' and your pretty face that never left my mind. I finally gave up on finding you on the day we met on tinder. Jeremy blackmailed me if I did not move on then he will leave me and find other job. He will also break all the ties. Without Jeremy I was nothing, so I gave up on you for him. He made my tinder profile with the name Wine. As I was famous he bought tinder gold and added a feature only those people I like will be able to see my profile. I was swapping left to every female until I saw your picture. Looking at those eyes and face I was like maybe its you. Your name was there was Sam so I was 60% sure it was you but still to get to know more I swiped right and waited for you to like me too. I was praying to God to let you like my profile. He heard my prayer and I was so happy when you liked me. I started chatting hoping that you remember me. You used to call me Wane, I told you that name when we were kids. I did not wanted to look like despo and hence when I was guessing your name I added more names to the list. When I told you I will tell you my name when we meet, I had planned to come to meet you looking like a 12 year old nerd me. That is Bryan! But when we met in the plane I was shocked to see you being Mr. Colton's daughter and then understood why my mother had kidnapped you too. Obviously for ransom from your father. Still I was not completely sure that you are the same girl but when you told me you are hydrophobic, I knew you are her and planned to confront you one day. I was broken when you did not remembered me but knew I will always stay by your side whether you remember me or not. After you all found out that I was Wane and Bryan both, I talked to your dad and asked him why do you not remember that incident and he said after you got up in the hospital you did not remember anything that had happened in the past week. All you remember is falling down from a tree, which is still a mystery whether it happened or not."

He finally stopped and I was so confused. I don't remember anything he just said.

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