1 Right Swipe

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It's been just a week since my summer holiday started, but I was too bored. My best friend, also my only friend Krystle has gone to her grandparents home. She was miles away from me and too busy there helping her aunt prepare for her wedding.

You might be thinking why is she my only friend, that is because I just shifted here to New York last year. I am kind of socially awkward person. If I like a person then only I can talk to them or else I am mostly quite around others.

Krystle is a happy go lucky kind of girl, who gets along with everyone. Everyone adores her, and whenever I am around her, her other friends think I have attitude problem as I don't talk much.

Anyways back to me! I am Samantha! You can call me Sam! I am a high schooler and daughter of one of the most influential businessman Albert Colton. My mother died two years back, so it's just me and my father.

I don't like telling people my father's name, some are with me because of my father's connection or because of money. In my last school, I found out that the people I thought were my friends were actually with me just because I used to spend money on them.

After my mother's death I stopped spending much money and stopped hanging out with them, I realized that no one actually cared. I am happy that we shifted here.

Anyways as I was too bored, so I downloaded tinder app on suggestion by Krystle. 

I filled in the details.
Name: Sam
Age: 18
Age limit of my match: 18-25.
I did not write anything in my bio.
I then uploaded three of my pictures.

After I was done, I started swiping....

I mostly swiped left that is rejected. There wasn't anyone who actually caught my eye yet. So I kept swiping left. I received few super likes, few boys were from my school. But I did not liked them so I swiped left from them too.

After about 20 minutes of swiping left someone caught my eyes.

His name was Wine, he looked sexy and handsome. His age was 25, he had 5 pictures and those pictures were amazing. I liked it!

His bio was "Just remember, I was there when no one else was."

I right swiped him and it was a match. So this boy is also online. Let's wait and see if he text's first because I am so not going to text him first.

I was just swiping more left, when I received a new message. I knew it was the wine boy as he was my only match.

W: Hey potato chips

S: Hey French fries!

W: Hey chicken Parmesan

S: Hey Alfredo sauce!!

W: This conversation is making me hungry, dinner sometime?

S: hahaha!!! I'm game!!!

W: why no bio? N what's with exclamation marks?

W: Without bio how can I use pick up lines on you?

S: I don't know! I have a habit of using exclamation marks!

S: not posting a bio! Well how to use a pick up line is now a challenge for you!!

W: Well you know I am cooler than you. I don't need a pick up line

S: Prove it!!!

W: well you are hotter than me, so that makes me cooler than you....

W: So how was your weekend?

S: lol😂😂 That was nice! I actually laughed.

S: my weekend was okay! My best friend is not in town so bored alone!!! How about you?

W: same! Pretty boring..... My office colleagues are all gone on vacation with their family or friends and here I am left alone.... 

S: why did you not go to vacation?

S: anyways what's your name??

W: I was a bit busy to go on a vacation. What about you? You from NYC or here for vacation?

W: wine

W: anyways is it just Sam or Samantha or Samara or Samira?

Shit that guy guessed my name in one go. But I am so not telling him that it's Samantha.

S: I too did not go for vacation as my family was busy!!!

S: if you are wine then I am Sam!!! Not telling the actual name!!!

W: I will only tell you my name once we meet.... I wanna see your reaction when you hear my name and meet me.

S: is it such a funny name? Are this your actual pictures or are they also fake like your name!!

W: they are true! Name is not funny but I like to keep it that way at least until I am comfortable around you.

S: have you been betrayed earlier on tinder?

W: no you are my first match! My first time on tinder so not sure if you are real or not...

S: this is my first time too!!! You are my first and only match!!! But okay let's see where this takes us!

W: So why tinder?

S: Honesty I am a loner! My only friend is not in town n busy and I can't talk much to a person on face like I am talking now behind screen!!!

S: what's your reason?

W: I was actually looking for a fuck buddy! You know like NSA! I saw your pictures and swiped right...

S: I am not looking for a hook up nor am I interested!!

W: I guessed, you look so cute and innocent in those picture but I like talking to you...

W: I know this is a dating app but can we be friends?

S: I would love to! I mean I can gossip with you about other boys I match with and ask for suggestions.

I was about to write more but I saw my dad arrive. I looked towards dad and asked "Dad you back early today?"

He asked me back "When I left in the morning after breakfast you were sitting here in the same clothes and you are still here did you even move out of the living room."

I shrugged, rubbed my head and said "I did get up to eat, then to use washroom and once to bring my laptop from my room. I was bored alone dad."

I did not mean to complain and make him feel guilty but it slipped my mouth.

Dad smiled and said "How about we go on a family vacation? We haven't gone since your mother left. If she is seeing us, she would be beyond pissed. You decide the place."

I shockingly looked at him and asked "Dad you serious? Is everything okay? I just stated! I am not too bored, I like it at home."

Dad nodded and said "Next year you will leave for college and I will miss you! I want to spend time with you and if we are here I will only focus on work. Old man needs vacation too. Plan in a day we will leave day after as I have this week free."

I hugged him and then did a happy dance. I was too happy, I was on cloud nine. I said "I will decide the place and let you know. Thank you dad! This is the best thing I have heard. I love you so much."

I love my father too much, he may be busy but he never ignored me. He was broken after mom's death and became distant but he fulfilled all my wishes.

After dad left, I saw a new message on tinder and read.

W: Then I will tell u my hook up stories in detail gal.

S: I am so not interested in your sex life!!! Anyways I am going on vacation just need to decide place.

W: wow that's cool so where r u going?

S: not decided!! Dad told me to decide a place any suggestions?

W: Vegas!! Drinks, hot boys to hook up and clubbing. N not to forget casino.

S: I am not interested in any of the above things!! We are polar opposite.

After that I closed the tinder app and was looking for the place we could go.

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