Part 19

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WANE'S POV (Surprise):

I was so nervous, today's meeting is so important for me. Its not because it is going to be the biggest partnership I am ever going to have but because its with Sam's father. I want her father to like me. 

He sure was an investor in my company when I had just started but now its not about investment, its about partnership. I want him to like me. 

I reached my office early today, checked if everything is prepared in the conference room. I checked my presentation on my laptop one last time and then finally I saw my cover picture of laptop and said "Hey beautiful! I hope I can impress your father. I know you wished me luck last night and I know your wishes are with me but I am so fucking nervous. I just hope I don't make any mistake today."

After thirty minutes my PA cum best friend came and informed me "Mr. Colton is here. He just bored the elevator." I nodded and went towards the elevator gate to greet him. 

As soon as the door opened Jake stepped out first followed by Mr. Colton and two more man. I greeted him "Good Morning Mr. Colton its a pleasure to have you here." 

He shook hand with me and said "Mr. Scoot its pleasure to work with young talents like you." I thanked him "Sir it's all because of the investment you made when we were just a startup." 

He smiled and followed me towards the conference room while talking "I am happy to see that I invested in right person. So I finally get to meet you in person. I still remember your first presentation. I was quiet impressed by it and now looking at you all successful I am impressed by your success." 

As we reached the conference room I told them to take a seat and then told my PA to open my presentation. He did as he was told and asked for the password. I had by mistake shut down the computer. I apologized and told him the password. 

My PA always makes mistake, I was just praying that this time he does not do anything which will land me in trouble. I could not fire him as he has been with me since I had formed company and at beginning when I had no money to give salary he had worked for free and he is the most loyal person and an only friend I have. 

He started the computer and as soon as the display was visible I remembered shit this time I made a big mistake. Mr. Colton said "Why is your display picture of my daughter and her boyfriend?" 

I cursed under my breath "Shit!" and said "I am sorry sir, let me explain. Can I talk to you personally. Jake can stay if he wants." He nodded and I told Jeremy "Jeremy take others in the conference room beside this."

He nodded and asked others to follow, as soon as they were out Mr. Colton asked me to explain. I told him "Sir my full name is Bryan Wane Scoot. I did not mean to cheat you all but no one other than Jeremy and now Ryan knows this. You know how my mother is, if she found out I had money she would go to any extend to have it all. I can't let her do what she did to my father to me also. I am sorry sir please forgive me."

He asked me "What did she do to your father? I know she is too cunning!" 

I explained to him what she did. I told him how she kidnapped her own son, blackmailed father to give everything to her in exchange of his son and how she after getting everything killed him.

He asked me "Does my daughter know all this?" I shook my head and said "No sir! But I will tell her soon I promise." 

He said "I know there is more to this? Why will you fall for my daughter? When you have been linked to many models and actresses. I am not going to call you a playboy because I know most of them could be rumors. In our business world it happens but I want to know why my daughter?" 

As I was about to tell him Jake's phone rang and he said "Sam" Mr. Colton told him "Answer!"

He answered "J: Hey! What happened? Bunking again?" "Where are you? Why are you crying? What happened?" "Hello! Hello Sam!" "Shit it got disconnected. She is in school and was crying asking for help." 

Mr. Colton said "Lets go to her school right now. I am sure something is surely wrong."

I asked him "Sir can I come with you? I am one of the trustee of her school. I recently invested in her school and became the trustee." 

He nodded and I called Jeremy from the elevator to tell the men that meeting is adjourned for now. I went with them in Mr. Colton's car. Jake was driving while I sat in passenger seat and Mr. Colton on the back seat. 

All the way we tried calling her but her phone was unreachable. We finally reached the school and went in. 

Every staff in the school knew I was the new trustee and started greeting me. I asked one of them "Can you tell me where I can find Ms. Samantha Colton? She called crying few minutes ago? Her father wants to know if everything is okay with her." 

One of them told us to follow him and send the other to look for Sam. As we were passing by the staff room, I saw a girl hugging other girl. I told Mr. Colton "That's Sam!" 

He looked towards the way I pointed and went that way. He called out "Sam!" She turned and looked at her father. She ran towards him, hugged him and cried. 

Mr. Colton asked her "What happened baby you are scaring me?" She still hugged him tight and kept crying. I asked the girl she was hugging few seconds ago. "What happened to her?" 

She said "Sir I was passing by, saw her crying and helped her. When I asked her what happened she told me she was molested by a boy, so I recorded her story. I did not wanted her to get hurt by telling it again and again to everyone. I have been in that situation and know how it feels." 

She played the recording, after hearing it I angrily asked "Who is the boy?" She looked scared and said "Sir I am new here, it's my first day and I don't know much." I then turned towards Sam and asked her "Sam who is the boy?"

She turned towards me and kept looking for seconds. She then asked "Is it you Wane?" I nodded and said "Yes Beautiful its me! Now tell me who was the boy." 

She still in her father's arm and said "Evan Horn!" I along with Jake went towards principal office. I without knocking entered the office and the principal stood up scarred looking at me. 

I shouted "What are you doing sitting in this office? Don't you know what is going outside? Are trustee's family or son so important that teacher just trust them and not other students?" 

He asked me "Sir its nothing like that. What happened?" I played the recording on the girls phone. After hearing the principal said "Sir I knew nothing about it. If I knew I would have taken the matter in my hand even if it was trustee's son." 

Mr. Colton along with Sam and the girl enter. He shouted "Am I sending my daughter to get molested in this school. If Wane would not have been the trustee till now I would have filed a case against the school. Call the boy and his parents right now. I would not let school deal with this matter."

Principal was so afraid and apologized and called Mr. Horn. Jake took Sam out along with the girl who did not leave Sam's side even for a minute and I was thankful to her.  

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