Part 12

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Amanda laughed and said "But I will now be holding 48% forever and my decision will impact the company. You have signed the contract, thank god I made two original copy or you would have played another trick." 

Dad laughed and said "I don't think you will be holding that for too long. I guess you did not read the contract clearly. I read it today after my daughter told me there has to be some loop hole, that we could find a way and I did." 

I smiled at dad and asked him "What did you find dad? I mean will it work in our favor?" 

Dad removed the contract and said "In contract it is clearly stated that Scoot has to marry Colton and not our names. I mean my daughter is Colton and your son is Scoot. It even says that the holder of the share until marriage happens is the Colton who is supposed to marry Scoot. Congrats my dear son you just have to make a contract of marrying my daughter in future whenever you want and the shares will belong to you." 

I was finally relived that I don't have to marry Bryan just yet. I heard Amanda say "No you replaced the contract that's not possible." Dad said "You can check its the same and I did read it but never thought that this could be a big loop hole." 

Bryan and I hi-fived when no one was looking towards us, I so wanted to hug and thank him. My father was finally looking stress free. 

Bryan told my dad "Sir Sam and I wanted to get married soon. I am getting older and she said, if she wait for anymore year than probably I will be an old man like her dad." 

I was shocked why does he want to marry now, we could do it any other time after few years just make a contract now. I told Bryan "Can we talk alone for a minute." He nodded and followed me to my room. 

I asked him "Why? When we can marry after few years why marry now?" He asked me "Then tell me what will we tell after years? Why are we divorcing? As I said I am getting old! I will want to settle down in future." 

I said "But after we sign an agreement to marry in future, you can sell the shares slowly, few to outside people and few to dad. After all the shares are sold, we can tell we broke up." 

He thought for a minute and said "I can't sell shares, its return in the contract. I am a mere guardian!" I nodded and said "Okay whatever you want." 

We went out and Bryan said "Mr. Colton Sam does not want to marry just yet, so we are planning to get engaged for the time being and then we will see when she wants to get married." Dad looked at me and asked "You sure about it? We are not forcing or anything."

I nodded and told dad "Dad I want to sign any contract for marriage and hence Bryan suggested we get engaged later and marry whenever I am ready." 

Dad said "I am still not sure about you Bryan, I will keep my eye on you. You hurt my daughter and that will be the last of you."

Bryan told dad "Sir I will not hurt her and thank you for accepting me even after what my mother did." Dad nodded and told Jake "Come with me, we need to find a way to deal with Amanda." They left and I sat down. 

I muttered under my breath "Wow! I should get best actress award. I never knew I could act so well." 

Bryan chuckled and said "And me best actor." I rolled my eye and said "Whatever! I am going back to my room. I don't know what my dad plans further but lets see what he wants to do about the remaining trip." 

I went to my room and texted Wine. 

S: Hey! I am up and bored!

After seconds he replied.

W: You are on vacation and bored? That's new!

S: Too much drama going on here. Hoping from tomorrow all this drama comes to an end. 

W: Why what happened? I wish I was there with you. Maybe I could have helped a bit.

S: I realized I need to learn business so that I can help my father next time. 

W: Maybe I could help! I am good at it.

S: Maybe when we meet for sure. 

W: Anyways beautiful! What happened with the boy you were talking to whole night? 

S: He is also part of the drama but I think he is good with business. He was the one because of whom the drama is finally coming to an end. 

W: Are you falling for him? 

S: Nope! But I guess I am adding him to my list of trusted friends.

W: Who has a list like that?

S: Me! I told you I am a loner and don't have many friends. My only best friend Krystle and now this boy Bryan. 

W: What about me? Am I not in that list?

S: I don't know! I haven't met you yet. If we meet and get along well I think you will be on no. 3 Wine. Look I don't even know your real name. I am calling you wine. 

W: When you come back we will surely meet and I will tell you my name. I am sure I will be in that list soon. 

S: I hope so too! Anyways what are your plans today?

W: Nothing planned yet. Anyways my mother needs me now I will text you later.

S: Sure see you later. 

I took out my laptop and googled on it about car designer in New York. I am sure I will find who Wine is and if he is real. I mean I am getting connected to him, I don't want my trust to be broken. Lets see what we can find. 

While I was still researching Ryan knocked on my door and said "Hey! Am I disturbing you?" I shook my head and asked him to come in. After he was inside, I closed my laptop flap and asked him "What happened? All okay?" 

He nodded but sadly said "We are leaving, Amanda and your father had some disagreement about the things earlier and Amanda told us to pack. I wanted to ask are you really dating Bryan?" 

I nodded and said "I am! I am sorry I did not tell you earlier but we both were shock on seeing each other. But after today's finding we thought it was necessary to tell everyone. Who told you?" 

He smiled and said "I heard Amanda shouting on him. But I am happy, he is a nice boy. I wish I could have stayed and we could have gone back together. After returning we could have surprised Krystle but now I don't know when will I see you again." 

I told him "I will be back soon and we can stay connected. Pass me your phone I will give you my no." He passed me his phone and I saved my no. I told him "I will see you around, but Krystle is also not in NYC. She is coming back two week later." 

He nodded and said "If I will be in NYC when you return maybe we can hangout until Krystle comes. Bye! I will go now, I am sure Bryan too will be wanting to talk to you." 

I nodded and he left. I began to google again about Wine. I soon found a similar looking boy as Wine, it was a picture of some business event. I scrolled down the article and found out his name was Wane Scott. 

Wow! So many Scott in my life. Are they related? I will ask Wine later when we chat. I thought about googling more about Wane Scoot when Bryan entered my room. 

I looked at him, closed my flap and said "I heard you guys are leaving?" 

He nodded "Your dad asked mother to leave, he has arranged everything for us to leave. He asked me if I would like to stay along with Ryan and Rachel but I said it will be better for us to leave. I mean if we stay mother will stay and she may cause trouble. When you will return we can discuss everything." 

I nodded and said "Okay! Text me whenever you reach back home safely." He nodded and said "Okay! Bye see you later." 

With that he left, I waved back at him and went back to google about Wane more. I was more interested in my tinder friend than my soon to be contracted husband. 

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