Part 11

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S: Its going good but with many roller coasters in the way. Day 2 and already having lot of drama.

W: Oh really mind sharing?

S: Nope! I will tell later, when we meet I guess!! 

W: Sure! Why not. So what are you doing now? 

S: Nothing just got back from hiking. I was planning to sleep after a shower as I am feeling too sleepy. I was up whole night yesterday.

W: What did you do whole night? Don't tell me you were being naughty and watching porn.

S: There is life beyond that, you know!! I was talking to the nerd guy I told you about yesterday.

W: Grumpy man! Really? What did you two talk about the whole night? Don't tell me you just talked. 

S: We just talked! I was unable to sleep and we talked for an hour about random things. I don't think he is grumpy. 

W: Do you like him?

S: No but we are civil to each other!! I guess we are kind of friends. 

W: I thought I would be the one talking about girls with you but you are now telling me about a guy. 

S: I just told you and we are not talking further about him. So tell me something else.

W: I thought you wanted to sleep. 

S: Oh yea!! But I did not wanted to be rude and tell you I am leaving to sleep.

W: It's okay. I understand! Have a good and sound sleep. TTYL!

S: Bye!!

After that I kept my phone on the side table. I wanted to continue talking to him, I liked talking to him. I then went and had a quick shower. Changed into comfortable clothes and then slept peacefully. 

After about two or three hours finally I was up and was feeling fresh. I looked at the time and it was around 2 pm shit I slept for more than three hours. I changed into fresh piece of clothes and then went out. 

Outside I saw everyone was sitting and talking about random things. I said "Hey! Why did you all not call me out?" Dad said "Bryan said you were too tired and sleeping. He said we should not disturb you." 

I rolled my eye and said "It was completely okay dad we are on vacation. I would have loved to enjoy this time with you all." He asked me "You hungry? Want something to eat??" I nodded and said "I am starving and hence I was finally able to wake up." 

I sat beside Bryan and dad told Jake to order something for me. Bryan said "I came to your room to call you but you were in deep slumber. I thought you might be tired as you were up whole night." 

I nodded and said "Thanks for that! I am feeling much better now." Dad asked me "What are you two talking about?" I told him "I was thanking him for not waking me up, I was a bit too tired earlier." 

Dad nodded and Ryan who was sitting beside me whispered "When did you and my brother started getting along." I shrugged and Bryan who might have heard him told him "We get along very well. We have known each other for past couple of months. Isn't it Sam?" 

I nodded and Ryan gave us a confused look. He was about to say something when Jake came back with my food and said "Here I brought Pizza for you." I took one piece and started eating. Ryan was making fun of Rachel and she was complaining to Bryan while trying to hit Ryan with her small hands.

I heard Amanda say "It feels so nice here, we all sitting together and talking. Doesn't it feel like a complete family vacation?" She asked no one in particular. 

No one replied and she continued "Albert I think we should tell them." Dad said "I need some time not now. I had a talk with Samantha but she is not okay with that. I think you should talk to your son before taking any decision. For me my child's happiness is before anything." 

Amanda looked and asked me "What problem you have? I will be a good mother to you like I am to Rachel and other two." She said pointing towards Ryan and Bryan. Ryan before I could say replied "You are my step mother and I am only here for Rachel. So please don't ever consider me your son." 

She gave him a glare and he got up taking Rachel with her. Rachel was not ready to leave but Bryan said "Rachel go and play with Ryan for sometime, he will buy chocolates for you." Rachel nodded and left with Ryan. 

Bryan said "Mom I know about the deal, Sam told me earlier but you can't marry Mr. Colton." She asked him still too pissed "Why is that?" Bryan told her "Sam is my girlfriend for past couple of months and we are madly in love. We can't let this happen, we can't be step siblings. I am sorry mom but we can't let each other go." 

She shouted "What rubbish is this? Why do you think a girl like her will fall for a boy like you?" I asked "What do you mean by a girl like me and a boy like him?" Dad was silently listening to all our talks. 

She dramatically said "Dear you are so young, beautiful and still in high school. I meant was he is a nerd, who has just started his business and look at him he is old. You are polar opposite! He is working hard to earn money and I seeing the way you live and carry yourself, you love to spend money." 

Bryan said "Mother she does not spend on anything that is not needed and I know her more than you. She is not materialistic. She never lets me buy anything for her and is hell bent on sharing expenses. She even said, in future she will help me with house expenses and everything. She is more mature than a high schooler." 

Her mother shouted at him angrily "Look at you! Won't you feel ashamed to have beautiful girl beside you. People will call names, you a nerd and she a beauty." 

I raised my voice for the first time and said "Will you stop comparing our looks, everything is not about face. I love him for who he is, he has a golden heart which many people don't. About being a nerd so was my father. You should look at my parents college picture. My mom was beauty but my dad was no where near but still they were madly in love. Stop demotivating him and calling him names like that." 

I now knew what Bryan meant when he said people will not accept us you are a beauty and I am a nerd. His mother has being demotivating him and calling him such names. I feel so bad for him, I wish I was there for him always so that he would have never thought about himself as a nerd. He was being bullied at his own home! How pathetic! 

Finally dad said "I think my daughter here is right. I am approving their relationship, I will call of our deal. I am sorry you can have 48% but I am still a majority holder." 

She laughed and said "No my dear, I am the the majority holder. I have 48% share, you have 30% and 22% are with someone else." Dad laughed and said "You think I am a fool? I have been running this business for years, I know who to give shares and in what number." 

Amanda asked "Oh! Really? Then who has the 22% shares? I know it was with your wife but it clearly stated that it will transfer to charity in case of her death. I can get those share from charity anytime by paying them a lot." 

Jake laughed and said "Ms. I think you should have read the date on the will, when it was made." 

Bryan and I were looking at them confused. Dad said "That will was an old will before Sam was born. The new will stated that in case of any of our death the whole shares will be transferred to Sam as soon as she turns 18. You are a months late my dear, the 22% belongs to my daughter." 

I was shocked and asked dad "Then why were you ready to marry her?" Dad smilingly said "For 48%! That's huge too and dear if she is holding 22% then she will have a say in company and I don't want that." 

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