Part 43

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In the evening we came to Wane's house. I was making my way towards the guest room, when Wane stopped me. I asked him "What?"

He said "If we are moving in, it means we move in same room. You are my fiancee and I want to share everything with you, including my room, bed and everything that belongs to me."

I asked him "Are we not moving too fast?" He shook his head and said "No! Come on! You change first I will wait out."

I nodded and went in to change. I changed and came out. Wane was taking the pizza from the delivery guy. 

He gave me and said "Set up the table! I will change and come." I nodded and did as he told me.

While we were eating Wane told me "I have appointed two maid and one cook. Cook will come in afternoon and evening and make lunch and dinner. Maids will come in afternoon and clean the house everyday."

I nodded and asked him "Why this sudden change?"

He smiled, I guess a devil's smile and said "Because you will be busy with studies and I with work. From tomorrow call all your friends here to study. As I said I will help you pass, I am working from home until your exams and help you study. I will make sure you at least get B grade."

I told him "This is cheating but!"

He shook his head, patted my head and said "No baby! What you were thinking to do is cheating and I want you to study and become a businessperson like your dad. I meant it when I said I want you to be self reliant. Remember on your birthday I said I will let you pay when you start earing. I am waiting badly for that day when you come back from office and we go out for dinner and you pay for our food."

I asked him "But my dad has money, you have money why should I study and waste my time."

He said "So that my daughter looks at her mother and want to be like her and not her father."

I asked him "Why are you talking about kids all of a sudden." He took a bite of pizza and said "Because one day I want them with you."

I told him "Stop talking with your mouth full and are you trying to suggest we have sex?"

He choked on his pizza and started coughing. I passed him water and patted his back. When he stopped coughing I asked "You okay now?" 

He asked me "I think Jeremy is rubbing on you. How can you be so straight forward? Where did my shy girl go?" 

I asked him "We have been dating for so long but all we do is hug, kiss and make out session. I have seen many couples in school, they had sex just in the first month of their relationship. I am confused whether you actually want me or not."

He looked into my eyes and said "I want you, I want you badly but I am waiting for you to finish school. I want our first time to be special, I have it all planned after your exam. I don't want you to lose a bet you made with Ellie."

I told him "It's just 1000 bucks! Do you really think I will care about it."

He looked pissed and asked me "Why are you changing? Why are you becoming a daddies little princess? Your father told me your mother used to hate it when you two used to spend on unnecessary things. You were never like this we have money so we can do anything. Why are you becoming like this?" 

I told him "I don't want to be like this. I want us to be like other couples. I see couples in school making out in public, holding hands in the premises and walking around, Doing sweet things for each other. Doing crazy things because they are in love. I hate it because we can't do any of it because then it will be all over the news."

I started crying and he hugged me "I am sorry baby I can't give you the teen love story you want. I promise I will make it all up during our Europe tour. I am sorry!"

I said "You don't have to be sorry! I am sorry I am complaining about things which I know are unreasonable." 

He said "It's okay lets sleep today, we can start studying from tomorrow."

I nodded and asked him "Where should I sleep?" He opened his arms and said "In my arms, I need a cuddle bear."

I laughed and hugged him. He walked us to his room, still hugging and placed me on the bed and lied down hugging me back. He asked me "Comfortable?" 

I snugged more into him and placed my head on his chest and said "More than comfortable. Good Night!" He kissed the temple of my head and said good night.


The days passed by, Ryan, Ellie and Gary used to come to Wane's house and we four used to study. They helped me a lot as I was lacking behind in all the subjects. After they left Wane helped me with Physics and Math. 

Finally our exams were over and I think I did really well this time. I don't know how did I managed to study all the subjects in just two week but magically I did it.

I came out of the class followed by Gary. Ellie and Ryan were in different class and their paper started an hour after us so they were yet to finish it.

We were both discussing our paper in the canteen and Gary said "I am sure you are getting A in this paper. All your answers are correct." I hi-fived him and said "Thanks to you all or I would have surely failed." 

He said "We only helped you with notes, you were the one who did all the hard work."

I smiled and said "Yes that is true! I haven't studied this much since I was born as much as I studied in last two weeks." 

He laughed and I told him "Hey you coming tonight to help Jerry?" He nodded and said "I won't miss his proposal for the world. I am so exited for him and Ellie." 

I smiled and said "Me too! Anyways what is going on with you and Ryan and don't lie nothing. I was studying but I have eyes everywhere. I saw how you two did things for each other when either of the one was studying."

He told me "I like him but I am not sure about his feelings. I am not sure whether he moved on from Krystle."

I said "I am sure he likes you too. Krystle will forever be part of us but she is not coming back Gary. I think you should talk to him or propose him. I may have known him for over a year but I can clearly tell that he has feelings for you. The way he looks at you is so different than the way he looks at any of us."

He asked me "You sure? I don't want to create a misunderstanding between us."

I told him "If I was not sure I won't have asked you to do it but I am 100% sure and hence I am telling you go for him." 

He said "Okay! I will tell him while we are on our trip. In a romantic way." I smiled and said "I will help you if you ever need my help." He nodded.

Soon after talking about trip Ellie and Ryan also came and we went towards parking.

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