Part 7

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I think maybe it will help me know why dad is stressed. He left my room and I took the file and started reading. It was a lot in business language and difficult to understand. But I understood after reading a bit that Amanda Scott owned 48% of my father's company shares. 

Total shareholding dad had was 30%. Remaining shares were not quoted. I knew from what dad had told me that 48% of our share was with public but what I am reading now is only 30% is with dad and more with Amanda. Where is the remaining 22%?

I was so confused. I read further, it stated if Colton marries Scott then all the shares owned by Scott on the day of the marriage will be transferred to Colton. I was shocked would be an understatement. I was confused, so dad is marrying Amanda for the shares, is that why she is here with us. Did dad planned this trip for me to get to know them before marriage.

I read further, it stated more about business, I read on the last page, it was written "Before contacting your father, call me. I need to tell you more." I did as I was told, I called Bryan. 

B: Hey! Whose this?

S: Hi! Samantha here. I am ready to talk, where are you?

B: I am near the pool, I will come to your room. 

S: No wait I will come there, I am feeling a bit suffocated in my room.

He said okay and disconnected the call. I walked towards the pool and saw him doing something on his laptop. I said "Hey I am here!" 

He looked up and said "Give me a minute I will pack my things, we can go and talk at a bit less crowded place. There are many employees cleaning here near the pool." 

I nodded and he kept his laptop in the bag, closed it and said "Come on follow me, I know a perfect place and I am sure you will like it." I asked him "Why are you talking like you know me so well. How would you know if I will like it or not?" 

He still walking said "I am an observer and I know from the talk you and Ryan had that you like mountains. I was walking around when we reached here and found this place." I nodded not wanting to argue. 

After five minutes we reached at the end of the resort. There was a cliff, the resort was on the mountain I knew that but what I saw in front of me was not something I thought I would be seeing. 

There from the cliff if you see down was a town. It was maybe the place from where we had come. Bryan asked me "So did you like it?" I nodded and asked him "What is this contract and why are you telling me about it?" 

He said "I found it on mother's table one night, I read it and wanted to help your dad. I know him, he is a nice man. He agreed to my mother's deal. Today in the plane they had signed the contract, I don't know when they will marry or when they will tell us all. I don't want your father to fell prey of mother's plans." 

I asked him "What are Amanda's plan and why do you want to help my family?" He said "Mr. Colton might not remember me but he has helped me once and I am indebt of him, as for my mother we don't have a good relationship, she keeps on switching husbands who are wealthy, she has been doing it for years." 

I asked him "Okay! But how can I help you in all this?" He asked me "Do you know who owns the remaining share? If it is with Mr. Colton or his trusted person then its okay. But if its with someone, mother will try to buy them and soon when she owns more than 50% shares she will hostile take over the company. After that she will leave your father like she did with her other husbands." 

I told him "I have no clue about it, maybe Jake knows. I can ask him." He said "I know you and your father maybe close to Jake but I am not sure if you should trust him. I mean someone might have leaked small shareholders list to my mom and hence she has it. What if it was Jake? I am not sure who to trust, so I told you. Your father is really a good man and should not fall in this trap." 

I asked him "How many men did Amanda actually married?" He told me "My father was the first one, after that I don't know I was small but when I grew up and understood there were five. She started it after my father's death or maybe she was the reason for my father's death but I don't want to talk about him. Last one was two years ago, Ryan's dad. Ryan is my step brother and Rachel is our half sister. I will tell you later about all this but I want to know if you are ready to help me?" 

I nodded and said "I will help you! Can you tell me just one thing why did Ryan leave with his father? I mean all I know his that he left last year without even telling his friends there has to be a reason." 

I wanted to know why Ryan left just after Krystle told she liked him. I mean I still think Ryan might had his reason, he looks nice and caring type and the way he talked about Krystle, I think he too had a soft corner for her. 

He said "Last year his dad Mr. Hall was fighting a custody case against mother. She wanted Rachel and he wanted her to come with him as she is his daughter too. Mother found some dirt or may I say she blackmailed Mr. Hall if he did not leave and withdraw the case she will leak something about him." 

He took a deep breath and continued "I was close to Mr. Hall, he told me to look after Rachel. He was really a good dad, Ryan wanted to stay but Ryan had no choice but to leave. He wanted to say good bye to his friends, I heard him and Mr. Hall talking but Mr. Hall said they had to leave that very instance. Ryan is still immature so we did not tell him what was happening and why they had to leave. He still hates his dad for not letting him stay for a day and he came here saying he was visiting Rachel. But in real he was here to meet his friends. Mr. Hall allowed him just because he wanted Ryan to forgive him. I just hope they reconcile." 

I smiled for the first time in so long and muttered "I knew he was not bad, I knew they had misunderstanding. I hope Krystle returns soon so they can meet before he have to leave." Bryan gave me a confused look and asked "What?" 

I shook my head and said "Nothing! Can you tell me how I can help you?" He said "I know it may sound weird, but I found a loop hole in the contract and asked my lawyer to draft the contact with that loop hole. I swapped the contract and now the one which Amanda and your father signed is the one made by me. The one you read." 

I asked "What's the loop hole? I did not understand much, can you help me with it?" He said "There were names return Amanda Scott to marry Albert Colton, I changed it to Scott to marry Colton after I did some research on Mr. Colton." 

I asked "So how will it help? I mean its the same right?" 

He said "You are Colton and I am Scott! My mom use my dad's surname till now and so our last names are same. If you agree we can make our own contract. We will get married before mother can get hold of other shares. We can say we fell in love during the trip and then after a year we can divorcee saying we fell out of love. I mean that way Mr. Colton will not fell prey of mother's plan and you can save your company." 

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