Part 33

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Monday rolled by soon and here I am driving to school with my bodyguard. On the way we picked up Ryan and Ellie.

Ryan asked me "Why a driver today?" 

I told them "Meet Ross! He is my body guard." Ross waved at them and Ryan asked "Why a body guard all of a sudden?" 

I told him "Your ex mother found out about Bryan being Wane." He looked shocked and said "Oh! That's why yesterday even Rachel got a body guard." I nodded and said "Poor kid!"

Ross even made me change my emergency no. from Jake to his. Ross was so handsome that the whole day girls kept flirting with him and he complaining about teenage hormones getting on his nerves. 

Finally school was over but we sat in library to discuss our group assignment. Ross was standing near the door as there was no chair outside library room for him. Outside all my classes there was a chair for him and he sat down there.  

I called him "Hey Ross! You can sit here with us." He nodded and sat down on an empty chair near us.

Ryan told us "I had a talk with Wane and he agreed to meet us today after school. He will help us with our project." 

When I heard Wane's name an idea clicked in my mind and I took out my phone. I secretly clicked Ross's picture and send Wane saying "Hey isn't my bodyguard hot?"

I was drinking water when Wane replied. I saw his message whereas the other three were taking a note of things we have to write in our assignment.

"Sure he is hot but sadly married and has a two year old daughter. Crush all you want but you are forgetting about the eye candy called your boyfriend." 

I laughed and everyone looked my way. Ellie asked "What?" I shrugged.

Ryan said "Okay we are done. I texted Wane we are coming. Are you all ready?" I shook my head and said "No I want to go home and change. I don't want to look like a kid when we visit his office?" 

Ryan asked "Why is your crush there?" I gave a sarcastic smile and said "I am going home and changing and that's final." 

Gary for the first time said "Okay we all can go to our own places and change then meet directly at Wane's office." I nodded and we all left.

In the car Ellie said "You are such a drama queen! He has seen you in school uniform thousands of times." I rolled my eye and said "It is different now!" 

Ryan shockingly asked "Did you two finally do it on your date on Saturday?"

I screamed "What is everyone's problem? Why are everyone interested in our sex life? First Jeremy, then dad and now you." 

All three of them laughed and Ross said "When you start dating your friends are always like this until you actually do it. Same happened with me and my wife when we had started dating." 

After that Ellie and Ryan kept teasing me. Finally we were home and I changed quickly. Today Wane has send me his work selfie in the morning and he was wearing a blue shirt. I had same color shirt dress so wore it. 

I then came down and told Ross "I am ready we can leave now." He nodded and we left.

On the way we picked up Ryan and Ellie and reached Wane's office. Before getting down from the car I said "I am so nervous I am visiting his office for the first time." 

Ellie commented "Keep your hormones in check! We will have Gary with us."

I rolled my eyes and said "I did not do anything." Then we came out to see Gary waiting for us on the gate.

We all went up, I guess people here knew Ryan as no one stopped us and some even greeted Ryan.

When we were up on 26th floor Ryan told us. "This is Wane's floor! There are two conference room and two cabin. One is Jeremy's and other Wane's. There outside desk is of floor secretary. She is way too rude but really good in her job." 

Gary asked "How do you know so much? Even people know you here. Are you and Wane close?"

Ryan nodded and said "He is like an elder brother to me. Come on I will talk to her." 

He then talked to the lady "Hey! I had an appointment with Wane today. Tell him Ryan is here."

She looked at everyone of us and asked "Are all this people with you?" He nodded and she called from an intercom phone. 

She gave me a weird look and I asked Ryan "Why is she giving me that look?" Ryan whispered in my ear "Maybe she knows her boss's girlfriend." 

I rolled my eye and she said "Sir is waiting for you all inside. You know the way Ryan!"

Ryan nodded and Ross said "I will wait outside, I think I am no more needed until you are here." 

We went in, Wane was sitting on a chair and beside him on other chair Jeremy was sitting. He waved at us happily. Wane said "Come in we were waiting for you." 

We all sat down, I exactly in front of Wane. Ryan said "Wane you know Ellie and Sam, he is Gary our other friend"

Wane said "I know him we met in school, right Mr. Seth?" 

Gary was smiling and asked "Sir you remember me?"

Wane nodded and asked "Okay with what do you need my help with." Gary and Ryan were explaining what we are supposed to do exactly.

When they were done explaining Wane said "Okay! You can go out with Jeremy and ask my manufacturing department and designing department for help and they will completely help you. After you are done compiling all the information I will read it all and give you more details or the points which my employees forget to tell you. You don't have to complete it all in one day. You can visit here whenever you want." 

Ryan said "Thank you Wane! Then we will not take anymore of your time. We will get back to you soon when we are done compiling the information." Wane nodded and I said "Okay Wane see you around." 

Jeremy said "Samantha can you wait here please and work on this floor. We got special instructions from your father to not let you mingle around due to some security reasons."

I nodded and said "But I have my bodyguard with me." 

Wane said "But it is your father's order and I have to follow his orders, he is our business partner." I nodded and said "But I can't let Ellie be alone." 

Ellie rolled her eyes and said "It's okay! Ryan, Gary and Jeremy are with me. I think your safety is our priority at this moment."

Gary said "Yes I agree too. We will manage it, you don't worry. If we will have any questions we will text you and you can ask sir and reply to us." 

I nodded and said "Okay then! See you all later." They all went out and Jeremy before leaving said "Thank me for the idea! Now you two can have some alone time. If condoms are needed it's in my desk you can get it."

I hit him and asked "Why do you have so many condoms? We don't need it but I am sure you have been using it a lot." Jeremy laughed and went out. 

Wane said "Am I not going to get a kiss and hug? We are meeting after two days."

I asked him "Two days? We met day before yesterday. So it's one day." 

He shook his head and said "No last time we met was two nights ago. After meeting you I slept for two nights, so it's like we are meeting after two days." 

I rolled my  eyes and said "You are crazy! Anyways your secretary outside does not like me. When we came she was giving me weird looks. Does she know about us?" 

He said "I am not sure maybe. My phone and mac books display picture is of us. First it was Bryan and you and now it's Wane and you. So maybe she might have seen it. She uses my mac book many times to send an official mail or some other work." 

We kept talking, while he did his work. He was so good at multi tasking, he completed his work even while talking to me. 

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