Part 38

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Five days passed by, it was so boring. Luckily the men kept me company and one of them even taught me to cook a bit.

Now I can easily make sandwich, instant foods, shakes and fresh fruit juices.

Let me introduce you all to these man. The main gate guards are Jordan and Ethan. Then outside the door are Leo and Hunter. Inside the house are River and Jasper.

Wane made sure to hire only those men who are married. I laughed thinking how can Wane be so jealous even in times like this. 

Anyway they all take turns and sleep alternatively. At least three of them are awake at one time. Anyways here I am making soup and chicken pasta for dinner and Jasper is teaching me how to make it. 

After I was done cooking, I served it in seven plates and clicked picture to show Wane later.

For the past five days, all I ever did was cook, sleep, read news about me or Wane or dad and play PUBG with the men in the house.

They even taught me how to play it. Jeremy and Ryan are so going to be happy to meet someone more in the group who can play the game. 

Anyways after dinner I went back to my room and called it a night as I had nothing better to do.

River kept the leftover food and cleaned the kitchen as it was his duty as Jasper and I cooked and outside men were like me, they knew nothing about kitchen or cooking.

After few hours I felt someone shaking my arms and calling my name. I opened my eyes and saw Wane sitting on the corner of my bed.

He was playing with my hair and said "Hey wake up! I sneaked out to meet you and have only one hour."

I got up and hugged him, I was missing them all so much. I asked him "Why are you here?"

He asked me "Want to come back home? Tomorrow by evening all this will be over and you can finally be back home." 

I asked him "Really?" He nodded and said "Yes! I will have to take your phone which I brought few days ago and tomorrow afternoon the men will also be gone, but don't worry we will all have eyes on you and I will not let that bitch hurt you." 

I smiled and said "Don't worry I will be fine and I know you will not let me get hurt."

He smiled and asked "How are you holding up here? Sorry I could not call you daily as sometimes your father called and we could not have let it look suspicious by talking on phone for too long." 

I nodded and said "It's okay! You know Jasper and River taught me to cook and today I made soup and your favorite chicken pasta."

He asked "Do I need to check the kitchen? Is it still the same like I left or burned?" 

I hit him on his arms and said "There is some leftover, I was going to give you but now I won't."

He laughed and said "You know I love to tease you baby! Come on you have to share it with me."

I shook my head and said "I am sleeping, I hate you! I am trying to learn to cook for you and your are making fun of me." 

I was about to sleep when Wane pulled me up, now I was on his lap and he was hugging me.

He said "I am sorry! I love you so much you know that right?" I nodded and said "I love you too! See I cut my finger the other day and burned a part of my wrist on the first day but still I want to do it for you." 

He checked my wrist and said "You are officially banned from entering the kitchen. I can't see you hurt. Why did the boys not inform me?" 

I smiled and said "But now I have learnt a lot and doing it properly without getting hurt. About boys I warned them not to tell you."

He said "Still you are so careless. Look at your wrist, did it pain a lot?" 

I shook my head and said "No! I am fine Wane. Come down I will heat the pasta and soup for you."

He nodded and followed me. I heated the food for him and we talked about how everyone was doing. 

Soon an hour passed by and Wane left. I was so upset today he only hugged me, he did not even kissed me once. I am so going to get my revenge soon.

After that I went back up in my room and slept back again hoping tomorrow we are free from that witch. I hope we never see her again.

The next morning after breakfast, Jasper told me "We all are leaving! I am sorry but we will have to tie you up and go."  I nodded and said "It's okay! But where are you all going?" 

Jasper told me "We have rented a house in front of this house. We are keeping an eye on you and there are hidden cameras and bugs so we know what exactly is going on here."

I asked him "When did you all installed cameras? You told me that we don't have cameras or anything."

He explained "We installed yesterday afternoon when you were sleeping. Now your father from your home and us from in front can see and hear whatever is going on here."  

I nodded and said "Oh! That explains!"

He gave me a confused look and asked "What?" I shook my head and said "Nothing! I am done, what do I need to do?" 

He told me "I am bringing you the dress you were wearing on the day you got kidnapped. Change into it. Then we will move all your other things from here and make it look like you have been in so much trouble." 

I changed and came down, then gave them the clothes I was wearing earlier as I saw my suitcase was missing.

He said "Sit down and give us your wrist, we need to paint it to make it like you have been tied for days." 

He painted my wrist and then foot. It look exactly like a mark of being tied for a long time. He even made a slap mark on my cheeks and under my eyes, he by using eye shadow made it look like I hadn't slept in days and have been crying. 

Then my hair were completely messed and little oil put on it, now it looks like I haven't washed it in ages.

In short now I look exactly like a captive. My dress was a bit torn and all dusty. Thank God I had left my jacket in car that day or it would have also been destroyed. 

They then said "Okay it's time now. We will leave, see you later." I waved at them and said "Good bye!"

They left me after tying my hands and legs and covering my eyes by a black cloth.

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