Part 14

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I was happy to know that the boy I met on tinder was actually real and not a fake person. At first when I found out about Wane from google, I thought maybe the person I am talking to is fake. But I liked talking to him so I continued.

When finally he added me on Instagram and his profile was verified, I was so happy. I was on cloud nine. I don't know why but I was too delighted to know that it was not at all fake. 

So finally, it was five, I planned to go back to my room and get ready for the dinner. I specifically ordered the cook to make everything using Vegan food products. I don't even know why I told them that all the dishes should be Vegan when only one person out of three is Vegan. 

I don't even know what he likes but I hope so whatever is in the menu he likes it. I took a long shower and got ready. I wore a tank top and shorts. I mean why should I dress up in my own home and for whom? It's not like we are real couple, who would love to dress up for each other. 

I came back down at around 6, dad was still not back. A butler asked me "Ma'am there is a boy named Bryan on the door." I told him "Let him in! He is our guest tonight." 

Soon Bryan was shown the way by the butler, who after escorting Bryan in left. I stood up to greet him.

"Hey! You cleaned up well." I said looking at him well dressed. He was wearing a nice suit and looked handsome. If he has normal straight hair and remove those over sized glasses, he would look like a model and no more a nerd. 

When he is wearing this suit and not his regular over sized t-shirt you can say he has a gym build body. His biceps were clearly visible, his broad shoulders and I may not be shocked if he had six pack abs.

He looked towards me and said "Thank you! You look basic! Like everyday." I smiled and he said "I brought flowers for you and caramel chocolates I hope you like it."

I took the flowers and the chocolates, then told him "I love caramel chocolates! They are my favorite."

He smiled, I told him to sit down and went to keep the flowers in a vase. I then asked him "Dad is still not here, in mean time you want something to drink?"

He just shook his head and asked "So when does your vacation end?" I told him "They end next month." 

He nodded and then we both were quiet not knowing what to say. I asked him "When is Ryan leaving? I plan to meet him before he goes back." 

Bryan told me "His father is coming day after than both of them will be leaving a week later along with Rachel." 

I asked him "Wasn't Rachel's custody with your mother?" He nodded and said "It was but now with no money she sold Rachel to Mr. Hall in exchange of some millions. She is like that!"

I nodded and said "I am sorry to hear that. Then I will meet Ryan this week before he leaves." He did not say anything after that nor did I. My phone rang, it was Krystle so I answered it "Hey!" 

K: Hey!
She was on crying, I am sure her voice was low and she was sniffing. 

S: What happened? Why are you crying all okay? 

K: No nothing is okay! I don't know what to do Sam I am totally lost, I am dying Sam.

S: What do you mean by dying? What is going on there? You are scaring me.

K: I fainted few days ago and have been feeling weak for a couple of days now. I keep feeling dizzy all the time. When I fainted, my parents took me to doctor and he ran some test. I am diagnosed by lung cancer stage IV. I have maximum of 4-5 months Sam! I can die anytime.

I was now crying.

S: No, nothing will happen to you. Where are you I am coming as soon as possible. Please don't leave me Krystle I can't live without you. 

K: I am in hospital, New City hospital, Ohio. 

S: I am coming there tomorrow morning. Don't worry nothing will happen to you and I won't let anything happen to you. 

After that she disconnected the call as she was too tired. I was still crying, forgetting Bryan sitting in front of me. 

He sat beside me and rubbed my back and asked "What happened? Why are you crying?" 

I told him what was going on, he hugged me and consoled me. He said "If you want I can drive you tonight. Today due to unseasonal heavy rains all the flights are suspended for two days." 

I then remembered that I can't even take a chartered plane due to weather conditions and asked him "You sure? Its an eight hour long journey!" 

He nodded and said "It's okay I can do that. She is important to you and Ryan. If you don't mind can he come with us? From what I know they were kind of too close, he will be broken too after hearing this." 

I nodded and said "Okay I will pack and you inform him. Whenever you are ready we can leave." 

I heard dad say "First have dinner! I heard everything, I will contact the best team of doctor for Krystle. I arranged today's meeting to see if Bryan's feeling for you were real or not but now seeing him care about you, I can surely say that he is the best for you. I approve this relationship!" 

I silently ate my food and went to my room. After an hour dad came to my room and said "Bryan is waiting downstairs for you." I nodded and took my bag down.

Bryan told dad "Sir! Don't worry about Samantha I will take good care of her and bring her back safely." 

Dad hugged him and said "I trust you son and hence I am allowing you to take her with you. When she is stressed she does not eats for days, please make sure she stays healthy."

He nodded and after few more instructions from dad, we left. He told me on the way "Ryan will come after two days. We did not wanted to let Rachel be alone with my mother or at his aunt's place, so day after his dad will be here and he will come then." 

I apologized "I am sorry because of me you have to go through all this trouble." He shook his head and said "It's okay!" 

The drive there was mostly silent with few sobs from me and consoling words from Bryan. 

We left from New York around 8:30 pm and reached Ohio around 6 am in the morning. Bryan checked us in a hotel near the hospital. He booked two adjoining room for us. 

I was woken up around 9 am by Bryan as the visiting hours in the hospital starts from 10 am. After that I got ready and went down to leave. But Bryan forced me to have breakfast before leaving. 

I hurriedly ate a sandwich, along with a cup of coffee. After which Bryan dropped me at the hospital and said to call him when I am done as he is going back to the hotel. 

He is such a caring person, he does not even know me and still helping me so much. I don't know how will I ever return this favor. 

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