Part 18

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It's been a week since the school started. The days passed by pretty fast and I was actually happy this time. I had become so busy these day. First school, after which Ryan and I study together.

In evening I chat with Wane a lot. We talk a lot this days, he is quiet funny actually. But the thing is its not just Wane whom I talk to, I talk to Bryan too daily.

We talk about random shits and he calls me daily saying that Ryan has been bugging him to give time to me. 

So now our late night calls has been his way of giving time. I am so confused between Wane and Bryan, both of them have been so nice to me and I don't know but I have started liking them both. I don't know if I have to choose who will I choose.

On Friday evening Ryan left for DC to help his father pack things and move. He will come back on Wednesday. So here I am back to school alone today. School is quiet boring without Ryan now. 

It was lunch break and the whole day Evan a jock from our school has been passing comments on me. I have never talked to him, I don't know what his problem is.

He was like "Hey nerd! Where is your bodyguard boyfriend?" "Are you happy to kill your best friend for Ryan?" He kept talking shit and his followers that is all the football players and cheerleaders squad kept passing comment whole day.

I was tired of it and hence went to library to have a peaceful time. But here is he following me here too. "Hey nerd! I knew I would find you here. Till when can you run from me? You think you will ignore me and I will let you?" 

I looked at him he was alone this time and shouted "What the hell is your problem? I am not saying anything or complaining to teacher does not mean that you could do what you want." 

He laughed and said "Oh really! Can you do anything let me see what you can do? Last year you had Krystle to protect you and this year Ryan. But now none are here you think you can get away from me?"

I asked him "What did I even do to you? I will complaint about you if you don't leave me alone." 

He laughed and said "Complaint! You think teachers will believe you over me? I run this school! If you forgot my dad is a trustee here. As far as you asking me what did you do? Remember last year your first day in school?" 

I shook my head and said "As far as I remember it was like any other day. I don't think I did anything that would piss you off." 

He sat down on the table and said "No you did! Because of you I lost a bet and crawled down the popularity ladder. You by rejecting me insulted me, when I asked you to be my friend. You rejected me in front of everyone, saying I looked like a vampire and you are afraid of me. Since then everybody called my vampire and made fun of me. Krystle was more famous and everyone's favorite and I could not do anything with her being always around you. That would have been a social suicide. After she left I was going to get my revenge but my man Ryan was back. We were best friends but he was always with you and just a nod towards me. He started behaving like a stranger with me because of you." 

I told him "I did not tell Ryan to not talk to you and as far as first day I think I remember that incident now. You were wearing all black that day. It was a sunny day and too hot but the black leather jacket and the black pants you were wearing made me remember the Twilight scene and I just randomly said that as I was nervous. I am sorry if you felt offended but I did not mean it like that."

He said "Your sorry won't bring back the humiliation I had gone. You will pay for it now."

Before I could reply he slapped me and closed my mouth with his hand. He then dragged me towards the janitor's room, while I struggled to get out of his grip. 

He locked the janitor's door from inside after we were in and then out of nowhere he started kissing me and his one hand was caressing my breast. I kicked him to back away, I so wanted to be out of his grip. 

I somehow managed to break the kiss and pushed him away. I then kicked him as Jake had thought me on his private part and ran away from there. I removed my phone from my jeans pocket and called Jake. 

Jake answered within seconds. Dad had told me in emergency always to call Jake as dad may not answer his phone sometimes but Jake will always do it. 

J: Hey! What happened? Bunking again? 

S: Jake help me! 

I still running towards the teacher room told him.

J: Where are you? Why are you crying? What happened?

S: In school please come fast Jake!

After that the phone fell from my hand but I did not stop to pick it up. I kept running till I was in teachers room.

As I reached teachers room, Evan too reached just before I could say something.

He said before me "This girl here forcefully tried to kiss me and when I rejected her she said she will complain against me saying that I had molested her."

I shouted "No he is lying! He tried to harass me."

The only teacher in the staff room said "Ms. Colton I think you are lying. Why would Evan Horn do it? He is a good boy and an amazing student. I don't think he can do any such thing." 

I asked her "Why will I lie? He has been calling me names since morning and when I told him I will complain he abused me." 

The teacher asked me "Do you have any evidence he did it? I don't think a well mannered boy like him could do this." 

She than told us "Go bring evidence if any of you have then I will take the matter to the principal." With that she left. 

He came towards me and said "See I told you no one will trust you. This isn't over and go find evidence. Bye!"

He then slapped my ass before leaving. 

As he left I fell on the ground and started crying. While I was crying, someone kept their hand on my shoulder and with fear I threw the hand away and turned to see a girl. 

She asked me "Hey you okay? Here take this?" She gave me a napkin to clean my face. 

I shook my head and narrated her everything that happened. I don't know why but I felt that I could and I should trust her.

She hugged me and said "You are safe now. We can complaint to other teacher or principal I am sure someone will support you."

I told her still crying "He is trustees son, no one will believe me over him." She told me "Call your parents maybe they can help."

I told her "While running her, I dropped my phone. I don't remember my father or anyone else number."

She said "Come on I will help you look for it. I am new here, it's my first day if I go looking for it alone I may get lost. I am sure you won't want to be alone too." 

I nodded, finally trusting her I stopped crying and went with her. She said "By the way I am Elizabeth but you can call me Ellie. I will help you look for evidence I am sure we will find something against him for sure."

I hugged her and said "Thank you so much Ellie! I don't know what would I have done without you. I am Samantha!" 

I heard from behind me "Sam!" I turned and looked at my dad. I ran towards him, hugged him and cried. 

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