Part 10

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By the time Bryan left it was already 5:30. I got up from my bed, did my morning routine and got ready for hiking.

At around 6:30 I came out of the villa, I went out for a walk around. There were not many people around, just few tourist and hotel staff.

After about 15 minutes walk I was back towards our villa and saw dad and Jake coming out of their villa. Dad saw me asked "You are up early?"

I nodded and said "You know how excited I am! When I am excited I can't sleep much."

He nodded and we saw Bryan and Ryan coming out. Bryan smiled and said "Good morning Mr. Colton! Sam!"

Jake had left to arrange breakfast and then hiking. I waved at them and dad wished him back. Bryan informed us "Mother and Rachel won't be coming with us for hiking, so we can leave now."

We went to dining area for breakfast and after that we went hiking. When we reached up while hiking after about an hour, the scene in front was so beautiful and to die for.

I took out my camera and clicked pictures. I even clicked pictures of others and with others.

After resting for 30 minutes and having some refreshments it was time to go back. Dad asked "How about race?"

I nodded and asked "I am in! Whoever reach down first can ask anything they want from the other. Deal?"

Dad said "Deal! You are so going to lose Sam, you know I was into athletic in school and college."

I rolled my eye and said "That was when you were young. You are an old man now!" Bryan and Ryan laughed and Bryan suggested "How about we do it in pair? I mean what if one of you fall or sprain your leg while going down. There has to be someone with you."

Ryan said "Yes I want to be part of this race too. How about Sam and I be one team and Bryan and Mr. Colton another."

I was about to agree when Bryan said "No! Its me and Sam vs you two. Jake count to three when we are ready and we will start."

I nodded and said "Yes I want Bryan, he is faster than you. I saw while we were coming up."

Ryan gave a fake hurt look and said "How mean! Anyways be ready to lose, come on Mr. Colton we have to win." I laughed at them and soon the race started.

I said while we were going down to Bryan "I don't want to lose because I know what I want from dad."

He nodded and said "We won't lose, we are ahead of them. You know I wish I too had a father like yours."

I joked "He was going to be your step dad but now I guess you want him as your father in law."

He just laughed and said "Very funny! Anyways as much as I know you, I guess you will ask your father about the contract?"

I said "I would but not directly. Last night when I came back from the cliff after our talk, I had a talk with dad he looked worried. I will tell him to tell me the real reason as to why he was worried."

He nodded and after few more minutes we were finally down. I did a victory dance and said "Finally I am getting my answer today." He laughed and said "Then I will also ask something from Ryan for losing."

I asked him "What will you ask?" He was about to answer but dad and Ryan were back.

I laughed and said "We won! Take it in your face old man! Ryan!" Dad said "Okay we accept we lost this one but we can have other competition too in future."

I nodded and said "That we can but dad now I want my award. I will ask you something and you can't lie."

He nodded and Bryan said "Ryan same goes for you as you were in the losing team." Ryan rolled his eye and said "What you want to ask?"

Bryan said "Nothing yet but remember I could ask anytime in future. Now come let them talk." I mouthed 'thanks' to Bryan and he took Jake along too.

Dad and I sat down on a bench at the resort and dad said "Ask! I know what you will ask but I made a deal and I can't back out now. Anyways one day I had to tell you so its better to tell now than later."

I asked "What is worrying you? I know you are worried so tell me honestly dad."

Dad told me finally "Companies 48% shares are owned by Amanda. I don't know how but she brought it from the small shareholders. If she by any chance gets another 3% it will be hostile takeover. She wants to marry me in exchange of shares. I signed a contract where its stated I will get 48% shares if we both get married. I had to do it for the company, because of her last month I lost a very big opportunity. So now to save our company I have to do it."

I pretended to be shocked and said "No dad you can't marry her. Its not about I don't want you to move on. You can move on but with someone else dad. You can't do this to me."

He asked me "What did I do to you? I told you even before Jake knew." I fake cried and said "Dad I love Bryan! We have been dating for past four months now. I knew him even before the trip. Dad, Bryan and I were going to tell you but we were not sure when to tell. Please don't do this to me, I can't have him as my step brother dad. Please!"

Dad was shocked and said "Are you mad? When did you meet and you know he is older than you." I said "We met around five months ago dad, when I visited Krystle. After that we became friends and soon started dating. I know he is older but dad so are many people. Age is nothing but a number."

I paused and saw dad was still not convinced and further continued "Dad yesterday you saw how I was uncomfortable around the pool, but he kept me sane. He even ordered my favorite food and then took me back to my room early so that I can be relaxed. See he cares a lot."

Dad said "I am not sure Sam, you are just 18." I said "Dad there maybe a loophole in contract or something? I don't want to lose him dad, I love him a lot. He is the best think that happened to me after mom's death and I am finally happy dad. Please find something dad, you can't marry Amanda."

Dad said "I will talk to Bryan and then think about something. You know I can never say no to any of your wishes but if after my talk with Bryan, I feel he is not good for you I will break things off."

I nodded and said "But you will give him a fair chance please dad." He nodded and said "Okay but no PDA."

I asked "Did you see us doing PDA in last 24 hours?" He said "I will think of something, come on."

We went back and I went to my villa and dad to his. I saw Bryan waiting outside my room and when he saw me he asked "Did he tell? Did you tell?"

I nodded and said "I told him, I have recorded our conversation for you to know exactly what I said so that our story is same. I will forward you listen to it and remember it."

He nodded and said "Okay then I will leave now see you later." After that I went in, forwarded him the recording and saw two new notification. One was Krystle's message from last night and other was a tinder notification."

I saw Krystle's message "No behave normally, or he will know I told you. If he says anything about me or about the incident do let me know."

I replied back "Sure! How are wedding preparation going? When are you coming back?"

Then I opened tinder and saw Wine's message "Hey beautiful! How is your trip going on?"

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